Tag Archives: fans
Protected: Trivia: Life On-Line
Protected: Pussy in a Box
Protected: Don’t Fuck Me, Photograph Me!
Housewife to Hotwife: Ginger’s Transformation Story

Ginger reading “Sexy Shorts” in her cute “Fuck You” panties
Ginger (not her real name) and her family lived not too far from the City of Sin. Yet, you would never know it from her day-in, day-out routine. She had met her husband, Joe, in her early twenties when she was wild, winsome, and as wicked as her long red hair suggested. Before too long they were married, having a baby, and Ginger went from raising holy hell to becoming a happy homemaker.
A few years in and she had gained a few pounds, or quite a few – getting up close to 200. She was happy, but unsatisfied. Content, but longing. Secure, but wanting to feel sexy.
Then, one day, she happened to come across a gym that promised to sculpt, firm, and transform its clients into bikini contest winners. She signed up. Within six months she had shed fifty pounds and turned her arms, legs, abs, and glutes into firm flexing features of feminine beauty. Feminine, not in the sense of delicate and dainty, but in the sense of a Greek goddess – a powerful, proportioned epiphany.

Fit Ginger Hotwife
Soon Ginger was convinced to compete on the bikini beauty circuit and she was winning!!! Her total transformation garnered her a lot of attention – from friends, family, and fans. Suddenly, her long ignored libido was longing for more. Late one night she was in bed, Joe sleeping soundly next to her, as she surfed the web. She came across mysexlifewithlola.com. She scrolled, read, and fapped until the sheets were soaked. Intrigued, she ordered Match, Cinder & Spark: Sexy Shorts. When it arrived, she shared it with her hubby, reading together in bed.

Fit Ginger Hotwife Faps to Lola
“What do you think?” she nervously asked him.
“Think – about what?”
“About Lola. What she does.”
“Really? You like that she sleeps with other guys. . . and women?”
Ginger saw her opening.
“How would you like it if I did that?” she asked, before going down on him. She let the question sink in as she sucked his cock.
The next night they read another chapter, “Pride Day,” about Lo jacking off a guy in a bar.

Fit Ginger Hotwife studying up
“Are you willing to share me?” Ginger asked Joe.
“Are you for real?”
“I want to be fucked by many, many men.”

Fit Ginger Hotwife in her strappy shoes and with “Sexy Shorts”
Before too long, Ginger was having parties of five men in hotel rooms, going down on the other female competitors in the bikini contests, and creating an OnlyFans page. Her hope on the horizon is to become an escort at one of the many legal brothels in Nevada. Go to work, fuck ten or twenty guys, come home with a bra stuffed with hundreds, lie down next to Joe, tell him about her hard day at work, and have him fuck her well-used pussy as if he were another John.

Fit Ginger Hotwife enjoys being used
This November, she wrote to us to say “Thanks Lo and HH! Happy Thanksgiving!”


Hotwife 101

Learn to be a hotwife

Fit Ginger Hotwife – hotpockets!

fitgingerhotwife – anal
Protected: Spank Bang
Sexy Hotwife, Pornstar, MILF Sara Anne Reads Match, Cinder & Spark

Sara Anne
Who is this sexy reader, you ask.
This is Sara Anne – hotwife, amateur porn star, MILF, and avid reader of Match, Cinder & Spark.
Wait! Correction! Sara Anne has actually now made the transition to professional porn star!

Sara Anne
This cute country girl, mom of two, hotwife of 17 years, has turned her fun – fucking other men – into a side hustle and now is going pro! She just did her first professional porno shoot and is looking forward to doing more.
She’s also an avid reader, as you might be able to surmise from the library she has. (I know that you’re looking at the books in the photo below.)

Sara Anne Rides
She recently reached out to us and kindly requested a promo copy to add to her collection. We were happy to provide it!
Enjoy Sara Anne!
Protected: Family Fan Mail
Keeping it Hot and Wet

Couples Reading Together Have More Fun
We are delighted to share with you the words and photos of a feisty married couple who have been enjoying Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts.
Actually, they go by the screen name of “Feisty Marriedcouple” and that is not false advertising!!!
They first got into the blog and sent us some photos of them getting off to pics on the internet. But then they got the book and sent us some new photos. Not only are they incredibly sexy (individually and together), but they manage to take great shots of themselves while in the act! Such talent!!!

Their first cumtribution
I hope you enjoy what they have shared.

Sometimes, when he’s away, she enjoys the blog alone.
“Hey Lola, we did get a chance to read a couple of stories this afternoon! We enjoyed them very much! We also took some pics while reading. Well, to be honest, we took a lot of pics before reading, then ended up fucking because we were so turned on. THEN we read some stories while she used her wand.”

Sometimes when she’s away he enjoys the blog alone.
“It was actually a lot of fun! And the stories are great! Great stories, beautifully written, and not dragged out for 200 pages. It’s like having Literotica distilled down to the good stuff and having it injected straight into your veins!”

But they enjoy the blog most together!

That’s it, jack off and cum!

What a nice cock. Will she be jealous?

Good boy!

I guess he really likes Lo

Recommended way for a man to read erotica.

Recommended way for a woman to read erotica (unless she’s being eaten out by another woman)

To be clear, orgasms can be had from the book alone, but why not add other forms of stimulation?

Do you want to read with me?

Is the book making you hard or my ass and cunt?

Reading between the lines

This should be required reading in college!

Bedtime reading

Art imitates life and then life imitates art.

Don’t forget to clean up.
A few more from our good friends:

Lola Loves Dick

Lola’s version

Lo’s version of the shower pic

Ready for Reentry Daddy

Lola’s Gifts
Labor Day – Two Women who Work

Mrs. Sins
Today is Labor Day and in honor of those who work, we want to introduce you to two friends (of ours and each other) who work hard for their money. We also want to ask you to support them through a very special gift.
Samantha (Sammi) Masog and Mrs. Sins.
I’ll let Sammi tell you about herself and her business:
My name is Sammi. I am from a small town in central Minnesota. I am currently expecting my first child. My husband and I are very excited and nervous! We have two beautiful little kittys named Heinrich and Leonardo. I have always loved photography. I am the person that notices the small things most would overlook.
While looking to make a living from the thing I love doing I stumbled across boudoir. It was super intriguing to me. It was a way for women to feel like the sexual creatures that they are, but also gave them a chance to see their beauty in a different light. We sometimes get stuck in being a role for other people and forget to see who we really are. So I started taking on clients. It was incredible to see these people light up with the way they saw themselves through my eyes. I ended up with a whole new appreciation for the human form. In every body is something truly spectacular. If you look for the beauty, it’s easy to see. Society has made this a much more difficult task, especially towards ourselves. Because of this and knowing exactly how it feels to be told you’re not pretty enough and that no one wants you, I want to make sure women everywhere know that is untrue. That led me to become a life coach. I wanted to help people in a more specific way. So I honed in on empowering women. Thus my Empowerment Coaching was born.
I coach women to unlearn the negative things about themselves and to learn how to embrace the beauty they already behold. Through monthly or biweekly session I help break down those barriers that keep us thinking “I wish I looked like (blank).” We work on affirmations to ensure that you are your most confident and true self. There is so much more to this world than just looking beautiful all the time. We need to cherish every part of ourselves. And I want to help people do that. When I combine coaching with my photography I can help women truly accept who they are and not who they think they should be.

Samantha Masog, Self Portrait
Samantha has used her talents and art to inspire so many women to be confident and proud of themselves. And, as she describes it, it is a labor of love. She also will be going into labor soon.
Speaking of going into labor, Mrs. Sins – already confident and proud of her beauty – took a set of photos when she was pregnant that we think you might enjoy!

Mrs. Sins expecting

Mrs. Sins Pregnant
Though she sometimes takes selfies, usually Mrs. Sins is photographed by her loving husband, Mr. Sins. Though he tends to be a little more camera shy than the Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. Sins
Unlike a lot of the people we profile here, Mr. & Mrs. Sins don’t run an OF page or anything else to make money off of their artful photography. They do it for the sheer love of it.

Did I say “sheer”?
They recently requested a copy of Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts and said that they loved it!

Mrs. Addy Sins reads Match, Cinder & Spark

Cover as Cover Up

Sometimes Mommy Needs some Alone Time
In order to show our appreciation and to help out two amazing women, we ask you to contact Sammi and make a donation to help pay for Addy to do a boudoir session with her and get some professional sexy photographs made of her for Mr. Sins, you, and all of us!
You can contact her here:

Mr. & Mrs. Sins