Tara led the lion right up to Lo in the center of the circus. Lo was lying in the muddy dirt of the center ring. The entire floor of the circus was dirt, but now, where Lo was, it had turned to mud from the copious amount of cum ejaculated by the elephant that had just copulated with Lo. The viscus, warm, white jizz had spilled out of Lo’s cunt and created a sloppy mess right where Lo was recovering from her dazzling display of big dick penetration. The elephant put its trunk in a bucket of water nearby and sprayed Lo down, showering her affectionately. Lo struggled to get to her feet as a new drama unfolded.
With the elephant, the audience was on the edge of their seats wondering if Lo could take the massive pink missile. And they were ecstatic to see Lo mounted successfully. But now there was an ominous sense of foreboding under the big tent as everyone held their collective breath wondering if the lion would also mount Lo or if it would eat her – and not in the good way!
Tara stood, holding her whip, ready to smack the lion back into submission, but there was no need. Apparently this lion had been trained since early age to take women as trophy lionesses. It approached Lo and quickly, without any feline foreplay, mounted and fucked Lo from behind. The audience was silent this time, afraid that any loud, enthusiastic encouragement might scare the lion into destroying his mate. When it had reached climax, Lo realized why a lion’s pack is called a “pride,” since anyone who can handle that cock has to be full of pride, as was Lo. She was also full of a lot more than that and it was dripping all around her in the ring as Tara led the satisfied animal away and Lo was left standing in the spotlight, soaking in the love of the audience.

Lo and the Lion
As Lo stood, she realized that she had worked up an incredible appetite. All she could think of was food.
“Cartoon characters get hungry, I guess,” she thought to herself.
She looked at Tara, who was now walking towards her and she said, “Can we eat something? I’m starved!”
Tara laughed and with the sound of her laugh, which struck Lo’s ears like the gentle, magical and musical cadence of a windchime in a gentle breeze, Lo slowly emerged back into flesh-and-blood.
“Why don’t you put your phone down?” said Tara, as if talking to a child.
Lo looked in her hands and saw her phone open to the “Danger Girl Dating” app.
She was naked on the bed.
Tara helped her up and asked, “Do you want your clothes?”
Lo heard the question. She understood it, but it was difficult for her to form words. She simply shook her head, ‘No.’

Art of Lo by Rigs Usually Hidden Drawings
Tara slowly led Lo down the stairs. Lo was walking on two feet this time, not like on the way up. All the guests looked up at the secret agent girl leading the naked and high girl to the living room.

Art of Lo as Leia by Rigs Usually Hidden Drawings
“Sit here,” said Tara to her docile, amused little love doll, assisting her into the large, comfy chair. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to grab you some snacks.” Off went Tara on her mission to grab some of the diced cheese cubes, crackers, and a little sparkling water for Lo.

Art of Lo as Leia by Rigs Usually Hidden Drawings
Sitting in the chair, zoning out, Lo saw Mr. Biggs across the room talking to a woman who was as large as, if not larger than, he! She was dressed as Mrs. Roper from ‘Three’s Company,’ wearing nothing but a muumuu. He saw Lo out of the corner of his eye. (Apparently, he didn’t see her as a nude descending a staircase.) He brought his new friend over to Lo and introduced them. Lo couldn’t stand up. It was all she could do to lift her arm and limply shake the woman’s hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Forming words was difficult.
The woman smiled, while looking deeply into Lo’s eyes. Lo was looking at the woman’s eyes, thinking about the Beatle’s song, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” All she heard in her head was “the girl with kaleidoscope eyes.” The sound looped around in her brain again and again.
Tara returned with cheese and crackers and literally had to feed Lo because Lo was unable to feed herself without making crumbs that fell into her naked lap.
Mr. Biggs apparently enjoyed the “show.” He was staring intently at the feeding of Lo by Tara.
Mrs. Roper noticed this and before Lo knew what was happening, she found herself atop the large woman who was kneeling on the floor, naked, and lapping up Lo’s labia with her mouth.

Lo gets eaten out at a party
Whatever was happening to her, or being done to her, by the large woman upon whom she sat like on a hopper ball or bouncy ball, in Lo’s mind the woman morphed into a giant Cephalopoda of some undefined sort. She was slippery and filling every hole all at once. Lo slipped back into the “Danger Girl Dating” app and back into her “Catnip” alter-ego.

The next thing she recalled was voices, seemingly from all directions, asking, “Is it ok if I touch you?” “May I feel you?” “Do you consent to being fucked by me?”

Tara appeared in her trench coat and beret and said, “She cannot consent. She’s tripping her face off on the desserts.”
The next thing she knew, Lo was in the bathtub, filled to the brim, with Tara, transformed into a cartoon as well, lying on top of her and an octopus or squid or something with tentacles lying on top of Tara, filling both her holes and both Lo’s holes at once. It felt delightful as Lo reached around to squeeze Tara’s breasts.

Lo and Tara in the bath.
“What is happening?” asked Lo in her host’s ear.