Love Poem (with visuals)

I like your red lips.

I like your curvy hips.

I like your pretty smile.

Your eyes drive me wild.

Lo’s Lovely Lips

I like your long brown hair.

I like your seductive stare.

I like your legs spread wide.

You have nothing, nothing to hide.

Los Legs Spread Wide

I like your feet and toes.

I like your meaty folds.

I like your smooth smooth mount,

As your curves kiss my mouth.

Lo’s sexy feet

I like how you smell.

I like how you howl.

I like how you taste.

You’re more than a silhouette’s sleek shape.

Lo’s Silhouette

Drop, drip-drop and let’s have some fun.

Let me into your solo-sex-for-one.

We can enjoy each other’s pleasures,

Heal the pain we caused together.

Lo engaging in solo pleasures

You’re Wendy and I’m Peter Pan.

Let’s fly away to Never Never Land.

Only if you believe, we can find

The Lost Boys, Captain Hook, and stop the Enemy – Time.