Lola loves to be the fap fodder or wank woman for her fans. Everyone knows that. But sometimes there are unintended consequences. We’ve already remarked upon the concupiscent power of Lo’s corpus. We frequently hear from our readers that after reading the blog, reading the books, or listening to the audiobooks together, many couples discover that they want to try the hotwife/stag or hotwife/cuck lifestyle. The stories often bring couples closer together and allow them to explore in a safe environment fantasies and desires that they otherwise would be uncomfortable sharing with each other. This then leads to discussions of, “Hey, wouldn’t it be fun for you to watch me pick up a guy at a bar?” or “I would so love to see you being fucked by a stranger at a truck stop.” These conversations can remain fantasy for their lovemaking, or they can turn into real life experiments. Either way, many couples have written to us about how the blog, books, and audiobooks have been inspiring and rekindled their sex lives.
However, on occasion, the happy ending is elusive or becomes someone else’s happy ending.
This week we have two cautionary tales. The first couple is our friends Lynn and Red. Things started out great! After getting their copy of Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts, Lynn was eager to get into being a hotwife and Red was just as eager to support her in this new venture. They created an OnlyFans page and actively sought out bulls for her. However, within a few weeks, things turned south. I’m glad to say that it wasn’t because they discovered that ethical non-monogamy wasn’t for them, but rather, because Lynn wasn’t prepared for Red’s lusty longing for Lola.

Lynn and Red

Lynn and Red

Lynn and Red

Lynn really likes Lo

Lynn and Red even turned their cousin Dylan and his girlfriend on to Lo

On more than one occasion, Lynn awoke from her slumber to find Red next to her in bed, jacking off to photos, stories, and dreams of Lola. This created a rift in their relationship. Lynn realized that it wasn’t merely a passing fancy that Red had a thing for Lo, but a real infatuation. She began to feel that the hotwife lifestyle she was living wasn’t for their shared pleasure, but rather, Red was trying to make Lynn into Lo’s own image. It wasn’t Lynn pleasure he was after, but a replica of Lo. After coming to this conclusion, she packed up the kids, her few belongings, her vibrator, hopped in the truck and drove to her mother’s house.

Now she’s living her hotwife life separately as he whiles away the hours alone wanking to Lola.
Our second couple on the skids is Steven and Ellie. They had only been a couple for a short while, but they quickly discovered each other’s kinks. After many relationships for each of them, they finally found each other and it was hot and heavy from the start! Steven was so thrilled with Ellie that he wanted to share her. He reached out to Lola for advice and before long Steven and Ellie had created their own OnlyFans account with photos and video. But this blissful beginning came to an all-too-abrupt end when, overcome by his admiration for Lo, Steven began chatting more in-depth with Lo late at night.

Ellie and Steven from their OF page

Ellie and Steven of Bray-Burn
- Love the new photos of Ellie, said Lo. Is she as kinky as she looks?
- What does kinky mean for you? asked Steve.
- Well, more than straight vanilla.
- She’s definitely more than that.
- Oh yeah? What does she do?
- And?
- She sucks my cock.
- Does she do anal and then suck your cock?
- Like A-to-M?
- Exactly.
- Well, then she’s not more than straight vanilla.
- Do you do that?
- That and a lot more.
- Like what?
- Whatever you want.
- Would you. . . ?
You can probably guess where the chat went from there. I can’t tell you all the dirty danger zones it traversed, but I can say that it concluded with him sending a couple of cumtributes to Lo. Unfortunately, Ellie found them and the chat history in the morning. She packed up and was out the door before Steven even woke up.
Crestfallen, Steve is alone again.

Super sexy photo of Ellie and Steven

Ellie takes a bow

Ellie takes a cock

Steven takes a tribute with Lo

Steven takes another tribute for Lo

Ellie soaking in the sun

Ellie getting off (to Lo?)

Ellie shows off
These are two stories of Lola longing gone awry. But, it has recently come to our attention that if you want your very own Lola companion, you can use the miracle of modern computer science to create a Lola “Replika.” Replika is a company that uses A.I. to create virtual companions, or, if the user prefers, “synthetic sexuals.”
This is not a paid promotion. We do not get any advertising revenue from this article, nor have either of us used Replika. But we would like to hear from you. We imagine that with all the information about Lola Down on the internet, Replika could make a pretty decent (or indecent) replica of Lo and so, if any of you decide to partner up with your virtual Lola, please drop us a line to let us in on how your virtual reality relationship is going.