[We interrupt the mini-series, “Mount Bliss,” to bring you this timely tale of Lo’s date from Easter last year. We hope you enjoy it and hope that you have also been enjoying the mini-series. We will do our best to continue with the last few installments of the series this week. Happy Easter to everyone! We hope you are all safe, healthy, happy, sexy, and enjoying all of our content!”
“The Good Place”
It was Easter Sunday morning and we could both sleep late, finally. But I awoke to Lo screaming, “Fuck! God! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!!!” and a buzzing sound. I felt the sprinkle of her holy water on my foot and then she turned to me and said, “Oh, morning! Best alarm clock ever, right?” as she shut off her Hitachi Magic Wand and pulled it out from under the blankets. She jumped out of bed, bare-ass, and said, “You have to get up now, Daddy, because I have to strip.”
“You’re already naked.”
“I have to strip the bed. Get up.”
Reluctantly I got out from under the blankets as she peeled them off the bed to reveal the puddle she had made. She removed the sheets and tossed them in the laundry basket.
“A happy Easter to you too,” I said sarcastically. “Was that you reciting the Rosary?”
“No, but I can get my beads, if you’re into that sort of thing.”
“What beads?”
“My anal beads, of course.”
“You are a sacrilegious sex-addict!”
“You are a silver-tonged poet!”
“Now that we have stroked each other’s egos, what else would you like to stroke?”
As she was taking out the fresh sheets, she picked up her Hitachi and said, “Now I know why they call it a Magic Wand! Because it does the trick every time!”
Meanwhile, I was standing naked, my cock saluting her sexy body as she moved and jiggled making the bed.
Once the corners were all tucked and the bed turned down, I jumped in.
“Hey!” she said, “I just made that!”
“Yeah, well it was made just for me.”
“No, it was made for me. . . to get laid.”
“I don’t object to that.”
“Later,” she said, to my great disappointment.
“What do you have to do now?”
“I have a date.”
“A date, with a girl.”
“What?!” I said again.
“Yeah, I took out another ad,” she said, nonchalantly, as she tossed her phone on the bed for me to see.

Lola’s Ad featuring Lola Getting Off to her 18″ dildo
Adventurous, sexy, intelligent, fun female seeks the same for good time out on the town and in the bedroom. I like to dominate and, occasionally, be dominated. I’m experienced and in an open relationship, but he will not be part of this. Trysexual – I’ll try anything! D&D Free. You be too. NO GUYS! Must have voice confirmation. Send e-mail with info about you and pics. Need not be explicit, but must show face.
“When did you do this?” I inquired.
“A while ago,” she said in her Scarlett O’Hara voice as she put on her pink thong panties. “And my date is today.”
“Can I come along?” I asked. It was more like pleading.
“No! Didn’t you read the ad?”
“Yes, but. . .”
“No buts.”
“But your butt. It’s such a nice butt. And it’s such a nice day. Where are you going?”
“We’re meeting for coffee at the café around the corner.”
“I’ll just sit by you.”
“No, you’ll make me self-conscious.”
I must have been very pathetic because she finally gave in.
“Fine, but you have to wait at least ten minutes before you leave, and don’t sit anywhere near me.”
“OK. I’ll just sit where I can see you.”
She put on her cutest pink skirt and white t-shirt top, little baby blue pumps, and grabbed a designer handbag.
“How do I look?”
“You’re missing something.”
“A pink Easter bonnet.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous. Remember, ten minutes!”
“Yes, I know. I still have to get dressed anyhow.”
She was out the door and I rifled through my drawers to find something inconspicuous to wear. I put on the first things I found and dashed outside. I could see Lo’s little caboose sashaying down the street about fifty yards ahead of me. It was a beautiful sight along with the pink blossoms on the trees and the budding tulips.
I slowed down as Lo found her date and introduced herself, sitting down next to her at a little table on the sidewalk. Either her date got there early or Lo was late. In either case, Lo’s date was a very cute redhead with freckles. Lo had her back to my approach.
I was hoping to get a seat in the restaurant where I could safely spy on the two of them from behind the plate-glass window. But the hostess seated me outside, just diagonally from them both. Not only could I see everything, I could hear them too! At first Lo didn’t see me, thank goodness, because she would have been very cross at me.
They ordered breakfast and mimosas. I did too.
Lo’s date was not at all what I had expected. Usually the people who reply to these personal ads are men and women (or couples) roughly about Lo’s age – early to mid-twenties. But maybe due to the aging of the technology and its becoming obsolete by newer apps, like Tinder and Bumble, it’s an older crowd that is cruising the virtual personals. (By the way, Lo doesn’t use those more popular apps because she’s afraid of being recognized by her colleagues, or worse, students!) This woman was in her mid-thirties, at least. Maybe forty, but it’s hard to say. Long strawberry-blonde hair, thin, wearing denim shorts, high wedges with straps, and a loose-fitting black blouse. She rocked the outfit, but I was surprised to see a woman who looked like she could be a mom.
The seats outside filled up and it got a little louder. I found it difficult to hear them, but I caught snippets of their conversation. The mystery woman (I didn’t know her name yet) was asking about Lo’s “half-open relationship.” I heard Lo reply, “I’m not homosexual or heterosexual, bi-sexual, or even metro-sexual. I’m very sexual.” I’m sure she followed that with a pass of her tongue over her pearly white teeth.
The woman continued along the same lines, inquiring about Lo’s promiscuity (in a polite way) and Lo said, “I don’t call it slutty. I call it getting my needs met.”
I could see that Lo’s date liked this sort of talk. Lo can be very direct. The date reciprocated. I heard her say, “Your pussy and panties must smell so good!”
To which Lo replied, “Like roses and cotton candy.”
When they had finished their meals and were drinking coffee, the waitress brought them each a complimentary Cadbury egg for dessert. Lo was elated. She unwrapped it and then slowly bit into the chocolate and then said, “Mmmmm, I love to lick out the cream!”
“Me too,” said her friend. “How about we go back to your place?”
“I’m wide open to that idea,” said Lo, and I could see her uncross her legs and remove her foot from her shoe to rub her friend’s calf. “But,” she added, “my man is there right now.”
I wanted to leap up from my seat and say, “No, no! I’m not. I’m right here! Go right ahead.” But I had to keep silent.
Her friend looked very disappointed. Lo hates to disappoint. “I’ll tell you what,” she said, “maybe I can text him and tell him to leave us alone for a couple of hours.”
Her friend perked up at that idea. Lo took out her phone and soon I got a text saying, “Is it ok, Daddy?” Thank goodness my phone was on silent, because the sound of it going off with a text message may have looked suspicious.
I texted back, “Is what ok?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you’re sitting right there. Is it ok for me to take Meri to our place for a while?”
“If that pleases you,” I texted back.
Lo smiled at her friend. They paid the bill and soon were off to fuck, leaving me with nothing to do on Easter morning. I didn’t even bring a book!
About two hours later and about eight miles of strolling through our sunny city streets, I finally got a text from Lo. It said, “Exhausted! Come home.”
I hightailed it back to our place only to find Lo in the messed bed, naked again.
“Come here,” she said.
“Still love me?” I asked first.
She pulled down the covers and spread her legs as far apart as they would go and said, “Daddy, I love you THIS much!”
“Will you tell me each and every detail?”
“You know I will. I have a pornographic memory.”
I got naked and lay on top of her and plunged my rod deep in her hole.
She said, “Uh uh. No. In my ass. My cunt is worn out.”
I flipped her over on her tum and slid right in.
“You’re so slick,” I said.
“I’m a well-oiled machine,” she replied.
“Now tell me,” I insisted.
“Believe it or not, Meri is a mother of three and the oldest is eighteen!”
“I can’t believe it,” I said, both about what Lo had said and how good her rear entrance felt. “You fucked a mom?!”
“More like she fucked me. She’s been married twenty-two years and has never before been with a woman.”
“She got permission from her husband to find someone to show her the ropes.”
“There were ropes involved?”
“Shut up and keep fucking my ass.”
I am good at taking instructions like that.
“We got here and she couldn’t wait to get out of her clothes and hop into bed. No small talk, no foreplay, nothing. So I asked her, ‘What do you want? To do me or me to do you?’ She said she wanted to do me. She wanted to fuck me good and hard. She has quite the domineering streak about her. So I pulled out my dildo and placed it in her hands. She was amazed at the size of it. I told her not to be shy. I slipped out of my panties and pulled my skirt over my waist and lay on the bed with my legs spread. She began by fingering me. She asked if it was ok first, which I thought was nice. I said, ‘Just fuck me like your little whore.’ That got her going. She used the dildo on my puss, ramming it fast and hard, hitting my spot. She never saw a woman squirt before in real life and she was thrilled that she was able to do that for me! Little did she know that I squirt just about every time.”

Our next book will be called “Slut Life” about Lola’s adventures by the ocean
“Are you squirting now?” I interrupted to ask, since I felt her juices dripping down my thigh.
“Not yet, Daddy. I’m just soaked.”
I increased my speed and depth.
“That’s it,” she said. “Like she did with the dildo in my cunt.”
She pulled up a photo of Meri from her phone to look at it. “She has great tits,” Lo said as she began squirting on me with force, soaking the bed. She suddenly fell forward, lying flat on her tum in the puddle she made, convulsing like a fish out of water. There was no way I could stay in her. I grabbed my drenched, hard baton and lay on my back next to her.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head. She was temporarily blitzed out.
When she came to, she said, “What an amazing day!”
“Full of Easter Eggs,” I said, jokingly.
She played with my hard cock with her right hand, seeing how it bounced back into its rigid upright position when she would bend it down.
“Christ has risen. Christ will cum again,” she said, stroking my member from the base to the tip.
“Good for Christ, but I haven’t cum once!”
She pivoted on her tum so her mouth was over my cock and she put out her tongue as if to receive Holy Communion. “May I have your flesh?” she asked.
She took my cock in her mouth and slid up and down the shaft. She went all the way down to my balls and took them in her warm, wet mouth. It felt good, but I needed sweet release. She returned to the tip and looked up at me.
Momentarily, she pulled up off my cock in order to say, “I wanted to go down on her. I wanted to return the fuck for her. But she didn’t let me. She just fucked me fast and furious and filled my cunt with all sixteen inches of my dildo. I didn’t get to give her any pleasure at all, other than the pleasure of pounding me like a boss.”
Lo went back down on my dick looking up at me again. “Am I a good girl, Daddy?” she asked, looking for approval.
“Did Meri think you were a good girl?”
“I don’t know,” she said as her fingers fondled me between my legs, lightly. “I came by the bucket load, and then she said she had to get going. She had plans with her family for Easter, she said. She got dressed and simply blew me a kiss as she let herself out. I was too weak to even get up. I used my skirt to soak up what I could and texted you.”
“You’re a very good girl,” I said.
I was lying on my back and she got up, straddled me with her knees beside my hips, and she grabbed her ass cheeks with each hand, spread them, and slowly let herself down on my erect cock, guiding it directly into her anus, slowly. I’m not nearly as long as her dildo, but she slid down on me until she was sitting on my pelvis. She pulled her feet in between my legs and sat there, her back to me, and she rocked gently back and forth to feel me deep inside her. I could feel the tip of my member penetrating as far up as possible. She spread her legs and began fingering her clit. She grabbed her red dildo, the one that Meri had used on her, and slipped it up and in her pussy. I could feel it enter her. She was filled and tight and moaning a tune of pleasure. I lay on my back enjoying her ride. She called over her shoulder to me, “Cum in me. Cum. Cum and fill me up. I want to feel your hot. . .”
She didn’t finish her command before I obediently complied. I pulsed with strong spurts of spunk into her hole. She tightened her grip on me even further and I felt as if she wouldn’t let go. I didn’t mind. I liked being there, deep inside her.
I felt her slide the dildo out from her front hole as she squirted down onto her ankles. And then, after a long sigh of relief, she slowly lifted her bum up off of me. I slid out of her as she eased her way up, with both hands grabbing her ass again, and she let all of my cream filling slowly leak out onto my flaccid cock.
Her whole body crumbled as if, deprived of my rigidity, it had no strength to remain upright. She lay next to me on the bed. She curled into her little spoon as I cuddled her as her big spoon. She fell off to sleep in the midst of all the mess she and I had made together, not to mention the mess Meri had made of her. It was only a cat nap. When she awoke, I whispered in her ear, asking her, “Would you like to watch an episode of “The Good Place?”
“Mmmmmm,” she said, moving her right hand behind her, reaching down to my cock and then inserting a finger in her soaked ass, and she said, “This is the good place.”