[Those of you who have followed us closely and purchased the books know that JoKoss has made a number of great images of Lo, including the cover for our forthcoming book, Slut Life. Here is an interview from Medium.com that Contel Bradford published. It’s reposted here with his consent. Please check out JoKoss. I’m not sure how to support him right now, but he could use it since his exhibits have been canceled due to COVID-19. All of the images here are by JoKoss and are of Lola Down.]
Cover of the Audio Book with chapters Image by JoKoss
I have a confession: I suck at almost everything. Seriously. Writing is like the only thing I’m halfway decent at. SMH. Damn shame. I think it would be SO cool if I could draw aswell as Jo Koss, who took some time to chat it up for The Fetish Files.
How long have you been drawing and when did you realize you were an artist?
Oh I believe I have been drawing since I could pick a pencil up. Then of course I didn’t really have a plan or an idea of becoming an artist.
What inspired you to start drawing nude artwork?
When I tried to pursue a professional career in the comic industry back in the days the first doors that opened were of Adult comics publishers. I think every artists I knew back then followed the same path. I started up actually writing adult comics and eventually I drew many of them as well. Writing was much quicker for me to put down the stories that other artists would illustrate. Even though the comics weren’t very elaborate you could only draw a few panels a day while for the stories I could write a few over a night.
I understand a lot of your work is based on community requests. What is the craziest request you’ve received so far?
Oh there are a few every now and then. I guess the craziest ones are when they send me tiny little details oo portion of photos with even the face masked and they want me to draw a portrait. Other times they would ask very elaborate situations that might take an entire day to figure out, unfortunately I have to turn down those requests because otherwise I wouldn’t have any time to do anything else. But yes, I get a lot of requests from the various communities and socials.
Can you provide some insight into your creative process? Do you use any kind of animation software? Or do you draw everything freehand? I can barely draw a stick dude, so I literally have no clue.
I draw both traditional and digital. Sometimes I would draw by hand and then add colors in Photoshop. It depends on what I have to draw, how I am inspired, time, also where I am. If I am traveling I might draw on one of my sketchbooks and later scan it or just post it as it is.
Cover to Volume III: Writing Under Cover by JoKoss
Do you have a favorite piece you’ve drawn?
Quite a few actually. Hard to pick favorites really. There might be a story behind the picture that would make the work special for me, or the way I made the illustration. I sometimes prefer working in black and white but I enjoy using colors. At times I try to experiment a little.
What role has social media played in growing a following for the Jo Koss brand?
Quite a lot, since through the various sites my pics have been reposted everywhere. I realized that some people printed out my illustration to decorate their skateboards or guitars. I also found some people doing graffitis and murales of my art. Some of the recent ones I saw on Instagram where in Russia. Pretty cool I think.
Seems Tumblr’s hasty ban on adult content impacted many content creators. How did the ban effect you, and where are you currently sharing your work?
Well, that sucked quite a lot. I had to rethink everything. Start a new site, look for alternative communities. It is still in progress. I have lost touch with a lot of followers and that’s a pity but slowly, gradually I have noticed that some of them are reappearing on other communities I signed on. Right now I am on AdultNode, Bdsmlr, Twitter, Instagram, DeviantArt, still trying to find the perfect spot I guess.
I see you’ve published a couple books. Care to tell us about them?
I have a few more in progress. I have collected all the illustrations I made and posted on tumblr and collected in a nice art book. It went sold out and now I will have to reprint it but in the meantime I have made some more illustrations so I am trying to finalize a volume 2 at the same time.
I am also planning a few exhibitions where the books will be also available.
Any new projects we should be on the lookout for?
Yes, something is cooking but I am still not ready to announce it. Most likely I will post on my social something soon.
To see this artwork the way it was meant to be seen, check out Jo Koss.
Contel Bradford is a mystical and complex individual. You can attempt to unravel some of the mystery by visiting his author site at countkrewpublications.com.
The following interview was just published on the very elite blog: AuthorsInterviews by the wonderful Fiona Mcvie!
Hello and welcome to my blog, Author Interviews. My name is Fiona Mcvie.
get you introduced to everyone, shall we? Tell us your name. What is your age?
Hi, my name is Lola Down. I’m in my
mid-twenties. My man, H.H., the author,
is in his mid-fifties.
Where are you from?
We’re both from the U.S. The North East
to be more specific. But that’s about as
specific as we get.
A little about your self (ie, your education, family life, etc.).
We’re both well educated with graduate degrees.
My family background is rather tattered and filled with pain. His is all American Apple Pie, so far as I
can tell, but I’m sure that there’s lots beneath the surface. He doesn’t talk much about it, so it’s a bit
of a mystery to me. We met when he was
my art history professor. I was a
freshman and 18. He was in his late
Tell us your latest news.
Latest news is that soon we will be publishing the third book in our series of Match, Cinder & Spark. The first volume, subtitled “Nymphomania and
the Single Girl,” included a lot of stories about me when I was single. The
second volume, subtitled “MORE!” included more stories. The third volume, subtitled “Writing Under
Cover,” included a story about living a double life: of normal folks by day,
and sexplorers by night. The next volume
is subtitled “Sexy Shorts” and will only be two-three page stories.
Get all of the books, hard-copy for best results.
Fiona: When and why did you begin
I began writing in high school. Short
stories, mostly of a sci-fi genre. In
college I tried a bit more, but it wasn’t very good. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties,
early thirties and going through some very tough times in my personal and
professional life that I turned to writing as a form of escape, release, or
therapy. That’s when it began to go much
Fiona: When did you first consider
yourself a writer?
H.H.: I never really felt like a writer and certainly never
introduced my self as such because it seemed so pretentious and false. But at a certain point I just had written so
damn much that it was undeniable that that was what I was. A tiny fraction of it had been published, but
it wasn’t until starting the blog, mysexlifewithlola.com, that I really felt
like a writer. That’s when our
readership just went up and up and people from all over the world began writing
to us saying how much the writing (and Lola) inspired them. That felt great!
Fiona: What inspired you to write your
first book?
After a few years of regularly writing and publishing for the blog, the
manuscript of stories was into the hundreds of thousands of words. Currently, as of today, the word count of
only the published stories is 476,472.
That doesn’t include the words in the hopper ready for publishing on the
blog, or the notes that have incomplete stories and fragments. So, even though the stores didn’t have a
narrative arc, and they were mostly a collection of stories with two main
characters in each story, I thought, this is a good way to make access to the
stories easier for people. The blog
navigation can be as confusing as it is easy, if that makes sense. I didn’t spent time shopping the manuscript
around since we already had a built-in fan base of over many thousands. Unfortunately, the first volume, Match, Cinder & Spark: Nymphomania and
the Single Girl, was rather lengthy and, in the hard-copy, we included a
lot of high-quality, glossy photos. That
shot the price really high. I didn’t
realize how expensive it would be until the project was finished. By that time, after all that work, I decided
that I was just going to publish it as is, let the buyer pay for the book. It
is a collector’s item, after all. And,
with some more work, I could publish an e-book version and sell it for
literally 1/70 the price. Unfortunately,
at the time, the technology was not available for the photos to be included in
the e-book, but that also meant that people all over the world could safely
read it in public places, like the subway or on a plane or the airport, without
fear that Lola’s pussy would suddenly pop up on the screen. And if they wanted to see Lola’s va-jay-jay,
they could always just do a Google search of mysexlifewithlola.com.
How did you come up with the title?
Lola: Match, Cinder & Spark – He’s the
“cinder,” that is, the fire that has passed its prime. I’m the “spark”; the catalyst that sets things
aflame. Together, we’re a match. I won’t say a perfect match, but one that is
highly combustible. . . and hot!
Fiona: Do you have a specific writing
style? Is there anything about your style or genre that you find particularly
The writing usually comes very easy. It’s mostly quasi-autobiographical. Lo provides the inspiration and a lot of the
raw material for the stories and then I just take artistic liberties to craft
it into a story that has some form. But
every once in a while I try to switch it up by trying out a new narrative
style. I once wrote a story called “Fuck
Noir” and I tried, not too successfully, to adopt a detective novel narrative
voice. I was particularly fond of the
last line, but that was all Lola’s doing.
How much of the book is realistic and are experiences
based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Like I said, almost all of the book is based upon something in our lives,
either individually or together. We take
pains to protect the innocent as well as the guilty, and I use poetic license
to intersperse scenes out of sequence in order to tell a better story, but
there’s very little there that didn’t actually happen.
Fiona: To craft your works, do you have
to travel? Before or during the process?
Travel provides great material. There has never been a trip that we have gone
on, either separately or together, that hasn’t produced at least one fun
Fiona: Who designed the covers?
I once wrote a story called “How My Girlfriend Became an Amateur Internet Porn
Star” which is all about the design of the cover of our first book, Match, Cinder & Spark: Nymphomania and
the Single Girl. I had chosen some
stock photo for the cover and when Lo saw it, she freaked. “I go
on the cover. No one else. Me.” Well, from then on, I knew that any promo for
the book or the blog had to be of Lo. It
meant a lot of photo taking by me (and some sexy selfies), but it’s truly a
labor of love.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Love yourself. Love the one you’re
with. Love each other. And if you’re single: Love yourself and love
our blog and books.
Fiona: Are there any new authors that
have grasped your interest? Who is your
favorite writer, and what is it about their work that really strikes you?
There are a lot of bloggers in our blogging community whose work I really
love. Too many to name them all, but a
small sample includes: Cara Thereon of CaraThereon.com, Hyacinth of
adissolutelifemeans.com, Nilla of Vanilla Mom’s Blog, just to name a few.
Also, lately I’ve really enjoyed TJ of The Lustful Empress, Nero Black and his
eponymous blog, and lots of writers on Medium.com, most especially MyErotica
run by Rose, and the columns by Madelaine Hanson.
Madelaine Hanson
Fiona: Outside of family members, name
one entity that supported your commitment to become a published author.
Actually, none of our family members know about this blog. But I’d say that
Medium.com has done the most in that they pay their member authors for the
content they create based upon some mysterious formula. I’m sure that they
somehow make far more than the authors, but it’s more than other platforms
Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?
Outside of the erotica that I write, I have a whole host of other works under
my real name. One day, maybe after I’m dead, the truth will out and then it
will become the unenviable task of others to reconcile the “legit” writing with
the “scurrilous” works. That is, of course, if anyone cares.
Fiona: If you had to do it all over
again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Well the latest book is just on the cusp of being published and so I’m trying
to insure that it will be the best yet.
Fiona: Did you learn anything during the
writing of your recent book?
I learned how much I love Lola, not because she’s so incredibly sexy, so dirty
in her thoughts, but because she is so incredibly funny. Writing dialogue with her is so easy because
our day-to-day lives together are full of amusing banter. We like to think of
ourselves as like Nick and Nora Charles from The Thin Man movies.
If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?
Jeremy Irons. I think he is wonderful in the remake 1997 of Lolita. But he’s probably a bit old for
the part now (though he’s in great shape).
Maybe Jeff Goldblum.
Amanda (Donaghey) George. She looks just like me. Or maybe Sasha Grey, because she looks a bit
like me and is willing to do anything.
Amanda GeorgeSasha Grey
Fiona: Any advice for other writers?
Never take advice from a fellow writer.
They’re all full of shit.
Fiona: Anything specific you want to
tell your readers?
[A while back, CC generously opened up her blog, Honesty, to guest bloggers for her “Tell Us A Story” series. This week she has chosen a story I wrote to be her feature! As I told her, “This is a total work of fiction. It had its origin as a ‘bedtime story’ for Lo. That is, when I was first ‘courting’ her, it was sort of a distance relationship and this story came about as the result of a very extended late-night chat we were having – something she often asked me to do for her so she could get off on the other end of the invisible line of communication and end the night with an orgasm that I had (virtually) given her. I wooed her with my words – something that I find flattering, and a real turn on for me.”]
“An Encounter With a Stranger”
Lola responded to a Craigslist posting that sought two sexy young ladies for an adult Christmas party. She went to the address posted and into a fancy office building downtown. On the thirty-third floor she got out of the elevator and followed the signs to “Premier Entertainment.” There she entered a fancy waiting-room with a very attractive receptionist dressed in a sheer white blouse, through which Lola could see much of her full breasts. The receptionist asked Lola to wait and as Lola flipped through a copy of GQ and noticed the tasteful posters on the walls of various entertainment events from Spring Break to Ski Season, she could feel herself getting wet between her legs.
Finally a gentleman in a nice Italian suit opened a heavy wooden door and said, “Ms. Down, we will see you now.” His words were perfectly clear, but Lola detected a slight foreign accent. She couldn’t place it, but it seemed alluring to her. Lola got up and entered the room, smoothing out her dress bottom. The man held the door for her and followed Lola into the windowless room. There she saw a large oak desk, behind which was a man sitting, also in a fine suit. He barely looked up at her. The other man, the one who let Lola in, sat in a chair next to the desk. He asked, “Please sit.” Lola complied, taking her place on the large black leather couch. Some introductions were made and then the younger of the two men, the one next to the desk, proceeded to do all the talking. He informed Lola that this is a very high-class corporate event for a select group of invited guests, all men. They are very important and influential people whom the sponsoring client wishes to impress. He went on, explaining that all Lola will be asked to do is wear an attractive “Santa’s Helper” outfit with a hat, and look “appealing” with Santa and his other female assistant. For this she was to be paid $5,000 for the night, provided she passes the audition and gets the part.
The gentleman at the side of the desk then asked if Lola would be willing to show them her figure. She looked a little surprised, but the man reassured her saying, “Merely remove your dress so that we may get a better sense of your body figure.” Lola was still surprised since her dress was rather tightly fitting. But, for the job, she agreed. She slowly pulled the slinky black satin dress up and over, being careful not to mess her hair. She stood before them in her panties and a red bra. They asked her to turn and to turn again. The older man looked up from the desk, briefly. The other man was studying her critically, as he would study a work of art. He seemed uncertain. “I’m just not sure. May I ask you to remove your bra?” He asked. Lola acquiesced. Slowly she unhooked the back of the bra and then gently let the bra fall into her arms. She covered her breasts with her folded arms. The man said “Please. I need to assess your figure.” So she opened her arms and he asked her to turn round yet again. She did so. The older man looked up briefly again. The younger gentleman stood up and Lola could see a bulge in his pants by his crotch. He looked at her, standing close to her, and said, “Thank you Ms. Down, we’ll be in touch.”
From their olive complexion and the young man’s accent, Lola surmised that they were from somewhere along the Mediterranean. She ruled out Italy or Greece. She was thinking more along the lines of a Middle-Eastern country. Perhaps Lebanon or maybe Jordan. They were extremely polite, formal, and businesslike, but Lo could tell that these manners merely masked their strong libidinous urges.
Lola began to turn away, but something stopped her. She found this man very attractive and his smell was irresistible. She stopped and looked at him. She was very nervous but, she reached over and grabbed his leather belt buckle with both hands and began to unbuckle it. He looked at Lola with a combination of fear and desire. She undid the buckle and pulled out the belt. The feel of the leather in her hands told her immediately that this was no cheap knock-off belt from Sears. This was an exquisitely crafted item, soft and smooth to the touch. It had heft to it that stimulated her in ways that she never thought possible for an article of men’s clothing. She put it into the young man’s hand and bent over, supporting herself by her arms on the desk. She looked directly at the old man sitting there across from her.
As she pulled down her thong she said, “Spank me. Hard!” The man took his belt and cracked it across Lola’s bum with a “whap!” She bit her lower lip, but let out no noise. “Again.” He repeated the action. “Harder.” He complied. “Harder!” He brought it down hard so and this time Lola let out a yelp. He doubled down again. Lola let out a cry followed by a moan of pleasure as she looked right at the old man. The other man spanked her again and again and each time she let out a louder and little louder sound, followed by a moan. By now the receptionist certainly could hear the smacks and the cries. Lola moved her right hand so that it was between her crotch and she began rubbing, still supporting herself with her left hand. But eventually she couldn’t stand it any longer and she collapsed on her breasts onto the top of the old man’s desk, her hair sprawled out in front of him.
“Take me!” she said, and the man put down his belt and opened his pants, without pulling them down. He pulled out his long, hard cock and he entered Lola from behind. Her wet pussy welcomed the smooth and single-stroked penetration by the 8” cock. She reached down to the old man’s crotch and pulled out his little pud of a thing. She caressed it with her right hand and tugged and pulled on it to get it large. Obviously this guy was not taking Viagra. She continued and then she squirmed forward in order to be able to reach far enough to take it into her mouth. As she did so, it remained limp and small. She took the whole thing in her mouth and teased it with her tongue. Eventually she got some small little reaction out of him. Meanwhile the man behind her was going at her full steam ahead, pushing the giant desk a little and then a little more. His pants were still up around his waist and Lola could feel the cold and roughness of his open fly on her bum. He pounded her as hard as he could. The front of her thighs were being pressed and pushed into the hard wood of the floor. She knew she would be bruised later, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to be filled as deeply as possible. She wanted the man behind her to hit her special spot deep within her. He kept on touching it with the tip of his cock and then pulling out. She wanted him to be right there, right on that spot. Hold it. Hold it there!
Lola began to cum and as she did the young man started crying out that he too was going to cum. Lola let go of the old man’s pud and turned around and got on her knees to take the young man’s dick in her mouth where he could explode with a plume of cum. Down in one! She sucked on it; sucked long and hard till she has consumed every last bit of his juices. She licked him clean as he slowly got soft. He pulled his limp piece out of her mouth and put it back in his pants, zipped up, and put on his belt.
He handed Lola her bra and dress. After she put it on and straightened it all out, he shook her hand and said, “We’ll see you at the party.” Lola exited the office and took a sidelong glance at the receptionist who gave her a condescending look in return. Lola wiped her mouth as she went out of the office. She got into the elevator. On the way down it stopped at another floor and a man got in. He looked at Lola and asked, “Good lunch?” as he pointed with his finger to the corner of his own mouth, indicating something. Lola reached up and felt on the corner of her mouth a little drop of cum she had missed.