Lola Left to Her Own Devices

We were separated for a week.  She went out of town.  When we are reunited, I slip into bed next to her naked body.  She wakes enough to ask, “Did you masturbate while I was gone?”


“Did you hook up with anyone?”

I chuckle a little bit.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Because, darling, I didn’t even leave the house.”

“Did any one come to you?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I mean, someone could have cum to me.”


“I don’t know.  There are whole hosts of people who could have cum to me.”

“What does that mean?”

“I simply mean that I, er, rather, you and I, get emails quite frequently from people who tell me, I mean, er, us, that they have cum to me.  That is, to my stories about you.  Any number of people could have cum to me anywhere around the world while you were gone.  And many times at that!”

“Oh,” she says.  “Well, that’s not what I mean.  You just forget about all of them, because you have got the real thing, naked, right here in bed with you right now.”

“Well, what about you?”

“What about me?”

“Did you masturbate while you were gone?”


“Did you hook up with anyone?”

“Fuck me and you’ll find out.”

“I haven’t seen you for a week.  Can’t we get reacquainted first?”
“Sure.  That sounds like fun.”

I lean in to kiss her.  Our lips meet.  Her tongue finds mine.  She begins to maneuver so that I slide to her neck and her breasts.

“So much for our reacquaintance,” I say.

“I want to get to know you, like really know you, in the biblical sense.”

“I see.”

“My legs are spread, now get in there.”

“Ah,” I say as I slide down her torso, “sweeter words have never been spoken.”

I give soft, gentle kisses to her labia.  She moans. Within moments she is pressing my head hard down onto her clit.  She climaxes without warning.

“Now fuck me, Daddy,” she whispers.

“But I just ate you out.  Don’t you want. . .”

Before I could finish, she says, “Pussy isn’t like cake.”


“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.  But you can eat me and have me too.  Now, have me.”

I slide in, penetrating her dripping pussy.  She moans.  She cums.

“I thought you were going to tell me about your time away,” I say, eager to hear her voice and the stories she has to tell.

“Just stay in me and I’ll tell you everything you want to hear.”

I hold her body tightly in my arms and she begins to tell me about how at the hotel bar a guy approached her.  She describes his attractive features and stylish suit.  She adds, “But I knew he wasn’t actually interested in sleeping with me.”

“Why’s that?”

“As we were talking, he told me what I already suspected.  He was gay.  I said to him, ‘What’s a nice gay boy like you doing following a slut like me?’ and he said, he just wanted someone to talk to and I looked approachable.  We talked for a while and then we politely said goodnight.  I went to the elevator to go to my hotel room, horny, but glad to have met someone new.  Just as I got to the elevator at the hotel lobby, a whole team of college hockey players had just arrived on their bus from who-knows-where.  I got to talking to them and a bunch of us went up to my room.  Basically, there were a lot of guys packed into a tight space.”

“Wait,” I said, as I fucked her with more intensity, eager to hear where her story was leading, “are you talking about your hotel room?”

“I was talking about my pussy.”

Before she could go on, I pull out.  (It had been a long time.  The idea of Lo knowing that she looked like a slut in the hotel bar, being approached by a guy, and acknowledging her sluttiness was almost too much for me.  But then, to hear those words from her lips – well, that was beyond my mortal powers.)  I cum and I cum quickly and a lot.  I project a “shooting star” up and over her head, landing on the pillow.

Lola complains that she was just warming up.

“Let me remind you that you came twice to my nill.”

“As it should be,” she says, precociously, adding, “But aren’t you good for at least one more?  I mean, it’s been a fucking week!  A week of no fucking.  You gotta be hard-up enough for one more shag.  All I want to do is bone, but you won’t give me your bone to do it with.”

“I can’t.  I don’t have a bone.  It’s the missing link.”

She takes out her Hitachi to do herself in bed as I go take a shower.  When I’m done, I open the bathroom door to look at her.  “You may go.  I’m busy here,” she says dismissively.

“You may cum,” I reply.  “You certainly seem to love yourself,” I say.

Looking up from her horizontal position on the bed, she says to me, “I feel most confident when making myself climax.  Or maybe I climax just when I feel most confident.  Either way, I’m good at it.”

“Well, all your admirers enjoy it,” I reply, snapping a photo of her.

She looks down between her legs and sees me with my camera out.  She pulls away the Hitachi, spreading her legs wide.  “I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille,” she says as I get her puss in focus.

“Say cheese!”

Instead, she lets out a long moan while ejaculating.  I just barely avoid a disaster with my non-waterproof camera.

“I hope you got the money shot,” she says, catching her breath.

“You know, as much as I love you and love to fuck you, it’s difficult to compete with how much you love and fuck yourself.”

“It’s not about quantity, it’s about how deep the love is.”

“How deep is your love?”

She giggles, humming the melody to the song, “How Deep is Your Love,” before telling me, “Masturbation is what self-love looks like in public.”

I turn to leave the room and leave Lo to her own devices, but just as I step into the hall, I hear her screaming at the top of her lungs.  I open the door and see her spouting from between her legs as if a pipe had burst.  She tries to close her legs to shut off the waterworks, but it’s futile.  Might as well let it all out.  When she’s done she turns to me and says, “I came, I saw, I came,” victoriously.

“What did you see?” I ask.

“I think I saw God.”


Spring Showers

It was a beautiful springtime afternoon.  After about three days of storm clouds, rain, wind, and cold temperatures (one should not have to wear a scarf in May!), finally the gray skies gave way to blue and that round, yellow orb appeared.  What’s that thing called?  Oh yeah, the sun!  Birds began singing, and for the first time I realized that the tulips, azaleas, forsythia, dogwoods, and magnolias had bloomed!  Could it be?  Had the April showers that didn’t respect the calendar finally give way to the May flowers?  I was so delighted I decided to leave work early and speed home.  I was hoping to meet Lo just as she arrived from her job so we could take a walk together and enjoy this miraculous occurrence.

I got home, not expecting anyone to be there yet.  I made for the bedroom to change out of my suit and tie and put on comfortable walking pants and sneakers.  I opened the bedroom door, only to shock both myself and Lo who was lying on the bed, pants around her ankles, knees up, giant dildo between her legs held by one hand, her phone held in the other hand as she intently stared at the screen and let out a scream.  It was a bit ambiguous, for her scream began as a scream of surprise at my unexpected arrival, but morphed into a scream of climax as she pulled the dildo out of her puss and squirted on the bed, her knees shaking, her tum writhing.

Holding the dildo in her hand victoriously, she smiled at me and said, “Welcome home Daddio!”

“Hi,” I said, confused.  “You’re home early.”

“So are you,” she retorted.

“I thought I’d meet you at home when you got here so we could go for a walk.  It’s so nice out.”

“Fuck me.”

“What about the walk?”

“Fuck me first.  I’m all ready for you.”

I removed my clothes and stood in front of her by the foot of the bed.

“You know, Daddy, that the blinds are open and the windows are open,” she said.


“So the neighbors can see you.”

“Do you want me to shut the blinds?”

“No, I’m just pointing out that you’re blocking their view of me.”

“Oh,” I said, a bit confused.  “Would you like to ride me reverse cowboy so they have a better angle.”

“Yes.  Then I can see them too.”

I got on the bed, lying on my back, and Lo slid her dripping snatch down on my pole.  I could see her sexy ass and back from my vantage point.  I saw one hand reach for her tits and the other reach for her phone.

“What were you looking at?”

“When?” she asked, not really thinking about my question.

“When you were jillin’ it.  When do you think?”

“Nothing Daddy.”

“Don’t tell me nothing,” I said as she bounced up and down.  “What are you looking at now?”

“Nothing Daddy.”

“Lo, I’ll put an end to this little romp right now if you don’t tell me.”

“Fine, but you’ll laugh.”




“Here, Daddy, I’ll show you.  Slide up.”

We maneuvered on the bed from the reverse cowboy position to doggy-style.  She was on her knees and elbows as I was riding behind her.  She held up the screen of the phone so I could see.  I didn’t have my glasses on, so it was a bit blurry.

“What is that?”

“That’s a penis, if you can believe it.”

“It is?”

“Yeah.  I told you you’d laugh.  It’s so small and tiny it’s hardly recognizable.”

“That’s what got you off?”

“I’m sorry Daddy,” she said.

“You don’t have to apologize.  I’m just confused.”

“Can you fuck me a little harder?” she asked.  In my puzzlement, I had sort of forgot what I was doing for her.  I thrusted with more vigor.

“Why were you looking at that?”

“It’s a fan, Daddy.  He has a little member.  He can only masturbate with his thumb and index finger.  And he cums within seconds.”

“I thought you liked monster cocks!”

“Oh, I do!” she said, “But I also like thinking about the novelty of this.  Could you imagine if he put that in my mouth while you were fucking me like this?  How easy it would be to tease and lick, suck and take in my mouth.  I could take his cock and balls easy!”

Now she was cumming and cumming hard.  When she cums like that, her powerful convulsions are so strong that she shoots me right out despite my best efforts to stay in.  That’s what happened this time.  I was so turned on that I grabbed my cock and was ready to blow.  She knew it and she swung around and opened her mouth and put out her tongue as if to say, “Fire at will!”  I did and it went everywhere.  She was covered.

She sat back and blindly reached out her hands for a towel.  When I recovered my composure, I got it for her.  She wiped herself off and said, “Thank you, Daddy.  I’m so glad you can always give me what I want.”

“Not always,” I remarked.

“Well, you always let me have what I want.”

“That’s true.”

She went to the bathroom and cleaned off and when she returned, I asked, “How about that walk?”

“Can we fuck just once more?”

“Lo, I’m down for the count,” I said, looking at my limp, long pleasure part.

“Fine,” she said.  “You get ready, I’ll be right out.”

I put on some comfortable clothes and went outside and sat in the lawn chair next to the house.  The beautiful day had enticed the neighbors to come outside and clip some hedges.  As I sat there, we all could hear Lola’s screams from inside the bedroom window.

“OH!  FUCK!  OH!  Fuck fuck fuck!”

I smiled nervously at the neighbors and waved and said, “She must have stubbed her toe.”

Mercifully, Lo’s howls were brief and when she came outside wearing her slutty shorts, I could see the neighbors’ judgments as if they were in thought-bubbles above their heads.  Both Lo and I received their condemnation as a compliment.

We started on our walk and about two blocks down the street Lo stopped.  She looked up at me, motionless for a moment.  Her knees were pressed up against each other as she held onto my arm for support.

“Lo, are you ok?” I asked.

She raised her index finger so as to say, “Give me one second.”

I waited.

“We have to turn back,” she said.

“Why?  What’s wrong?”  I was very worried.

“I just squirted, again.”

She turned around and, walking up the hill, I could see her blue-jean cutoffs were soaked in the crotch and it was dripping down her inner thigh.

We scampered home and waved at the neighbors nervously as we slipped in the front door.

So much for the end of April showers.


Sea of Porn

Sea of Porn

It’s hot.  It’s humid.  It’s February and we’re on vacation – an escape from the winter wonderland of our northern home.  Lying out by the pool, I admire the scenery, much to Lo’s consternation.

There’s a DJ who’s also doubling as the MC for the spring-break crowd.  He has the limbo bar set up and is spinning “Limbo Rock” as the scantily-clad bikini babes and the sculpted bros do their annual mating dance under it.

Every limbo boy and girl
All around the limbo world
Gonna do the limbo rock
All around the limbo clock

“Enjoying the Bimbo Rock?” Lo asks me, her voice dripping with derision.  She glances at me as she asks, but I see her taking in the eye-candy as well.

Jack be limbo, Jack be quick
Jack go unda limbo stick
All around the limbo clock
Hey, let’s do the limbo rock

Limbo lower now
Limbo lower now
How low can you go?

“They’re playing your song,” I say to her.  “They’re calling your name, ‘Hey Lo – how low can you go?”

First you spread your limbo feet
Then you move to limbo beat
Limbo ankolimboneee
Bend back like a limbo tree

Jack be limbo, Jack be quick
Jack go unda limbo stick

“I’ll tell you what,” she says to me, looking over the rim of her dark sunglasses, “I’ll spread my limbo legs and you give me your limbo stick, and I’ll show you just how low Lo can go.”  As she says it, she spreads her legs wide on the reclining chair.

“That’s sounds great,” I reply, “but first, let’s just see who wins, ok?”

“Grrrrrrr,” she says in frustration at my intentional taunt.  “Get me a beer, Daddio,” she commands.

“Sure, do you want it in a glass?”

“Yes, please.  But pour it right!  I don’t want any head.”  She paused.  “I’ll be giving head later. . . in bed.  That’s the only head I want.”

“I can’t wait,” I reply.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” she barbs back, “I’ve got my eye on a few likely candidates.”

Later, up in the hotel room, she asks me, “Did you have fun at the pool, dear?”

“Yes – I particularly enjoyed making you jealous.”

“Well, you do a good job of it.”

“It’s not hard at all.”

“It looked pretty hard to me.”

“I’m going to take a shower,” I say.

“Fine,” she says, turning up her nose at me since she apparently took my choice of shower as a snub of her.  But there she’s wrong.  I just like to be clean and fresh for her.

“You know Lo,” I say before going into the bathroom, “I only have eyes for you.”

Lo ignores this and simply looks at her phone.  “Oh, look at that,” she says to me, “A friend of mine just posted that he thinks that his girlfriend looks like Beyoncé.”

“So what?  He’s in love?”

“Aren’t you in love?  You say I remind you of Lucille Ball!”

“Don’t forget Bugs Bunny!”

“Bugs Bunny?!  Really?!  Why not at least Jessica Rabbit?”

“You talk like Jessica Rabbit, but you act like Bugs Bunny.”

“Great.  That’s love.”

I hop in the shower.  When I come out, I find Lo on the bed, naked, her legs spread, one hand holding her phone and one stroking her puss.

“Tell me what you want,” she says to me without even looking at me.

“No, you tell me what you want,” I respond.

This is a familiar game of ours, especially when she’s both mad at me and horny.

“Do you want me?” she asks, seductively.

“Do you want me?” I echo.

“Say it,” she demands.

“No, you,” I say, not willing to give in first.

“Tell me what you want,” she pleads, still stroking herself and pulling at her pussy lips.

“Not till you do first,” I protest.

“I want you to tell me you want me,” she says.

“There you go!  You said it!” I declare, victorious.

“Said what?”

“You said, ‘I want you.’”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

“You know, Lo, I love you too much.”

“Why do you say you love me too much?”

“Because I let you off too easily and you get off too easily,” I say as I slowly slide inside her.  She’s dripping wet and very loose.  She moans as I slip in.  Her phone is still in her left hand and she looks at it as I hold her naked body tightly.  Her right hand is still over her clit and she rubs it as I thrust.

“Stay deep.  Just stay deep,” she orders.

I obey.  Her hips slightly gyrate up and down as her fingers quickly pulse on her clit.  She cums within seconds.  Her thighs clench so tightly she squeezes me out unintentionally.

“Sorry,” she manages to whisper as she climaxes.

“You just used me to get off.” I protest.  “You just masturbated with me inside you.  I was completely incidental to your orgasm.”

“No, Daddio, you were instrumental to it.  Now flip me over and do me from behind.”

I obey.  Her phone is still in her hand in front of her now so that I can see what she’s looking at.  It’s a lesbian Tumblr page.

“Do you like them?” she asks me about the women I see on her phone over her shoulder.

“It’s like a sea of porn,” I say.

She immediately shuts off her phone.  “Not for you!” she says.

“Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink,” I say.

“You can have your fill of this all you want.  It’s plenty wet,” she says as her free hand now slaps her ass and then fingers her puss from behind.  Her other hand is still busy between her legs from the front.

Without warning, I cum and cum a lot, deep inside her.  Her pussy clenches on me, hungrily.  But when I’m done, she flips over and complains, “You didn’t wait for me!”

“What?” I ask, perplexed.

“Ladies first,” she reminds me.

“You did cum first.”

“Ladies first and second!”

I go to the bathroom to clean up.  When I return, I find Lo looking at the porn on her phone again, jilling to it.  I begin to object to this, but she holds up a finger to indicate that I should wait till she finishes.  I am polite and wait.  She looks up at me with a smile.  “Cum often, cum a lot.”

“The Lola Down motto.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” she says.

“I thought the saying was ‘Cum early, cum often.’”

“That too.  As well as, ‘Cum one, cum all.’”

“I thought that was the motto of all your blog fans.”

“That’s not their motto, that’s their modus operandi.  I cum and then they all cum.”

“You know, Lo, sometimes our relationship really surprises me.”

“How’s that, Daddio?”

“Sometimes I feel like you’re the guy and I’m the gal.”

“Sounds like fun.  Tell me more.”

“I mean, you get off on those prurient pics, but I. . .”

“Oh no, here it comes!  Spare me your highbrow criticism.”

“I was just going to say, I like a good story, not just T-and-A.”

“Porn stars and women are human too, you know.”

“Really, women are people?  Is that so?”  I asked, facetiously.  “Even you?  I thought you were a goddess.”

“You sound like you’re making an object out of me.”

“Darling, you are first and foremost, a subject – the subject, in fact, of reams and reams of pages I’ve written about you.

“Now you sound as though you’re fetishizing me.”

“Really?  You think so?” I ask, even more facetiously.  “If you haven’t noticed by now – NEWSFLASH! – you are my fetish.”

“Good grief!  Freud would have a field day with you.”

“Lo, you’re all the porn I need.”

“All I’ve ever wanted to be was a good amateur.”

I lie down next to her.  “You’re the best,” I say as I immediately begin to fall asleep.  She complains that I’m uncomfortable to sleep on.  “Your big barrel-chested torso is impossible to lie on.”

“It’s a big bed in a big room in a big hotel in a big city. . .”

“With a big jerk right in the middle of it!”

As I fall asleep, I can hear and feel her going at it again for that magic number three.

G.I. Confidential

[This story was published today, in honor of Memorial Day and all those who serve, on]

G.I. Confidential


It started when he wrote an email that said simply, “Love your blog.  Can I please have a password?”  From that brief, shy, initial correspondence grew a virtual pen-pal connection with one of our men in uniform deployed abroad – somewhere in the deserts of the middle east.  He couldn’t say where because it was confidential and who knows who was also reading those emails?  But whoever was reading them was in for a tantalizing treat.

[Some images you get from a Google search of “mysexlifewithlola”]

            Lo wrote back, in her flirtatious, friendly way, and soon found out much more about her G.I. fan.  He was twenty-two, married, one kid.  He had been deployed for two years.  His wife wrote to him frequently and he loved and missed her dearly.  But she sent sexy pics only on occasion, and even then, they were more suggestive than explicit.  He loved her, but he dreamed about Lo.  He read the blog and studied her pics.  He had hotwife fantasies and wished that his own wife would send a nude pic now and then with a note saying, “Please share with your friends.”  But that was beyond the realm of possibility.

Because he was so shy around women, it took him a long time to get up the courage to write to Lo requesting a password to the protected posts.  Little did he know how flattered she would be.  Little did he know how she secretly had a fetish for men in uniform.  She encouraged frequent correspondence, but, due to his rigorous duties and the limited time he got on the internet, he could only write back very brief missives.

Even so, he complimented her, flattered her, and reported on his “down time” – his “Lola Down” time, that is.  Excited to the point of bursting, Lo sent him many explicit photos with little notes like, “Please be sure to share with your bunk mates,” or “Tell all the guys with you that Lola wishes them all to be safe, strong, and hard.”

After gaining his trust, the G.I. sent Lo some pics of himself and his family.  Lo thought it was sweet and that his wife was truly beautiful.  He sent a pic of her on their honeymoon in Hawaii where she wore nothing but a lei. Then he sent her the address where Lo could send him actual letters and such.  She sent him a signed calendar, saying, “I’ve always wanted to be a pin-up girl.”  She told me after the fact.

When she received a warm thank you from him, in which he told her that he posted it by his bunk in the barracks and that all the soldiers were commenting on it, she was thrilled!  When he wrote to her a week later, saying that someone had stolen it, she was even more elated.  She took it upon herself not only to send her pen-pal a replacement copy, but one for every guy in his battalion.

You can imagine her delight when he wrote her the following email:


Hi Lola.  All the guys say thank you for the calendars!  They are envious of me because you have been like a hotwife to me.  I ordered your book, Match, Cinder & Spark, (even though it’s really expensive in hardcopy!)  and at night, before lights out, a bunch of us sit around on our bunks and we take turns reading HH’s stories about you.  Last Sunday, we were given some R-n-R and we read the book in the morning.  After reading it, five of us went to the showers.  It’s one long tiled room with about fifty showerheads.  The five of us were naked, under the hot showers, soaping up and very hard and horny from the story we had just read.  I hope my wife never finds out about this, but as we were there, lathered and rinsing off, we all started casually grabbing at our cocks.  Eventually we started jacking off.  Someone grabbed the cock of the guy next to him and soon enough it was a full-fledged circle jerk.  We came on each other and laughed and washed down, smacked one another’s ass, and got out of the shower much refreshed.

Pretty soon Lola was getting emails from other guys in the troop and some of them told her how they had Tumblr accounts with their wives or girlfriends on which each would post something that turned them on or pics of themselves so that it was like virtual sex.  They told her that they were including Lo’s Tumblr pics so that their wives could see what they like.  Lo was thrilled to be the object of the attention of those couples – her virtual three-way.

After a few months of this sort of thing, Lo encouraged her original soldier to tell his wife about and in the hopes that she would become more adventurous in their marriage.  With trepidation he did and, we’re happy to report, she opened up to him like never before, admitting to all her erotic longings, fantasies, and desires.  The grateful soldier thanked Lo and eventually his correspondences with her became less and less frequent.  Hopefully the hot couple is blissfully reunited by this time.

Many thanks to all our men and women in uniform serving our country!


Markings On Rear

Markings On Rear


“If you could have me anyway you want me, how would you have me?”

“I think you know.”

“No, I don’t.  Tell me.”

“You know.”

“Please, Daddio.  I want to hear you tell me,” she said seductively, pulling at her nipples as we lay in bed naked, next to each other.

“There’s one way that I really like to have you.”

“In the arms of another man?”

“Well, that too, but that wasn’t what I was thinking of just now.”

“Tell me.  In the arms of another woman?”

“There’s that as well, but. . .”

“The arms of another man and another woman!”

“My my, is this your fantasy or mine?”

“Well, it’s yours, but for my pleasure.”

“Isn’t it always for your pleasure?”

“No!” she protested, “I do things for your pleasure.”

“Only when my pleasure brings you pleasure.”

“That’s true.  But stop beating around the bush and tell me.”

“Interesting turn of phrase since the way I’d like to have you is. . .”

“Ooohhh!  I know what you want.  You want my ass, don’t you Daddy?”

“What gave it away?” I asked sarcastically.

She wiggled her ass in the air and said, “Well, you can’t.  Not tonight.”

“You say ‘Not tonight’ every night!”

“That’s not true.”

“Well, tell me something.”

“What’s that?” she asked, excited.

“Did you used to give up your ass more frequently than you do with me?”

“MmmmHmmm,” she said with a smile and licking her lips.

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, before you, with some of the fellas I dated in college. . .”

“Dated?” I interrupted.

“Well, fucked.”

“That’s more like it.”

“I used to take long, hot, steamy showers while they lay on the bed.”

“I bet you did.  And I know what you did in those showers too.”

“That’s right.  I’d cum and cum loudly about two or three times while I got myself all nice and clean and him all nice and hard.”

She stopped to pull on my cock and feel how hard I was at the time.

“You like my story, Daddy?”
“Oh yes.  Go on.”

“Well, when I was done, I’d come out of the shower and into the bed and I’d lie on my tum while my ass was in the air, like this.”  She put her cute bum up so she looked like a little inchworm.


“And then I’d motion to my lover-for-the-evening to grab the body oil from my nightstand and give me a good massage with it.  He’d rub it into my calves and my lower back and I’d keep on putting my butt up in the air and I’d direct him where to go.  If he didn’t find his way, then I’d put my hand back there like so.”  She moved her hand over her ass cheek and began massaging her special spot.  “And then I’d finger myself until I came and then ask him – whomever he was – if he wanted to do the same.  I’d instruct him and direct him until he got me all revved up and then I’d tell him to get behind me and I’d make sure he slid into my puss first to get him nice and slick and then I’d direct him right. . . there.”  She let out a moan as she fingered her special spot even deeper.

“I remember those days when you used to go crazy – demanding that you wanted A to P and back again.  You’d even go A to P to M!”

“Ah, young love.  How romantic of us.  Right?”

“Why don’t you do that anymore?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Yes.”  The truth was, I was afraid of her answer.  But I still wanted to know.

“Well, Daddio, I’ve never had anyone as thick as you.”

“Come on!” I protested in disbelief.

“No, really.  I’ve had longer, but never thicker!  You stretch me till it hurts.”

“I thought you like that.”

“Sometimes.  But I need a lot more practice.”

“Well, let’s get to it,” I said, pulling her little princess plug out of her toy drawer.

She took it from me and put it in.

“Fuck me,” she begged.

“No,” I said.


“I said no.  You have to be punished for all your sins.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said.

She got on all fours and as I spanked her bottom, the lyrics of the song “Take Me to Church” played in my head:

Take me to church
I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life


She delighted at each open-handed smack of her bottom and I could feel her getting wet.

“Have me now, Daddy,” she pleaded.

I flipped her over on her back and spread her legs.  I worshiped her like a dog, using my tongue and lapping up her sweet nectar.

I reached below the bed and pulled out her Remus as another verse of the song chimed in my ears.

Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That’s a fine looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We’ve a lot of starving faithful

“No, Daddy!” she pleaded.  “I want you.”

“First I’m going to fill you up.”

She accepted her sentence like a proud princess on the rack.

When she was stuffed beyond a reasonable amount, I pulled out the lengthy and thick dildo and replaced it with my hard rod.

“Fill me up, Daddy,” she whispered.

“I am,” I said.


She had already cum twice and now I was slipping and sliding inside her.  I could feel the princess plug protruding from below.  I flipped her over again so that she was on her hands and knees and I was thrusting behind her and with each thrust my torso pushed the princess plug in a bit deeper.

“I’m cumming!” she called, “I’m cumming in my ass!”  Oh, how I longed to hear those words.  I thrusted with greater speed and more intensity until she collapsed, falling forward on the bed and, with both hands between her legs, she tried to prevent her flood gates from bursting, to no avail.

The sheets soaked, she asked me, “Did you cum?”


“Do you want to cum?”


“Well, too bad.”


“Because abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.”

“Darling, I am hardly abstinent.”

“You’re hard alright,” she said, looking at my member.

“Did you like it?” I asked.



“Because I like that when I’m good I get spankings and when I’m bad I get more. . . a lot more,” she said, looking at the Remus horse dildo lying next to her on the bed.

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Some past photos for the gallery:

Lo in Bed 002a


new toys6




new toys5a

searching for sex








fan mail2


sweaterphone sex

Lo in Bed 009a



Tank Top


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