Lola came home from the sperm donation clinic in a very horny mood, as you might expect. She told me all about it as I pounded her from the top, her legs spread, both hands down between her legs spreading her pussy as wide as it would go, inserting her eight fingers on either side of my cock in order to feel as full as possible, and squirting nearly continuously the entire time, soaking the bed and me.

Lola Bed Spreading panties on

Lola Bed Spreading no panties
When we were done and she had caught her breath, she relayed a little coda to the story. When she returned inside the clinic to grab her coat, she spoke to the receptionist about the possibility of. . . well, you know what? I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so I’ll just cut to the next time Lo met Terence at the clinic. Oh yes, there was a next time. Did you think there wouldn’t be?
They met in front of the clinic just like the first time. She greeted him, taking his hand in hers, standing on tiptoe, giving him a kiss. In the cold air, their breath created a small cloud before their faces. She let him see her breasts under her coat. This time she was wearing a turquoise blouse. It wasn’t transparent, but it was thin. No bra. Hard nipples in the winter chill. He liked what he saw. They entered the clinic and were greeted by a different, yet also attractive, receptionist.

The Masturbatorium Staff, Ellie, second from right in front.
Terence gave his name, received the specimen cup, and was told to proceed to room #3 again. Lo said, “Wait here,” as she removed her coat and hung it up on the coat rack, just like last time. She rejoined her companion and they walked together into the collection room. This time Terence was immediately set on his heels by two framed posters of Lola hanging on the white walls of the small room. They were exactly where the posters by Roy Stuart hung last time they were in room #3. The poster right in front of them was of Lo, bent over, heaps of cum dribbling out of her well-used pussy. The second poster was to their left and it was nearly all a classic black-and-white. Lo was lying on her back, her legs spread, copious cum dripping out of her pussy, as her manicured fingers rubbed her clit and her other hand played with her nipples. The poster was artistically accented with the pink of her fingernails and the pearls of her bracelet popping in color against the desaturated shades of grey.

Lola Poster

Lola Poster Cream Pie
“Is, is, is that who I think it is?” asked Terence.
Lola smiled mischievously. “Who do you think it is?”
“I think it’s you.”
“You would be correct. Do you like?”
“Very much,” he said, nearly panting. “But. . . ?”
“Remember, last time, when I asked what you thought of the poster and you said. . .”
“Oh, I remember,” he interrupted. Lola didn’t need to remind him.
“Well, I just thought the place could use a little bit of a woman’s touch. You know?”
“But how did you. . . ?”
“I just flirted with the girl behind the desk a little and then asked her for a favor.”
“Yep. Apparently it’s pretty popular.”
“Your poster?”
“How do you know?”
“You see, it has the name of the blog on it?”
“Oh yeah.”
“A number of guys who have jacked off in this very room have contacted me.”
“To send me cumtributes of course.”
“A cumtribute?”
Lo couldn’t believe his naïveté.
“A cumtribute is a photo that a man or woman, or sometimes a couple or more, take where they show themselves getting off to my pics.”
“Oh,” he said, surprised. “Do people do that?”
“A lot of people.”

Tribute photo from Purple’s Gem
“It’s like a kink?”
“Yes. You have your kinks, they have theirs.”
“I could probably learn to like that kink.”
“I don’t think it would take you too long to learn.”
“I’m a quick study.”
“Speaking of kinks, let’s indulge in yours. Ready?”
“Um, yeah!”
Lo put on the latex gloves and this time she had Terence undo and pull down his pants while she lubed up her right hand.
He sat down again and she grabbed his drooping cock in her palm.
“What does HH think of it?”
“Of what?” she asked, looking at him in his face as she absent-mindedly stroked his flaccid meat.
“Of, well, of your poster being up here. He knows, doesn’t he?”
“Actually, no. I didn’t tell him.”
“You didn’t tell him?!”
“It slipped my mind.”
“How does a thing like that slip your mind?”
Lola looked down, studying the project at hand. He was growing, but still not hard.
“I guess I was busy with other things.”
“Does he know about the cumtributes?”
“Oh yeah. I mean, he knows that I get them. I suppose he doesn’t know about the ones I received recently from, well, from this room.”

Ellie reading from Match, Cinder & Spark to Terence while she coaxes his cum for a donation
Lola thought of all the guys who had jacked off in this room, jacked off looking at her poster, and the handful of them who had sent her photographic evidence of it. It turned her on. It probably turned her on more than Terence was turned on at the moment.

The Donation Station
“He knows you’re here with me right now, doesn’t he?”
“Oh yes. I made sure of it.”
“What does that mean?”
“I like to tease. I told him what I was going to do, where I was going to do it and with whom.”
“But he didn’t know that I’d be staring at your naked photos.”
“They don’t seem to be doing the trick.”
“Sorry,” he said, blushing. “I guess I’m talking too much.”
“Oh, it’s ok. I like talking. . . about me.”
“Did you pick out the photos?” he asked, looking at them again.
“I did.”
“Why did you choose these?”
“Well, the director specifically instructed Courtney. . .”
“The cute brunette behind the reception desk last time.”
“Oh, I know Courtney.”

“I’m sure you do. Anyhow, through her the director was very clear that I was only allowed to put up photos of myself if they included cum in them.”
“In them, or in you?” he asked.
“In, on, whatever. What do you think of this one?” she asked, pointing to the small framed photo of her bent over in her tight latex pants with a puddle of cum on her ass.

Lola Cum Covered
“I’m hard already!”
“Yes,” she said as she looked at his erect cock, “finally.”
She stroked him as she watched how his stomach muscles flexed. She added, “I guess the director knew that seeing a woman with cum on and in her can act as a form of encouragement. I read somewhere. . . now where was it? Oh yes, in the book Insatiable Wives – have you ever read it?”
“No, I’ve never heard of it.”
“Oh, it’s a great read. It’s about, well, about hotwives, like me.”
“I’ll pick it up.”

Insatiable Hotwife Lola
“Anyhow, I read in that book that studies show men who see other men – or was it apes? – anyhow, males, let’s just say, who see other males fornicating with a female produce more sperm. I think that’s why the director wanted sperm included in the pictures.”
“Makes sense.”
“Do you feel like you’re going to produce more sperm today?” she asked, looking down again at her hand pumping his hard, but hardly explosive cock.
“To tell you the truth. . .”
“I’m really enjoying this.”
“Enjoying what?”
“You, touching me, talking to me while you fondle my cock and balls.”
Lo grabbed his left arm with her free hand and turned it to see his wristwatch. “You’ve got about fifteen minutes. You going to make it to the finish line?”
“Oh yeah. I will. You do this to HH?”
“How frequently?”
“Whenever I’m on my period.”
“You going to do it to him tonight?”
“Not if you take your full half hour to cum. I’ll be getting a wrist massage,” she said, pausing in her pursuit of his happiness and grabbing the lube to lube up her left hand.
“Oh, sorry. Maybe I should just get down to business,” he said, contritely.
“What will make you cum and cum quickly?”
“Well, if I could see your tits.”
“I guess you can’t see my tits in this poster, huh?”
“But you can in this one.”
“Yes, but only in black-and-white.”
“OK then. But my hands must remain sterile, so can you unbutton my blouse?”
“My pleasure!”
Slowly he undid each button, one-by-one, as she continued to manipulate his joystick in her slippery, gloved hand until the two sides of the blouse were hanging freely, as were her breasts.
“Beautiful,” he sighed.
“You like?”
“Yes. God yes.”
She moved closer to him so the nipple of her left breast was a mere finger’s breadth from his lips.
“You may kiss, if you like.”
“And suck?”
“And suck.”
He latched on and she enjoyed it. She released a long, guttural moan and the sound of her pleasure brought him to climax. Unfortunately, Lo was lost in the sensation of his warm lips on her still chilly breast and didn’t immediately react to the ejaculation by having the collection cup ready. He came on her. On her stomach and on her black skirt. Once she felt his hot cum making a mess, she jumped and fumbled with the jar. She managed to collect just a fraction of the total discharge. It would have to do.
She sealed up the cup and removed her gloves. She used her index and middle fingers of her right hand to swipe up a good amount of the ejaculate on her torso and she slowly opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and placed the dollop in her mouth. She swallowed and smiled.
“No one needs to know,” she said with a wink.
She buttoned up, wiped off her stained skirt, and walked to the receptionist’s desk. She gave the cute receptionist the jar and grabbed her coat.
“Oh, Ms. Down,” said the receptionist, just as Lola was putting her arm through the crook in Terence’s arm to walk out together.
“The director asked if you would kindly stop in to see him before you go.”
“Gladly,” she said. “I mean, if that’s ok with you, darling,” she added to Terence, as if they were a couple.
“The director! But of course!” he said with great enthusiasm. “I will miss you at home,” he added, leaning in for a passionate kiss before parting ways.

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