Golden Girls – Queen Bev

Queen Bev enjoys Match, Cinder & Spark!

Our second Golden Girl and latest member of The Match Book Club, is Queen Bev – “The Super FUPA” (Fat Upper Pussy Area)! She LOVES to post sexy photos of herself and only came to this later in life. No matter! She’s sexy as hell! Here’s Lola’s interview with her. (If you missed our first “Golden Girl” – Candi Annie – you can check her out HERE.)

Queen Bev reads Match, Cinder & Spark

Queen Bev touching her FUPA

All hail the Queen!

Queen Bev Spreads

LOLA: When did you start posing nude and why?

QB: Two years ago now, so 2023, to help boost my confidence.

Bev in Fishnets

Queen Bev FUPA from behind

Queen Bev Supa FUPA

LOLA: I see you actually met up with a few people that look like you originally met them on-line. How did that happen and how’d you like it?

Queen Bev with fan Jamie Reed

Jamie Reed fills the FUPA of Queen Bev

QB: I met up with two different guys from social media. The first guy I met two different times last year. It was amazing. We had a great connection. Too bad he was married. We still talk a little bit. We would do it again, but he is a little ways away and it cost money for me to get there. The second guy is an hour away from me and he has come to see me twice and I went to see him twice. He has a girlfriend and supposedly they’re not good together, but who knows? You never know what guys are telling the truth or not, but he’s really good and he’s actually coming over this weekend.

Actual Bev ad

LOLA: Oooh, nice! So, did posting nudes of yourself increase your confidence?

Queen Bev all-over golden tan

QB: Truthfully, yes and no. Yes because you see the comments and the emojis from the guys. But for me, I had had a bad ex-husband he made me feel not good enough. So I constantly compare myself to the other women. It doesn’t matter if they’re thinner or bigger. If they’re thinner and they have bigger boobs, or have smaller boobs, but they’re bigger, then I feel they’re better or more beautiful. It’s worse when I post my pictures, but I love taking pictures of myself and I like showing, but then I have all these feelings that I’m not good enough.

Queen Bev made this on a bad self-confidence day

What do you think of Queen Bev?

LOLA: Do any of your friends or family know about your sexy posts?

QB: No. (Long pause.) Wait a minute! My cousin found pictures of me on a different app that somebody posted without my permission, so he knows. That was a little embarrassing but he said I look good. I’m like, OK whatever.

Queen Bev having some fun

LOLA: What are your kinks?

QB: I don’t know if you call it a kink or not, but I like watching the guys jack off. Sometimes they’re jacking off to me, sometimes just jacking off.  I like seeing it.

Queen Bev in a thong. Jack anyone?

Queen Bev celebrates the luck of the Irish

Doesn’t Queen Bev look like fun?

Queen Bev can’t keep her clothes on long though

LOLA: Your pics and vids show you peeing and masturbating. Do you like doing that for others, for strangers?

QB: I do it for the guys. I’d rather do it in person, but this is the next best thing.

Queen Bev Water Sports

Queen Bev keeps the FUPA slick

LOLA: How did you like Match, Cinder & Spark?

QB: It was awesome! It inspired me to take some photos in short-shorts.

Queen Bev in her short-shorts

LOLA: Thanks Queen Bev! This has been fun!!!

Queen Bev getting off to Lo

Queen Bev Back

Queen Bev Front

Queen Bev Back Again

Queen Bev’s beauty runs in the family.


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[Continued from Young Lust, Dirty Woman]

Lola at the nude beach

The dad was lying back, sleeping or simply suntanning.  I was sweltering in the sun and so I got up and asked Lo, “How’s the water?”

“So refreshing!”

“Looks a little chilly,” I said as I looked down at her pointy nipples.

“It’s delightful.”

“Seems like you’re delighting in more than the water and weather.”

“Go on, Daddio, try it for yourself.”

Was she trying to get rid of me?

I walked to the water.  It was like bath water.  I didn’t hesitate to get in and cool down as much as I could.  I felt myself burning in the sun, but didn’t want to curtail Lo’s little jaunt.  I thought that maybe, if I stayed in the water, I would avoid a burn.  I knew from experience that was not true, but it felt better to be in the water than shriveling up dry in the sun.  I sat in the shallow water looking out at the Mediterranean.  To my surprise, not much later, the mom walked into the water beside me.  She passed me.  I saw from the back that she was much more heavyset than I had thought when I saw her sitting on the blanket.  She was rather round on the bottom.

Model, Jennifer Battistoni Kincade

She stopped about five feet in front of me and bent over to splash water on her face and shoulders.  As she did so, I could see her FUPA (fat upper pubic area) fall forward like a curtain in front of her.  Her ass was large and round.  There was so much flesh that I couldn’t even see her pussy.  I wondered to myself how her husband fucked her, but then I remembered his enormous member and realized he probably could fuck her from a foot away when fully hard.

The thought crossed my mind that she might be putting on a show for me.  She was very attractive and this view was. . .

Uh oh!  Now I was getting hard.  The tip of my cock was pointing upward like a mushroom growing out of the water.  I dared not stand up because then I’d be even more conspicuous, but what will happen when she turns around?

I didn’t have to wait long to find out because no sooner had the panicked thought presented itself, than she did turn around and look right at me.  I saw her eyes glance down at my attention-grabbing appendage and she smiled!

Thankfully she didn’t say anything.  She just splashed water on her heaving breasts and lifted them up, probably to cool down the underside where they pressed up against her belly.  I found it all captivating (and arousing).

While I was contemplating the plump Aphrodite before me, I noticed she was pointing behind me.  I couldn’t see by simply turning my neck and so I had to stand up.  I figured she had seen an erect penis before and that perhaps she’d take it as a compliment, so I got up to look behind me since she seemed insistent that I see.  She was smiling, as if delighted by the vision.

When I turned around, I saw Lo and the boy wrestling or wriggling on the sand.  Then I realized they were having a tickle fight.  The mom said, “Bella, bella!”  That I understood.  She thought it was beautiful how they were getting along.  She was indicating to me her approval.  She doesn’t know Lo.

I walked back up to the blanket and saw that the two of them had separated.  Lo was sitting in the sand, her legs spread, heaving heavily.  I saw that between her legs, the sand was darker – wet.  Oh boy.  Did she?

“Squirt or pee?” I asked her, judgmentally.

“Both?” she said, guiltily.


The father said something to me and I turned my head and saw the mom still cooling down in the water.  The baby was in a small carrying seat with a makeshift tent over it.

The father repeated his question to me.  I turned to him.  He was holding his massive cock and pointing at Lo.  “Scoparla?” he said, or something like that.

I was ignorant.

“Fuck,” he finally said in English.  “Fuck her.”  This he knew.  But I was still uncomprehending of whether he wanted me to fuck her or if he wanted to fuck her himself.  So I did the only polite thing and said, “Si, si.”

I soon had my answer, for he got down in the sand on his knees and stroked his cock as he looked at Lo’s shimmering body and glistening pussy lips.  Soon he was inside her.  He fucked her violently.

Lo, for her part, wrapped her legs around his wide torso and began to moan and groan and say, “Yes, fuck me.”  I think it then dawned on her that he couldn’t understand anything she said other than fuck, so she repeated the term many times.

I looked at the boy who stood to the side of the four armed, four legged beast and watched with wide eyes and an erect penis.  He held his diminutive dick in his hand just as his father had done.

Lo then started saying, “Fuck me you ugly, fat, disgusting old perv!  Fuck me with that massive cock of yours!  You are so abhorrently hideous!  A sea monster, really!”

Occasionally, other beach goers would walk by without stopping.  The mother was in the water, no doubt aware of what was happening, but unconcerned.

“Yes, you gross fucking single tentacled kraken!  That’s my spot.  Fuck!”  Lo is quite poetic when her pussy is activated.

Then she was unable to speak as her body began convulsing.  She looked up, directly into the eyes of the boy by her side, and her eyes communicated everything: delight, ecstasy, pleasure, pain, longing, satisfaction, disgust at herself and the man on top of her, triumph.

The dad kept on plunging into Lo’s gushing cunt, oblivious of her climax and desirous of his.  He pulled his torso up off of Lo’s and held her by her ankles, her legs up in the air, as he fucked her like a piece of meat hanging in the outdoor market.  He then let go of her ankles and greedily grabbed and squeezed her breasts.  He began to slap them and she responded with more sounds of pleasure.  He slapped her tits silly.  She began to cum again, but before she could, he spurted his spunk deep inside her.  She could feel it and that was all she needed to push her over the edge.  Her legs began to tremble and her tits rose and descended with her fast, deep breaths.

All this time her eyes remained fixed on the boy and it was as if the two of them were telepathically communicating mysterious words of love and compassion in a common, yet private language.

The father pulled his incredibly long lance out of Lo’s clam and soon after liquid pearl began to drizzle from her widely dilated lips onto the sand.

The dad and the son stood side-by-side looking down at the kill.  There was a touching moment when the son’s little hand reached to his father’s large one and held it as they gawked at Lo lying on the ground, immobile.

Then, from between Lo’s legs a sudden dribble of pee percolated and puddled by her ass.  The father and son duo smiled at the sight and, as if it gave them both the idea and permission, they too released their bladders and showered Lo with their golden streams.  More than once the father’s and son’s lines crossed and crisscrossed again over Lo’s body as they drenched her in a double dosage of warm urine.

When they were done, Lo was recovered and she got up and walked right past me into the sea.  I saw her exchange smiles and some words with the mother who was still bathing there.  I glanced at the father-son team and smiled a ridiculously twisted grin, feeling awkward and stupid.  They both laughed and went back to sitting on the towel together.  I noticed that the father’s meat hung down now, nearly to his knees.  It no longer had the arch to it that it did when we first arrived.  It was completely flaccid.  The son’s was still rigid though.

When Lo returned from her purifying bath, she said, “OK, Daddy, I think it’s time to go.  I’m beginning to burn.”

“No doubt from the jealousy of Aphrodite Ourania and Aphrodite Pandemos.”

“What?” she asked.

“You make the goddesses of desire hot with jealousy.”

“You flatter,” she said, smiling.

I put my clothes back on.  Lola put on her bikini top and bottom, but carried her shorts and t-shirt.  Lo waved and smiled at the family and patted the little boy on the head before giving him a matronly kiss on the cheek.

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A Chance Encounter with a Unicorn

[Guest Post by Lola’s new friends – SnowCplCo]


We were driving across the country for the holidays and, as dusk was descending and T was growing tired, we pulled into the first motel on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere that we found.  I was walking the two dogs, who were eager to get out after so long in the back seat, while hubby was unloading bags.  The dogs suddenly stopped and directed my attention toward an attractive brunette walking in a short black dress and turquoise heels.  Mysteriously, the dogs were as captivated by her as I was.  This petite, yet confident “girl next door” walked up to me and asked if it was ok to pet the dogs.  Though they were stir-crazy from the drive, they are friendly and I said that they’d love it.  She leaned over to pet them and I could see right down the open neckline of her dress.  She had nice tits.  No bra.  Young.  Perky.  I was getting wet as I stood there, gawking at her.  I tried making small talk.  She crouched down to continue petting the dogs, as I stood over her.  It was impossible to not see down her dress from that angle.

As we were chatting, she saw hubby grab a bottle of bubbly and bourbon from the car. She said “Oh, I’m so ready for glass of wine after driving all day.”

I responded, “Wine time never comes quick enough on road trips.”  We kept talking for a bit and she asked if we would mind if she joined us for a glass because she hadn’t talked to anyone all day.  I said, “Sure, but it has to be in our room due to the dogs.”

She was game and we made our introductions.  She introduced herself as Lola. We agreed to meet about an hour later. I told hubby when I got back to the room and he said, “There goes our playtime then.”  He had been horny and wanting me the entire drive.

I responded with, “She’s not going to be here all night.  We’ll still get to play.  Promise.”

Lola came over and we sat around the small room and chatted with the conversation going all over the place.  A few glasses into it, she said that she better get back to her room.  It was clear she was merely being polite.  To my surprise and arousing a bit of jealousy that I didn’t even know I had, hubby asked her to stay for one more glass.  She agreed, but said, “Before I have any more, I have a little work to do.  Do you mind if I go grab my laptop?”

“Not at all,” said T.

A minute later she popped back into our room and sat at the tiny desk.

“What kinda work are you doing?” asked T.

“Just updating our blog.”

Hubby, trying desperately to turn the friendly chatter into a sexy seduction, said in a joking way, “What, like your OnlyFans page?”

She looked over at him, smirking, and said “Something like that.”

Hubby said back to Lola, “I bet a pretty, young, flirtatious girl like you makes a thousand dollars a day on the internet.”

“Hardly,” laughed Lola.  “I do it just for fun, actually.”

“Wait,” I said, “you mean he’s right?!  You do have an OnlyFans page?”

Lo laughed even more and said, “Well, no, not OnlyFans.  Just a sex blog that my man and I run.”

“Oh!” said hubby, “I can’t believe it!  I’ve been waiting all day to get to work on content with her for ours page!”

Lola looked very surprised and said “Really! You two don’t seem like the type!”

“I could say the same about you,” I said.

We talked a little more about it before I suggested, “I’ll show you my page if you show me yours?”

That was all it took for T.  He had his laptop out so quick!  We looked at each other’s pages and hers was incredible!  We go by Snow CoupleCO and she seemed to like what she saw of us too.  I then asked if she wanted help making content and winked at hubby.  She paused a bit and looked at us.  “Really?”

“Yeah, it could be fun.”

“OK, but no photos.”  She was concerned about remaining anonymous.


“I’m going to freshen up,” she said, “It’s been a long drive today.”

“OK.  See you back here soon.”  I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was so excited.  While she was out showering and, I think, shaving herself smooth, I took a quick shower as well.  When I came out, I found hubby jacking off to Lo’s photos.  I snapped a couple of pics but told him, “Keep it hard, Mr. Roadtrip McLovin!”

Mr. T – Roadtrip McLovin

When Lola came back, gone was the girl next door and here stood a pro porn star!  You would never recognize her.  “You really are ‘the nympho next door!’” I said.

Lo was wearing a sheer white top that reminded me of boudoir wedding photos I had seen once.  But adorning her neck was a black leather collar, like a dog’s collar, that said “SLUT” in diamond studs.  She wore a short black skirt that barely covered the bottom of her ass and black leather boots to match.

Lo Looking Like a Slutty Bride

“Before we get to playing, there’s a dive bar attached to this rundown motel.  How about the three of us go in there and see what happens?”

I was very game, but I had a better idea in mind.

“I just caught my husband masturbating to your photos,” I said.  A sparkle of vanity flashed in Lo’s eyes as she looked first at my hubby’s face and then at his crotch.  “He must be hard-up for you,” I continued.  Lo’s tongue ran across her teeth as she looked desirously at him.  “Do you think you could help him out before we go there?”

“Help him out, how?” she asked.

“Get on your knees,” I commanded.

She obeyed immediately.  I reached over and pulled out T’s bulging hard cock from his pants.  I held it in my hand.  “There you go, hun,” I said to him.  “Do it.  Cum on her face.”

He took control of his cock and stroked fast.  He looked at me, looked at Lo longing for his dick in her mouth.  He looked at me again.  He looked down at Lo and came on her face.  It was the fastest I’ve seen him cum in ages!

Lo’s cheeks and chin were dripping with his cum.  I had to hold the dogs back to keep them from licking her clean.

“OK, now we can go.”

“You want me to go like this?”


“OK, but let’s make it more interesting.  My man and I play a little game like this a lot.  You walk in first.  Then I’ll walk in and join you.  T walks in last and has to sit away from us.  Let’s see who has the courage to pick us up.”

I was giddy with excitement.

We walked down the motel line to the bar at the end.  It was a sleepy little bar in the middle of nowhere that mostly accommodated travelers and lonely locals.

Lo walked in first looking like a used prostitute.  I followed, looking like a lonely housewife desperate for action.  I wore my tight jeans shorts, cowboy boots, and a blouse unbuttoned nearly to my navel.  No bra.

The few folks inside noticed our appearance right away.  I ordered a beer across the bar from Lola, who had ordered some sort of cocktail.

I then made my way over to her and pretended like we were meeting for the first time – which we had, only about two hours earlier.

A couple of middle-aged guys approached us and I noticed my husband walk into the bar.  No one else, except maybe Lola, noticed him.

Both the guys who were talking to us had wedding bands on.

Eventually, in the dimness of the bar, one of the guys noticed the sheen on Lo’s face from my husband’s cum.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Beauty cream,” she said with a smile.

I leaned in and licked it, seductively, off of her face before making out with her.

The two guys were excited beyond belief.  I reached back with one hand and grabbed the cock of the guy sitting next to me.

Suddenly the grumpy old bartender told us to take it outside.  This wasn’t a brothel!

“You want to join us?” I asked the men.

They sure did!

Lo and I walked with them back to the room and the four of us went in.

It was really crowded in there now with the two dogs.

Lo and I stripped each other and started making out on the bed as the guys watched.

“Aren’t you going to join us?” asked Lo in a little girl sort of voice.

They guys began taking their clothes off, embarrassed to be seeing each other naked.

Just as they were about to approach us on the bed, T barged into the room and, in a performance worthy of an Oscar, he yelled, “What the hell are you doing?!”

The guys were shocked and quickly scrambled to put on their clothes.  In their haste, I think they might have even put on the other’s clothes by accident.

They got out of the room quick and we all had a laugh.

Lo began to work my clit ring and lips while sliding her tongue in and out.  I then felt her fingers entering me.  She had the perfect rhythm and I really began getting wet, feeling my juices drip down my ass.  Lola raised up my hips, smiled, and slid a finger in my ass.  I moaned, looking over at hubby, who now had his cock in his hand.  He was moderately hard, since he had cum so recently.  I grabbed Lo’s hips and slid her up to my face.  Instantly, she began grinding on my tongue.

We played pretty hard for a while before she whispered, “Can we invite your hubby?” Of course, I wasn’t going to say no.  So she lifted up her her face and, dripping with my cum now, told him, “Take the rest of your clothes off and get over here.”  We both went down on him while he was trying to keep the dogs off of us.  We took turns playing with him as he went from my ass to Lola’s mouth and back again and again.  Eventually, when Lola convinced me to do the same, he came, shooting a huge load in her ass before I cleaned him off with my mouth.  He poured us drinks and we laid on the bed with her in the middle petting each other.

. . .

Lo stood up and cum dripped down her inner thigh onto the cheap motel room carpeting.  She grabbed a glass of the bubbly to quench her thirst and picked up her clothes.

“I’ll let you two get some good sleep tonight.  Thanks for a fun time,” she said as she walked out into the parking lot stark naked.  We watched her saunter to her room and disappear inside.

I’m not sure if I was dreaming or not, but a few hours later I woke to the blood curdling sounds of what sounded like a murder, but, after close listening for a few moments, I realized, it was Lo’s screaming orgasm.

The next morning she continued on the road east as we continued west.  When we got home, first thing we did was order a copy of Match, Cinder & Spark.  We now get off to it nightly, fondly remembering our time with Lola Down – just your average nympho next door.


Snow getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark



Snow Getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark

Snow Getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark

Snow Getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark

Snow Getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark

Snow Getting off to Match, Cinder & Spark

an extra bonus Christmas gift from Snow