“The Good Place”

[We interrupt the mini-series, “Mount Bliss,” to bring you this timely tale of Lo’s date from Easter last year. We hope you enjoy it and hope that you have also been enjoying the mini-series. We will do our best to continue with the last few installments of the series this week. Happy Easter to everyone! We hope you are all safe, healthy, happy, sexy, and enjoying all of our content!”

“The Good Place”

It was Easter Sunday morning and we could both sleep late, finally.  But I awoke to Lo screaming, “Fuck!  God!  Fuck!  Fuck!  FUCK!!!” and a buzzing sound.  I felt the sprinkle of her holy water on my foot and then she turned to me and said, “Oh, morning!  Best alarm clock ever, right?” as she shut off her Hitachi Magic Wand and pulled it out from under the blankets.  She jumped out of bed, bare-ass, and said, “You have to get up now, Daddy, because I have to strip.”

“You’re already naked.”

“I have to strip the bed.  Get up.”

Reluctantly I got out from under the blankets as she peeled them off the bed to reveal the puddle she had made.  She removed the sheets and tossed them in the laundry basket.
“A happy Easter to you too,” I said sarcastically.  “Was that you reciting the Rosary?”

“No, but I can get my beads, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

“What beads?”

“My anal beads, of course.”

“You are a sacrilegious sex-addict!”

“You are a silver-tonged poet!”

“Now that we have stroked each other’s egos, what else would you like to stroke?”

As she was taking out the fresh sheets, she picked up her Hitachi and said, “Now I know why they call it a Magic Wand!  Because it does the trick every time!”

Meanwhile, I was standing naked, my cock saluting her sexy body as she moved and jiggled making the bed.

Once the corners were all tucked and the bed turned down, I jumped in.

“Hey!” she said, “I just made that!”

“Yeah, well it was made just for me.”

“No, it was made for me. . . to get laid.”

“I don’t object to that.”

“Later,” she said, to my great disappointment.

“What do you have to do now?”

“I have a date.”


“A date, with a girl.”

“What?!” I said again.

“Yeah, I took out another ad,” she said, nonchalantly, as she tossed her phone on the bed for me to see.

Lola’s Ad featuring Lola Getting Off to her 18″ dildo

Adventurous, sexy, intelligent, fun female seeks the same for good time out on the town and in the bedroom.  I like to dominate and, occasionally, be dominated.  I’m experienced and in an open relationship, but he will not be part of this.  Trysexual – I’ll try anything!   D&D Free. You be too.  NO GUYS!  Must have voice confirmation.  Send e-mail with info about you and pics.  Need not be explicit, but must show face.


“When did you do this?” I inquired.

“A while ago,” she said in her Scarlett O’Hara voice as she put on her pink thong panties.  “And my date is today.”

“Can I come along?” I asked.  It was more like pleading.

“No!  Didn’t you read the ad?”

“Yes, but. . .”

“No buts.”

“But your butt.  It’s such a nice butt.  And it’s such a nice day.  Where are you going?”

“We’re meeting for coffee at the café around the corner.”

“I’ll just sit by you.”
“No, you’ll make me self-conscious.”


I must have been very pathetic because she finally gave in.

“Fine, but you have to wait at least ten minutes before you leave, and don’t sit anywhere near me.”

“OK.  I’ll just sit where I can see you.”

She put on her cutest pink skirt and white t-shirt top, little baby blue pumps, and grabbed a designer handbag.

“How do I look?”

“You’re missing something.”


“A pink Easter bonnet.”

“Now you’re just being ridiculous.  Remember, ten minutes!”

“Yes, I know.  I still have to get dressed anyhow.”

She was out the door and I rifled through my drawers to find something inconspicuous to wear.  I put on the first things I found and dashed outside. I could see Lo’s little caboose sashaying down the street about fifty yards ahead of me.  It was a beautiful sight along with the pink blossoms on the trees and the budding tulips.

I slowed down as Lo found her date and introduced herself, sitting down next to her at a little table on the sidewalk.  Either her date got there early or Lo was late.  In either case, Lo’s date was a very cute redhead with freckles.  Lo had her back to my approach.

I was hoping to get a seat in the restaurant where I could safely spy on the two of them from behind the plate-glass window.  But the hostess seated me outside, just diagonally from them both.  Not only could I see everything, I could hear them too!  At first Lo didn’t see me, thank goodness, because she would have been very cross at me.

They ordered breakfast and mimosas.  I did too.

Lo’s date was not at all what I had expected.  Usually the people who reply to these personal ads are men and women (or couples) roughly about Lo’s age – early to mid-twenties.  But maybe due to the aging of the technology and its becoming obsolete by newer apps, like Tinder and Bumble, it’s an older crowd that is cruising the virtual personals.  (By the way, Lo doesn’t use those more popular apps because she’s afraid of being recognized by her colleagues, or worse, students!)  This woman was in her mid-thirties, at least.  Maybe forty, but it’s hard to say.  Long strawberry-blonde hair, thin, wearing denim shorts, high wedges with straps, and a loose-fitting black blouse.  She rocked the outfit, but I was surprised to see a woman who looked like she could be a mom.

The seats outside filled up and it got a little louder.  I found it difficult to hear them, but I caught snippets of their conversation.  The mystery woman (I didn’t know her name yet) was asking about Lo’s “half-open relationship.”  I heard Lo reply, “I’m not homosexual or heterosexual, bi-sexual, or even metro-sexual.  I’m very sexual.”  I’m sure she followed that with a pass of her tongue over her pearly white teeth.

The woman continued along the same lines, inquiring about Lo’s promiscuity (in a polite way) and Lo said, “I don’t call it slutty.  I call it getting my needs met.”

I could see that Lo’s date liked this sort of talk.  Lo can be very direct.  The date reciprocated.  I heard her say, “Your pussy and panties must smell so good!”

To which Lo replied, “Like roses and cotton candy.”

When they had finished their meals and were drinking coffee, the waitress brought them each a complimentary Cadbury egg for dessert.  Lo was elated.  She unwrapped it and then slowly bit into the chocolate and then said, “Mmmmm, I love to lick out the cream!”

“Me too,” said her friend.  “How about we go back to your place?”

“I’m wide open to that idea,” said Lo, and I could see her uncross her legs and remove her foot from her shoe to rub her friend’s calf.  “But,” she added, “my man is there right now.”

I wanted to leap up from my seat and say, “No, no!  I’m not.  I’m right here!  Go right ahead.”  But I had to keep silent.

Her friend looked very disappointed.  Lo hates to disappoint.  “I’ll tell you what,” she said, “maybe I can text him and tell him to leave us alone for a couple of hours.”

Her friend perked up at that idea.  Lo took out her phone and soon I got a text saying, “Is it ok, Daddy?”  Thank goodness my phone was on silent, because the sound of it going off with a text message may have looked suspicious.

I texted back, “Is what ok?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.  I know you’re sitting right there.  Is it ok for me to take Meri to our place for a while?”

“If that pleases you,” I texted back.

Lo smiled at her friend.  They paid the bill and soon were off to fuck, leaving me with nothing to do on Easter morning.  I didn’t even bring a book!

About two hours later and about eight miles of strolling through our sunny city streets, I finally got a text from Lo.  It said, “Exhausted!  Come home.”

I hightailed it back to our place only to find Lo in the messed bed, naked again.

“Come here,” she said.

“Still love me?” I asked first.

She pulled down the covers and spread her legs as far apart as they would go and said, “Daddy, I love you THIS much!”

“Will you tell me each and every detail?”

“You know I will.  I have a pornographic memory.”

I got naked and lay on top of her and plunged my rod deep in her hole.

She said, “Uh uh.  No.  In my ass.  My cunt is worn out.”

I flipped her over on her tum and slid right in.

“You’re so slick,” I said.

“I’m a well-oiled machine,” she replied.

“Now tell me,” I insisted.

“Believe it or not, Meri is a mother of three and the oldest is eighteen!”

“I can’t believe it,” I said, both about what Lo had said and how good her rear entrance felt.  “You fucked a mom?!”

“More like she fucked me.  She’s been married twenty-two years and has never before been with a woman.”


“She got permission from her husband to find someone to show her the ropes.”

“There were ropes involved?”

“Shut up and keep fucking my ass.”

I am good at taking instructions like that.

“We got here and she couldn’t wait to get out of her clothes and hop into bed.  No small talk, no foreplay, nothing.  So I asked her, ‘What do you want?  To do me or me to do you?’  She said she wanted to do me.  She wanted to fuck me good and hard.  She has quite the domineering streak about her.  So I pulled out my dildo and placed it in her hands.  She was amazed at the size of it.  I told her not to be shy.  I slipped out of my panties and pulled my skirt over my waist and lay on the bed with my legs spread.  She began by fingering me.  She asked if it was ok first, which I thought was nice.  I said, ‘Just fuck me like your little whore.’  That got her going.  She used the dildo on my puss, ramming it fast and hard, hitting my spot.  She never saw a woman squirt before in real life and she was thrilled that she was able to do that for me!  Little did she know that I squirt just about every time.”

Our next book will be called “Slut Life” about Lola’s adventures by the ocean

“Are you squirting now?” I interrupted to ask, since I felt her juices dripping down my thigh.

“Not yet, Daddy.  I’m just soaked.”

I increased my speed and depth.

“That’s it,” she said.  “Like she did with the dildo in my cunt.”

She pulled up a photo of Meri from her phone to look at it.  “She has great tits,” Lo said as she began squirting on me with force, soaking the bed.  She suddenly fell forward, lying flat on her tum in the puddle she made, convulsing like a fish out of water.  There was no way I could stay in her.  I grabbed my drenched, hard baton and lay on my back next to her.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head.  She was temporarily blitzed out.

When she came to, she said, “What an amazing day!”

“Full of Easter Eggs,” I said, jokingly.

She played with my hard cock with her right hand, seeing how it bounced back into its rigid upright position when she would bend it down.

“Christ has risen.  Christ will cum again,” she said, stroking my member from the base to the tip.

“Good for Christ, but I haven’t cum once!”

She pivoted on her tum so her mouth was over my cock and she put out her tongue as if to receive Holy Communion.  “May I have your flesh?” she asked.

She took my cock in her mouth and slid up and down the shaft.  She went all the way down to my balls and took them in her warm, wet mouth.  It felt good, but I needed sweet release.  She returned to the tip and looked up at me.

Momentarily, she pulled up off my cock in order to say, “I wanted to go down on her.  I wanted to return the fuck for her.  But she didn’t let me.  She just fucked me fast and furious and filled my cunt with all sixteen inches of my dildo.  I didn’t get to give her any pleasure at all, other than the pleasure of pounding me like a boss.”

Lo went back down on my dick looking up at me again.  “Am I a good girl, Daddy?” she asked, looking for approval.

“Did Meri think you were a good girl?”

“I don’t know,” she said as her fingers fondled me between my legs, lightly.  “I came by the bucket load, and then she said she had to get going.  She had plans with her family for Easter, she said.  She got dressed and simply blew me a kiss as she let herself out.  I was too weak to even get up.  I used my skirt to soak up what I could and texted you.”

“You’re a very good girl,” I said.

I was lying on my back and she got up, straddled me with her knees beside my hips, and she grabbed her ass cheeks with each hand, spread them, and slowly let herself down on my erect cock, guiding it directly into her anus, slowly.  I’m not nearly as long as her dildo, but she slid down on me until she was sitting on my pelvis.  She pulled her feet in between my legs and sat there, her back to me, and she rocked gently back and forth to feel me deep inside her.  I could feel the tip of my member penetrating as far up as possible.  She spread her legs and began fingering her clit.  She grabbed her red dildo, the one that Meri had used on her, and slipped it up and in her pussy.  I could feel it enter her.  She was filled and tight and moaning a tune of pleasure.  I lay on my back enjoying her ride.  She called over her shoulder to me, “Cum in me.  Cum.  Cum and fill me up.  I want to feel your hot. . .”

She didn’t finish her command before I obediently complied.  I pulsed with strong spurts of spunk into her hole.  She tightened her grip on me even further and I felt as if she wouldn’t let go.  I didn’t mind.  I liked being there, deep inside her.

I felt her slide the dildo out from her front hole as she squirted down onto her ankles.  And then, after a long sigh of relief, she slowly lifted her bum up off of me.  I slid out of her as she eased her way up, with both hands grabbing her ass again, and she let all of my cream filling slowly leak out onto my flaccid cock.

Her whole body crumbled as if, deprived of my rigidity, it had no strength to remain upright.  She lay next to me on the bed.  She curled into her little spoon as I cuddled her as her big spoon.  She fell off to sleep in the midst of all the mess she and I had made together, not to mention the mess Meri had made of her.  It was only a cat nap.  When she awoke, I whispered in her ear, asking her, “Would you like to watch an episode of “The Good Place?”

“Mmmmmm,” she said, moving her right hand behind her, reaching down to my cock and then inserting a finger in her soaked ass, and she said, “This is the good place.”

Asses Up

[The mini-series “Mount Bliss” continues from “Dutiful Niece.”  We apologize for any delay and concern that the delay may have caused. Working on being more consistent content creators.]

“I don’t think this is a story I can tell,” I said to Lo as we were driving back home from the bizarre weekend in the mountains with Lily, Jim, Lily’s Uncle Collin and Aunt Suzanne.

“It sure did get weird fast,” she remarked, looking with a vacant stare out the window as the scenery streaked by.

“The whole thing was weird,” I remarked.

“That’s true,” she said, “but it got even more so once you got there.”

A little background may be in order here, dear reader.  Lily and Jim are our very good friends from home.  They’re married.  Lily is Lo’s age and of her same temperament.  Jim is slightly older, with a few hang-ups.  Lily’s Uncle Collin had invited the four of us up to his lake house in the mountains for a week but, due to our work schedules, only Lily and Lo could join him for the first five days.  During that time, Collin hit hard on Lo and Lo lapped it up, returning his advances with explicit flirtations.  Lily, during this whole extramarital exchange, reassured Lo that Uncle Collin and Aunt Suzanne “had an understanding” and that it was fine.

Because Uncle Collin and Aunt Suzanne have separate bedrooms and the former sleeps alone and the latter with her two dogs, the night before Jim and I were to arrive, Lo finally “slept” with Uncle Collin.  But it literally was just sleeping together because, as she found out that night, Uncle Collin, virile as he is, he is also impotent and suffers from E.D. due to an accident that injured his spine two decades ago.

The next morning, when Lo confronted Lily about this, it was revealed that Lily was a coconspirator with Uncle Collin to help him gave the female companionship he so long to enjoy with Lo.  But, not only that, it turned out that Lo was only the latest in a long string of sexy young friends whom Lily had enticed to spend “quality time” with Uncle Collin.

Saturday morning, Jim and I were headed straight for the eye of this swirling sordid affair.

Just to add even more spice to the already simmering pot, he and I were hard-up from a long five days apart from our respective hotwives and I had just come off of a terrible week, losing my big case that Friday.

I was so wrapped up in my own need to reconnect with Lo and my own dark and stormy cloud from the past week, that I hadn’t even put thought to how horny Lo would be, or Lily for that matter.  The last I had heard, Lo, Lily, and Collin had gone to a resort on Thursday and so I had no idea that Lo wasn’t getting her fill of good fucks by Uncle Collin there.  But I had heard from my reliable informant about Lily’s big reveal that she adheres to the ‘A.O.L.’  (Anal Only Lifestyle.)  A fascinating little tidbit of knowledge that had piqued my curiosity.

After we stopped for coffee and a quick breakfast sandwich at a highway rest stop, we were on the road for a good couple of hours.  Once we were a good distance outside the city, as the sun was burning off the morning mist, we saw some horses over in the field on the side of the road.

“You remember last time we all saw Uncle Collin?” asked Jim, slightly bemused by the horses.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Remember what we did?”

“You mean the candle lit therapy session?”

“No,” he said, snapping out of it.  “I mean the breeding farm he took us to.”

“Oh yeah, for his ‘prized stallion,’” I said, a little snarky.

“Yeah,” said Jim.  “Lo was really fascinated by that,” he remarked.  Clearly the experience had stuck with him.

“She’s a size queen,” I blurted out as a half joke, but immediately regretted it when I recalled Jim’s own diminutive size.

He turned to look at me with a quizzical expression.  “Then why does she like me?” he asked, genuinely.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that she both pities him and also loves to tease, so I said simply, “She thinks you’re cute.”

He let it drop and resumed his original line of questioning.  “So being a ‘size queen’ extends to other species?” he asked, getting to the point.

“To be honest, I think she’s just mesmerized by cock.  All cock.  She enjoys the power she exerts over it.  The power to make it hard, to make it cum, to put someone under her power of seduction.  It’s a power trip to her.  And part of that power trip is also the power that she feels by knowing she can take something so incredibly large.  Call it ‘the power of the puss’ if you want,” I said, laughing to myself about the turn of phrase.

All Cocks

“Has she ever. . .” began Jim, not able to even ask the question.

“Is this our turnoff?” I asked, evading his question.

He looked at his phone to check the map and he said, “The girls are asking if we will be eating breakfast with them.”

“When will we get there?”

“E.T.A. is about 11:00,” he said.

“Let’s plan on lunch.”

“Turn here,” he said.

As I got in the right lane, I saw the sign that read, “EXIT ONLY.”  It made me think of a woman I once knew who was adamantly anti-anal sex and remarked to me, “That is an exit only orifice.”  I chuckled to myself and thought of what a dirty old man I am and how Lily’s “Anal Only Lifestyle” is not a turnoff, but a real turn-on for me.

“Did our session by candlelight help you and Lily?” I asked, venturing into a topic he hadn’t revisited with me since that fateful night.  I suspect he had “confessor’s remorse” after admitting that he didn’t know how to fully please her.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, did you two talk about bringing a bull into the relationship or a little BDSM?”

“It’s more complicated than that.  She’s different than you think.”

“How so?”

“I mean, you know that, like you two, we’re in an open relationship.”


“But, unlike Lo she. . . .”  He trailed off.

“Jim we’ve known each other a long time.  You’ve been with Lo.  Lily has been forthright and open with us.  There’s nothing you should feel inhibited from telling me.  I hate to pull this card, but I’m older.  Maybe I have some sage advice.”

“Lily has a Catholic girl hang-up about sex,” he finally blurted out.

“What?!  Other than Lo, she’s one of the most openminded people I know.”

“It’s true.  She’s never had sex.  We’ve never had sex, properly.”

“OK, now I know you’re putting me on.”

“I wish it was a joke, but it’s not.  She grew up being told that sex is wrong, sex is bad, and girls who engage in sex are doomed to Hell.”

“But they only say that about fornication – sex outside of the marriage.”

“Well, that’s how she got started before marriage and, I guess, she still likes it that way.”

“How do you feel about that?” I ventured to ask, fully aware that I was treading over delicate, as if hiking along a cliff that could fall through at any moment.

It was as if a switch went off in his mind.  This normally mild-mannered, easy-going guy became enraged.  “I fucking hate it!” he blurted out.  “It’s so fucking dumb.  We’ve been married almost a year now and every fucking time I want to fuck her, she flips over on her belly and sticks her ass in the air, spreads her ass cheeks and says, ‘I’m ready for you now.’  What the fuck?!  Why can’t we just have real, loving intercourse?”  He punched the glove compartment.

“Hey, take it easy,” I said, concerned about the damage he was doing to my car and that he’d set off the airbag.

“Sorry, but this has been frustrating me since. . . well, since forever.”

“Have you talked with her about it?”

“Of course I have.”

I felt stupid even asking him, since he was so abrupt with his reply.

“I’m sorry, H, but. . .”

“I understand, Jim.  You and I, we’re both frustrated.  We haven’t seen Lo or Lily in five days and. . .”

“Yeah, how are you doing with that?” he interrupted to ask.

“With what?”

“With her being around Uncle Collin?”

“Whatever,” I said, dismissively and disingenuously since that thought had been consuming me for days now.

“I forgot, you don’t get jealous about her fucking other guys,” he said, as if bating me.

“As long as she’s honest about it,” I said, continuing to dissemble.

Soon we were pulling down a long dirt road leading to the cottage.

“I’ll text Lily that we’ll be there in a minute.”

“OK,” I said, feeling tense with no appetite other than for Lo.

We pulled up to the circular driveway in front of the picturesque villa.  I parked the car and Jim, who had been there before, let me around back to the deck where the girls and Collin and Suzanne, as well as the two dogs, were relaxing.

Lo and Lily were both naked as they day they were born.  They got up, their tits swinging and jiggling, their asses looking sweetly tanned, their unabashed display of their bodies admirable.  I saw how Collin watched Lo and his niece greet us as we appeared on the deck.  His eyes carefully watched ever move, every gesture, every subtle sign, deciphering its meaning and adducing the nature of the relationship.  He was a limp snake in the grass.  But, mind you, at that point, I still was in the dark as to what had transpired between him and Lo.

I wanted nothing more at that moment than to sweep Lo off of her bare feet and bring her to the bedroom (or the kitchen, or the bathroom, or really anywhere, even right there!) and discover all her stories while plumbing her depths with my philosophically penetrating apparatus.

Slut Seminar

[We take a break from our regularly scheduled programming of “Mount Bliss” in order to bring you this brief story that was published in the April Issue of ENM Magazine (Ethical Non-Monogamy). ENM only launched in January of this year and now, due to COVID-19, is struggling. Please stop by and support them. Thanks.]

“It is hard to imagine ‘slut’ being reclaimed the way ‘queer’ was, as a respectable label for academic programs and cultural centers.” (“Slut: The Other Four Letter S-Word,” on Fresh Air, WHYY, NPR, March 13, 2012)

The course was only open to graduate students and doctoral candidates.  They were mostly from the Women’s Studies department, but some were from English and/or Comp. Lit.  One or two were from the Philosophy department and one from the Religious Studies/Theology department.  It didn’t matter where they came from; what mattered was that they came.

Slut Seminar

This was the cutting edge of academia: Slut Studies.  The syllabus was a stroll down all the dark, forbidden stacks of the salacious, suggestive, censored and censured, prurient, perverted, plucky and poetic pornographic literature of the centuries.

It culminated with an in-depth reading and analysis of Match, Cinder & Spark.  The professor was only a few years older than the students, if that.  The student body was female and most of them either lusted for or loathed the professor because she was either the woman they wanted to bed or the woman they wanted to be.

They listened intently to her lectures and were eager to contribute to the lively debate about the nature of the nympho.

The English Lit student, Yael, said, “I think that Lola is a metaphor, a symbol, maybe even a mythic archetype.”

“Of what?” replied the professor.

“Of the receptive, open, accepting, and limber principle of life.  The Great Feminine.  And her squirting episodes are emblematic of the fluidity of life.”

“Like Yin in Taoism?” inquired the professor.

“Or it could be the other way around,” chimed in the Theology student.

“What do you mean by that?” asked the professor, genuinely confused.

“I mean. . .” began Sarah, the seminarian, searching for the right formulation of her thoughts, “that maybe we need to reimage our notion of God.”

“I’m not sure I follow,” said the professor.  “How does that relate to the text?”

“Well, for millennia, God was understood as a stern, strict, father figure.  Or, even if we look at the New Testament, a chaste, pure, abstemious saintly sufferer.  There’s little room for pleasure, sex, sexuality, or love that borders on desire in those paradigms.  Without a sex-positive godhead, how can you be sex-positive giving head?”

There were some chuckles in the classroom at that comment.

“No, seriously,” she implored, “maybe Lola is the avatar of a sex-positive spirituality.”

“That seems to bring us right back to Plato’s Diotima,” the professor said, trying to reframe the discussion and put it on an academic foundation.

“I don’t see why we have to contextualize the cunt in such highfalutin imagery,” interrupted one Marxist from the class.

The professor wasn’t sure if her use of “cunt” was literal or synecdoche.

“I mean,” said Mandy the Marxist, “there’s a direct correlation between the pussy and the personality.  It’s that simple.  Open, warm, welcoming, easy, or tight, closed, and constricting.  One either gives and receives or one is greedy and rejecting.”

To that comment, there was a big uproar in the class.  It seemed everyone wanted to criticize Mandy.

One voice eventually won out over the din.  “That is so black and white!  So dualistic!”  It was Penny, the philosopher.  “You Marxists are just Hegelian dialectical materialists.  It’s either/or with you.”

“Please, please,” refereed the professor, “There’s no need to be so personal.”

“I’m not being personal,” said Penny.  “I’m not attacking Mandy.  Just her philosophical assumptions.”

“Well, let’s make sure that we’re all clear about that,” the professor said, trying to keep the calm.

“Lola is more complex than goddess/whore, open/closed, yin/yang.  Yes, she has a lot of sex, with herself and others.  But, ultimately, she’s just human with human foibles, human desires, and she’s flesh and blood.”

“She’s a literary character,” interrupted Yael.

“I mean,” said Penny, “she’s depicted like a human of flesh and blood.”

“Actually,” said the professor, “she is a human of flesh and blood.”

“What?” gasped many of the women.

“Well, yeah,” said the professor, a bit embarrassed that she let the pussy out of the bag.  “I know her.”

“You know her?!” one of the students asked in disbelief.  “I thought this was fiction.”

“It says right on it ‘roman à clef,’” she said.

“Meaning?” asked one of the students.

“That’s a look-it-up question,” shot back the surly professor.  She had no patience for graduate students who don’t use the incredibly convenient tools at their disposal, like the internet.  “It means a text in which the characters are based on real people, but their identities are slightly concealed.”

“So Lola is a real person and you know her?”

The professor nodded.

They were all on the edge of their seats waiting for her to reveal more.

“I think now is a good time to take a break,” said the professor.

Hotwives in Training

While outside the classroom, the students chatted, musing amongst themselves, “Do you think she is Lola?” one asked, referring to the hot professor.

“No way,” said another.

“Could be,” pondered a third.

“I bet she is Lola,” said a fourth.

“You’re totally wrong,” said another.

“How do you know?”

“Because, it’s a ‘look-it-up question’,” she said, mimicking the professor’s snide tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I looked up Lola Down and found so much!”

Everyone took out their phones and started looking her up.

Ooos and Ahhhs were heard before they were stifled as the professor walked by and all the women compared what they saw on their phones to the professor’s curvy figure in her tight dress as she pranced past them.

They followed her in, each formulating a theory about the fount of her personality.

Yael Wolfe


[This story was inspired by Yael Wolfe (@yaelwolfehowls). Lola & HH also are very thankful to the gentlemen at Tehben.com (Matthew Burroughs and Nelsen Rockingham) who have thoughtfully reviewed three of the Match, Cinder & Spark books. We avidly welcome other scholars, such as John of astijake.wordpress.com and Dr. Kasey Butcher of phdsandpigtails.com, to write a scholarly review.]

Kasey Butcher, Ph.D.

Dutiful Niece

Lo’s Tits Out

[The mini-series “Mount Bliss” continues from “Pink Grapefruit“]

Saturday morning and Lola woke up in the large bed, but Collin was gone.  She slipped into a robe she found and then surreptitiously snuck barefoot through the house to the guest bedroom where she and Lily had been staying.  Though Collin had said it was fine with Suzanne that Lo and he slept together, she didn’t want to find out through a confrontation that he was lying or mistaken.

Lola found Lily sitting in bed, reading a book.  Lily looked up, “Morning,” she said, as if nothing had transpired the previous night.

“Hi,” said Lo, a little shy after returning from sleeping with Lily’s uncle.  It was a novel situation.

“Have a good night?” asked Lily.

Lo couldn’t wait to ask a thousand questions of her and this provided the opening for it.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your uncle’s horse accident?”

“What was I supposed to say, ‘A horse stepped on my uncle and now he can’t get his wee-wee up’?”

“Well, no, but you could have. . .”  Lo thought for a moment.  She sat on the bed next to Lily.  “So you knew all along?”

“Knew what?”

Lo didn’t want to come across as accusatory.  She pondered how to phrase her questions.

Lily already anticipated what she was going to ask and saved her the trouble.

“I was around six or seven when he had the accident.  I remember it vividly.  Uncle Collin was always my favorite and he was always strong and vibrant and, well, just like he is now.  It was terrible to see him in pain and struggling to get around in a wheelchair.  But he has incredible determination and inner strength.  He resolved to do everything he could to bounce back from that injury even stronger than before.  I watched him, over many years, make incremental progress until he was walking, even running again.”

“It’s amazing,” said Lo.  “I never would have known that he was once confined to a wheelchair.”

“A miracle.  But as I watched him improve physically, as I grew older, I also observed his relationship with Suzanne grow estranged.  They were married about a year when the accident happened.  Since then, she hasn’t left him, but she also hasn’t been there for him.”

“Why don’t they get divorced?”

“You see all this?” responded Lily, looking around the room, “And the other house, and everything else Collin has worked his life to achieve?  She would get half of everything.”

“Oh,” said Lo.

“They don’t dislike each other.  I think they actually are good to and for each other.  But they have worked out an arrangement.  She knows that Collin is impotent.  She knows all-too-well.  So what does she care if he’s around sexy young women?”

“You mean, this happens often?”

Lily let out a little laugh at Lo’s innocent question.  “You mean me bringing sexy friends here for Uncle Collin to seduce?  There hasn’t been one yet who was able to resist his charms.  You were just the most eager.”

Lo felt a pang of confusion and betrayal.  She had been used by both Lily and Uncle Collin.  She had been played as a dupe.  It was all a front.  And not only that, she was just one in a long line of similarly situated seeming seductresses.

If Lily noticed Lo’s crushed feelings, she didn’t let on that she saw or cared.  She just continued with her story.  “I told you that my family vacations in the south of France.  As soon as I hit puberty, I noticed how I got the attention of Uncle Collin.  He never, ever was inappropriate with me, but he liked watching me.  And pretty soon, any and every girlfriend I brought home fell madly in love with him.  He is devilishly handsome, I’ll grant him that.  But he also knows exactly what to say, what to do, and how to charm the pants off people, literally.  I mean, if he wasn’t my uncle. . . ,” Lily trailed off before adding, “Well, don’t think that I haven’t fantasized about it more than once when he was in the bedroom with one of my friends.”

“But nothing happened,” protested Lo, feeling like she had to exonerate herself.

“Of course nothing happened and nothing could happen.  He can’t get it up.  When I was a little older, he told me.  He came up to me and, in his charismatic way, he asked me to bring a friend over for his ‘company.’  He was so suave and subtle about it, that I wasn’t even clear what he was asking until I had already agreed.  But then I realized, he was asking me to pimp out my girlfriends for his pleasure.”

Now Lily had put it exactly as it felt to Lo.  That was the heart of the betrayal.

“And I’m just one of your tricks?”

“Lo,” said Lily, pleading for her sympathy, “All I did was invite you here.  Everything else – letting Collin put his hand on your knee in the truck, letting him feel your breast, letting him look up your skirt in the orchard, tanning naked in front of him, jerking that guy off for Collin’s pleasure, and going to bed with him – all of that was you and your choice.”

Lo reflected for a moment, stunned.  “But,” she thought, “I might not have done all those things if you weren’t right there with me getting naked in front of your uncle.”  She didn’t say that, because she believed in personal responsibility and she wasn’t going to blame Lily for her own behavior.

“But you knew.  You knew all along.  You knew what he wanted.  Even when you called to invite me here, you knew.  You were scheming.  You were a coconspirator,” Lo blurted out, giving vent to the emotions bubbling up in her.

“Yes, I knew all along.  I even told Uncle Collin that he would like you more than any of the others.  That he better watch out that he doesn’t fall in love.  He laughed.  But he was curious.  I’m sure that’s why he showed up at the mountain resort unexpectedly.  He just couldn’t wait to meet you and see you with his own eyes.”

“You mean, even before he met me, you were pushing me on him?”  Lo felt violated.

“Lo,” said Lily, “you’re in a half-open a relationship, you’re a proud hotwife, you take delight in flirting with and seducing married men, and you love showing off your body.  In my mind, you two were made for each other.  Tell the truth.  After you met Collin, were you not eager to see him again?  You sounded pretty thrilled to be invited here, and not just to get the fresh country air.”

Lo knew she was right, but something was not sitting well with her.

“What about Suzanne?” asked Lo.  “She doesn’t get jealous?”

“I told you,” she said, “they have an arrangement.”

Lo knew that Suzanne was not interested in women.  She definitely got that sense.  But what was this ‘arrangement’?

She asked, “You keep saying that, but what’s that mean?”

Lily took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.  “Lo, the world is weird all over and stranger the deeper you delve.”

If Lo had a Netflix show

Pink Grapefruit

[The mini-series “Mount Bliss” continues from “Sun Shower“]

It was Friday.  Though I couldn’t wait to be reunited with my little nymphet, Jim and I wouldn’t be getting on the road until early the next morning.  Soon Lola, Lily, and Collin were in the Jeep on their way back to the cottage.  They got back just in time for dinner with Suzanne.  After dinner and some drinks, Lily said to Lo, “I’m feeling tired.  I’m going to bed, but why don’t you join Collin on the deck?”

Suzanne, apparently, had already gone to bed.  Always the accommodating guest, Lola took her friend’s suggestion and found Collin sipping his whiskey as he sat in a double-wide swing outside, overlooking the lake.

Lo joined him on the swing and they made some small talk before he invited her to join him in the bedroom.

“What about Suzanne?” asked Lo.

“We sleep in separate bedrooms,” said Collin.  “She sleeps with Shadow and Bandit,” he said, referring to the dogs.  “It’s been this way for a while.”

Lo followed him through the quiet house to the master bedroom.  It was enormous.  The square footage of that room alone was probably bigger than our living room and kitchen together.  It had a master bath attached in an open plan layout.  Lo said she’d like to wash up before bed.  She dropped her denim shorts, removed her cutoff top and turned on the shower.  She stepped in as Collin watched her.  There was no door on the slate tiled shower.  The water just poured down from a waterfall fountain near the high ceiling.  Lo washed up and then dried off with one of the plush terrycloth towels.

She walked over to the bed where Collin was lying in just his flannel pajama bottoms.  She must have missed the brief moment when he changed.  Sitting on the bed near him, she removed the towel and passed him a bottle of lotion she had found by the sink.

“Moisturize me,” she said.

She was lying on her tum and he began with her shoulders.  His large, strong hands gently rubbed the scented cream into her skin.  She let out a moan.  “That feels soooo good.”

Collin continued down her back and pushed up from her hips toward her shoulders in long, slow strokes.

Finally he worked his way around her bum, grabbing with his fingers and thumbs and spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could get a good look at her special spot in a slight variation from his performance the day before.

“Clean as a whistle,” he remarked, taking note of one of Lo’s most remarkable features.

“I used the pink grapefruit bodywash in the shower.”

Gettin’ a Dirty Girl Clean

“Looks it,” he said.

“Does it taste like grapefruit?” she asked.

He continued his exploration of her anatomy with his palms sliding down her thighs to her calves.  He simply ignored her question.

His hands massaged around her ankles and then her feet.  His thumbs pressed into the arch of her feet and he rubbed in sensual circles, bringing her close to climax.

Pink Grapefruit

Before she had another accident, she turned over and looked at Collin.

“Why don’t you get out of those pjs?” she asked, straining to see if he was hard.

To her great surprise, he agreed and soon he was as naked as she.  But to her greater surprise, he was as flaccid as a well-cooked strand of spaghetti, though almost as long.

“Lo,” he said in a quiet tone, “there’s something I have to tell you.”

Lo’s eyes widened.

“About twenty years ago I was badly injured in a horse riding accident.”

“Oh no,” said Lo, even before hearing the details.  She gave him space to explain.

“I was riding one of my prized stallions and I thought I had trained him a lot better than I did.  He saw a shadow or a branch or something.  Maybe he thought it was a snake.  Maybe it was a snake.  I don’t know.  It was a long time ago and it happened fast.  He reared up and threw me off.”

Lo covered her mouth as she gasped.

“The fall wasn’t that bad, but then he bucked and his rear hoof went right into my back.  I had a serious injury to my thoracic spinal nerve 11, or T-11.  For a long time I was in a wheelchair, which is why this room is on the first floor and is designed to be completely wheelchair accessible.  I had a number of surgeries and eventually, after a lot of physical therapy, I was able to walk again.  But, unfortunately,” he looked down, “I never recovered to full functioning.”

Lo looked at Collin’s lengthy, beautiful cock, longingly.

“Nothing?” she asked a little tactlessly.

“Nothing.  Suzanne and I tried everything.  For years.  Surgeries, pills, pump.  Nothing could get me hard or keep me hard.”

“No orgasm, I guess,” she asked, unable to conceal a tone of disappointment from her voice.

“Not in over twenty years.”


“So much desire,” he said.

“What can I do for you?” asked Lo, always eager to please.

“Lo, your visit has been a godsend.”

“So you don’t want to finger me or have me suck you off or anything?”

“I actually just enjoy talking to you.”


“Well, that makes it more interesting.”

“Can I?”

“Can you what?” he asked and then understood.  “Oh, give it the ole college try?”

Lo nodded.

“See for yourself.”

Lo wasted no time.  She got between his legs with her face and finally gave free reign to her pent-up desire.  She licked, lapped, sucked, slurped, teased, touched, kissed, caressed, pressed, pulled, stroked, sloughed, and finally ceased, all to no avail.  Not that it wasn’t fun for her, but it did not bring about her hoped for result.

Spent, she lay back and stroked herself, but, without instilling a similar arousal in her host, she quickly became bored of it.

“You’re a remarkable woman,” said Collin.

His words fell on deaf ears.  Lo couldn’t help but feel let down by her mere humanity.  She had hoped to perform a miracle.  To raise Lazarus, to bring forth a baguette from a lump of dough, to at least fulfill some longed for fantasy.

In the end the two of them just sat together on the bed and they traded fabulous story for more outrageous tale.

Sun Shower

[The mini-series “Mount Bliss” continues from “A Brush with the Little Death.”]

Friday morning and Lo woke up in Lily’s arms, the sheets wet, her hairbrush buried under the covers.

Collin was already up, sitting in the chair next to the bed, drinking his coffee and reading the complimentary paper.

When he saw Lo’s eyes lock with his, a big, broad smile illuminated his face and he winked at her.

Lo carefully extricated herself from Lily’s arm draped over her breasts.  She snuck into the bathroom quietly, so as not to wake the angelic Lily.

She took a shower and while she was in there, suddenly, startling her, out of the fog entered Lily.

“Don’t worry, Lo,” she said, “I just thought we could be quicker this way.”  Lily got in the shower with Lo and the two of them soaped each other up.

“Sorry about last night,” said Lo.

Lily just snickered a bit before saying, “It was hot.”

“And wet,” added Lo, also laughing now.

“So wet!”

Lo was simultaneously embarrassed and proud of her accomplishment.

“Do you think Collin heard,” Lo asked.

“So what if he did,” replied Lily.

They rinsed off and dried each other off before entering the main room to get dressed.  Collin remained in the chair and watched them, bemused.

“Hungry girls?” he asked, ambiguously.

“So hungry,” said Lo, pulling her pink panties up.

“Mmmmm,” moaned Lily, putting on her bra.  “I can’t wait for breakfast!”

The trio went down to the restaurant and ordered up a storm.  While they were sitting there, Lo spotted her admirer from the previous day sitting at a table with his wife.  They waived at her.  She waived back.

“We’ll probably see him again at the pool today,” remarked Collin to the girls.

“What time is check-out?” asked Lily.

“One,” answered Collin.

From breakfast, they went right to the pool area.  There was no need to stop back up at the room because they could just remove their shorts, tops, panties, and bras for a quick dip.  That’s exactly what they did, though Collin remained dressed in his jeans and short sleeve shirt.  When Lo and Lily were in the pool, Lo again inquired, “What is up with your uncle?”

“What do you mean?” asked Lily.

“He hasn’t made a pass at me this entire time.  Not yesterday at the pool.  Not last night when I showed him how smooth my puss was after shaving.  Not this morning.”

“Are you trying to seduce him?” asked Lily with an air of faux judgment.

“I usually don’t have to try,” replied Lo.

“I think he just enjoys our company,” said Lily.

Lo wasn’t buying it.

When the two of them returned to the lounge chairs to tan, a number of men, many whom Lo had danced with the previous night, approached to ask permission to fool around with them.  Lo and Lily turned them all down, except one.  The married guy Lo had flirted with at the pool the day before.

“Do you have a condom?” asked Lo.

“Yes,” he said.

“Put it on,” she said.

He went back to the table where his wife was sitting and reached into her bag.  He returned with the condom.  Because he wasn’t hard yet, he asked Lo if she would mind putting it on him.

She obliged, fondling his balls and stroking his cock.  He grew hard quickly in her hand.  She was lying naked and he stood at her side.  When he was rigid, she opened the condom package and slid it on his rod.  He might have thought something else was going to happen, but Lo only stroked him over the condom as he looked at her.  She used her left hand to fondle herself and, occasionally, she looked up at him with an open mouth as if he would or could cum in it.  She knew he was about to blow and so she grabbed his member firmly in her palm and told him to cum.  She could see him cumming in the condom, filling it up with his jizz.  When he was done, he had to sit down in the chair next to Lo.

“That was amazing,” he said to her with much appreciation.

Lo looked at his middle-aged wife across the pool.  She seemed not to care.

After the man left, Lo looked at Collin, trying to discern something from his face, but all she drew was a blank.  He clearly had watched her, but what did it do for him?  She looked at his crotch.  It was big and full, as usual, but not displaying a raging hard-on, as she expected.

Lo turned over onto her tum.  She pulled out her old trick from high school.  “Collin, would you put some sunscreen on my back?” she asked.

Collin got up, put the lotion in his palm, and began applying to Lo’s shoulders.

“Lower,” she instructed.

He applied it to her back.


He applied it to her lower back.

“Lower,” she said slowly.

He applied it to the dimples by her kidneys.

“Low-er,” she said even slower.

He applied it to the top of her ass.

Lo’s Ass

“Lowwww-er,” she said with a moan of pleasure.

He applied it to her ass cheeks.

She then raised her ass like a little inchworm to expose everything to the bright light of the sun, thus requiring it to get some lotion applied to it.

“Yeah,” said Lo, as Collins big hands ran between her legs, “that’s it.”

Finally getting the touch and attention she craved, she felt something welling up inside her.

“That’s enough,” she said abruptly.

Collin stopped.

Lo turned over and squeezed her legs together.

Oh shit!  Oh shit!  Why can’t I control this?!

She gushed from her pussy onto the lounge chair, causing it to rain onto the hot concrete beneath her.  Collin and Lily saw.  Lo was mortified.

“It happens sometimes,” said Lo, turning very very red in her face and on her chest.

She walked over to the showers and got under them, looking around to see if anyone saw what had just happened.

Soon the trio got dressed and packed up to leave the resort.

A Brush with the Little Death

[The mini-series Mount Bliss continues from Casual Encounters]

“Oh, I’m so tired.  I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight.  I bet a construction crew banging away with a jackhammer wouldn’t wake me tonight!  Good night.”  Those words of Lily’s, spoken just before she went to sleep, were reverberating in Lo’s ears.  Lo lay on her back, wide awake, thinking about those words.  Was Lily trying to tell her and Collin something?  “A jackhammer.”  Hmmmm.  Was she intimating that Collin could go at it with Lo in his bed?  Was that permission?  Or was she just casually saying that she was tired, unaware of her word choice?  Lo couldn’t get the thoughts out of her mind.  She considered and reconsidered.  Do I sneak out of Lily’s arms and slide my way into Collin’s bed?  Do I jill it here, in the darkness, next to Lily, across from Collin?  Whatever she thought, falling asleep wasn’t one of the options.  She was too excited at the moment.  She looked over at Collin.  Could he see anything in the darkness?  She certainly couldn’t.  Not yet.  No motion.  No silhouette.  Was Lily asleep?  Her breathing sounded as if she was.

Art by Suzie Freeman, Model, Lola Down

Lo could feel her pussy secreting little lust-drops beneath the sheets.  She was in a strange state of arousal.  The arousal stemmed from her inability to even move.  A lithe Lily, nearly nude, lying next to her.  A lumberjack of a man indistinctly there in the near distance of the darkness.  And her own body, ready, waiting to be touched.  Longing to be fucked.  She thought about her nipples and how hard they were, unplucked in the draped stillness of the unlit room.  Her neck, unkissed, her blood rushing through the veins to her head with a steady, fast pumping.  Her earlobes, desirous of a tongue that would titillate them, of teeth that would nibble at them, and of close breath that would gently blow upon them.  Her groin ached with pain in its uncaressed longing for a tongue, a finger, a cock.  Anything, even her own soft sensation upon it, would do.  But as she was, she could not even venture down there for a quick rub.  This was a state of denial to which she was unaccustomed.  Unaccustomed?  No.  Unacquainted.  She never had to do this.  Abstain, that is.  At least not in recent memory.  It had been so long since her last good pounding.  Masturbation was fine, she thought, but fucking was finer.

The images swirled in her mind of cock, of Lily, of pussy, of her own hungry cunt.  Porn, so close on her phone, but unthinkable to turn it on.  She was turned on.  Turned on to herself.  She clenched her pussy tightly and released, trying, unsuccessfully, to induce a hands-free orgasm.  She’d heard of it done, but had never tried it.  Wait, that’s not true.  There was that time on the Buddhist retreat, in seated meditation, when she figured out how to make herself cum without moving.  But then she was seated in the lotus position.  Now she was reclining, with a body cuddling her.  Everything in the room seemed to scream of sex in the still, deafening silence.

She ever so carefully, so slowly, so gently removed the draped arm of Lily from over her torso and placed it with all due dexterity beside the body to which it belonged.  She surreptitiously slid her bare legs over to the edge of the bed.  She furtively felt for the carpeted floor beneath her.  She found it.  She sat up, silently.  She assessed the situation.  Lily sleeping.  Collin alone in his bed.  She snuck, slow as a sloth, from her bed to his.  She got under the covers next to him.  She gently kissed his shoulder, his bicep, he chest, his neck, his lips.  His eyes opened without the slightest surprise.  He kissed her back.  She moved her hand down between his legs and felt his enormous, hard rod eager for her caress.  She slid her palm up and down the shaft.  Long, luxurious strokes.  He kissed her more passionately.  She positioned her body over his and slid down, her wet pussy dripping down the inside of her thighs.  She felt the girth of his member stretch her lips wide as she shifted and rocked gently to accommodate all that he had to offer.  In he entered, like a large rocket docking in the mothership.  She took it tip to base, a satisfied grin on her face.  He met her descending movements with ascending thrusts.  Soon they became more forceful.  He wanted to dominate her, to own her cunt with his cock.  Using his strong arms, he rolled her over onto her tum in the bed and he got behind her.  She positioned herself like a bitch in heat, waiting to take his firm meat between her fleshy pussy lips.  He didn’t hold back.  He entered with urgency.  He entered with command.  He entered her like a boss.  She loved it.  She lapped it up.  He put his big hands on her hips and pulled her back so that now he was standing at the end of the bed, pounding her from behind.  Bam, Bam, he rammed it home with complete disregard for the smacking sound his hips made against her round ass.  Complete disregard for the fact that his young niece was sleeping in the bed next to them.  He punished her with his cock and soon he was rhythmically ramming her like the jackhammer that Lily had mentioned.  A quick whack, whack, whack, ever louder, ever faster.  Lo couldn’t keep her pleasure to herself.  She let out a moan, then a groan, then a scream.  She met his every shove of his cock with a powerful reverse shove of her ass until she was dripping and squirting for the brief intervals that he was at the threshold of her labia.  She was calling out to her god and asking for more, thanking her deities for the dick that punished her puss.  She could see out of her peripheral vision in the darkness Lily propping up her head with her arm to watch in silence.  She watched her uncle fuck her best friend.  She watched as Lola squirmed and squirted, screamed and sighed.  She watched as Collin beat the bum and swollen mons pubis of her sex-craved friend.  She watched as both of them came with ecstatic delight and collapsed upon the soaked sheets of the hotel bed next to her.  She watched with keen interest as they both panted for breath and then she said with a neutral tone of disinterested observation, “I think Lola likes you Uncle Collin.”

Actually, dear reader, none of that happened except in Lo’s racing mind as she struggled for release.  Sorry to disappoint.

But then Lola got an idea.  Yes.  It was possible.  That would do the trick.  If she could only reach to the nightstand without disturbing anyone.  She extended her right hand.  She searched around for it, groping in the darkness.  She found it!  Yes.  She pulled it back to her like Gollum grabbing the Ring that Rules Them All.  Slowly, surreptitiously, secretly, she maneuvered it under the blankets, between her legs, into her wet, wide pussy.  The shape and curvature of the handle of her hairbrush fit just so, snugly inside her where she could flex her Kegel muscles on it, giving her the sensation of a cock, deeply lodged inside her.

Good in a Pinch

Yes, yes, that was it.  That was the spot she needed to hit.  With her right hand she could gently move the brush, wiggling it side-to-side, up-and-down, deeper in, a little out.

She was perfectly primed and ready.

But wait!  Of fuck!  I hadn’t thought of this, I hadn’t planned on. . . fuuuuuuuuuuuck.  The orgasm.  The climax.  The clenching of the walls of her cunt, pushing the brush handle out the way it pushes out cock when cumming hard.  The inevitable squirting.  Fuck fuck fuck!  The gripping of the sheets with her fists.  The biting of the lip.  The convulsing of the stomach muscles.  The necessity for silence.  And then the great relief as the waves of pleasure and pain ebbed and flowed through her veins.

And then the embarrassment as Lily squeezed her tightly, kisses her cheek, and whispered in her ear, “It’s ok.”

Casual Encounters

[The mini-series Mount Bliss continues from: A.O.L.]

Thursday the girls got up early and met Suzanne and Collin downstairs for breakfast.  Collin had an outing for the girls planned.  Suzanne was to stay home, again.

After breakfast they got on the road early because it was a long drive to their destination, which Collin kept a secret.  All he said was to pack a bathing suit and an overnight bag.  The trip was pleasant enough through the rolling hills.  They made what conversation they could, given that they were in the Jeep without a top and Lily was in the back seat.

After a few hours they arrived at the mystery spot.  It was a resort hotel tucked away in the mountains with every kind of amenity.  But, as they checked in and the girls marveled at the luxurious accommodations, Collin informed them that this was just where they were staying, but not the surprise he had in store for them.  That was to come later.

While eating a bite in the restaurant, Lo and Lily noticed something not quite normal about this place.

“Uncle Collin,” said Lily, “Don’t tell me. . .”

Collin cast a knowing glance at Lily and then a furtive one at Lola to see if she had caught on.

“What?” asked Lo.

“Uncle Collin is bad,” said Lily with a smirk on her lips.

“What?  Why?”

“I used to come here often with your aunt,” said Collin.  “I thought you girls would enjoy it.”

Lo looked at Lily with a quizzical expression.

“It’s a clothing optional resort,” whispered Lily.

“Oooooh,” replied Lo as she looked more closely at the people who had attracted her attention.  A lot of them were very scantily clad.  But not nude.

“Ready?” asked Collin after they finished their meals.

“Where to now?” asked Lo.

“You’ll see.”

They were back in the Jeep and not too far away they stopped at a popular tourist destination.

It was an expansive underground cavern with a subterranean river running through it.

The girls and Collin descended with the tour guide into the deep, dimly lit, drafty chamber full of stalactites and stalagmites.  The girls flanked Collin and held his hand so as not to get lost in the cool cave.  It was like sensory depravation and every whisper could be heard echoing through the bowels of the burrowed bedrock.

“It’s creepy,” said Lo.

“Do you think there are bats?” asked Lily.

They walked on until they came to “Lovers’ Landing,” a translucent red rock in the shape of a heart that was illuminated from below.

“Stand up there,” said the tour guide, “and your dreams will come true.”

The trio went to the elevated perch and each of the girls kissed Collin on the cheek while a fellow tourist took their photo.

Later, back at the resort, the girls went down to the pool with Collin.  It was good to be back in the sunshine again and the weather was warm for up in the mountains.

As they walked by the sun bathers, many of whom were nude, they found a little spot to sit so they could see and be seen.

“This is a very casual place,” said Collin to the girls, choosing his word carefully.

“What do you mean?” asked Lily.

“You’ll see.”

Later, when the three of them were in the hot tub, Lo removed her top and let her breasts glisten as the bubbling water washed over them.

A middle-aged man across from her was watching her carefully.  After a while of his keen observations, he finally made a move.  He approached Collin and asked something of him.  Lo couldn’t hear because of the sound of the jets in the hot tub.  She did hear Collin reply, “That’s not up to me.  Ask her yourself.”

The man glided over to Lo in the pool and asked, “Would you be interested in. . .”

“In what?”

“Um, well, having sex?”

Lo was a little surprised.

“You married?” she asked.

“Yes,” said the man.  “That’s my wife over there.”  He nodded in the direction of the lounge chairs and Lo could see a middle-aged woman lying out naked on one of them.  “It’s ok with her, if that’s your concern.”

Lo was intrigued for a number of reasons.

“You can come closer,” said Lo, “I don’t bite.”

The man sat next to her and soon they were talking.  Lo gave her permission for him to fondle her breasts and one thing led to another.  Before long they were locking lips.

Lo got between his legs and, though she didn’t let him penetrate her in the hot tub, she did feel his cock hard between her legs.

She looked over his shoulder at his wife who was watching the two of them. Then Lo turned around and looked back, behind her, to see Lily and Collin watching Lo’s every move as she slowly ascended and descended, bobbing up and down in the water, letting her tits gently flit across his lips.

After their fun, the guy got out of the pool, still hard-up, and Lo could see his full body.  He was about six feet tall, heavy set, beer belly.  A real “dad bod.”

Later, after dinner, Lo and Collin were dancing together in the “formal ballroom” of the hotel.  It was up-scale swank, though swimwear attire or less was acceptable anywhere inside or out.

“Did you enjoy yourself today?” asked Collin in Lo’s ear.

“I did.  And I am,” she replied.

“You liked the attention of that man at the pool?”

“I didn’t not like it,” she replied coyly.

They continued dancing until another man cut in.  Lo graciously accepted and Collin bowed out like a true gentleman, returning to the table where Lily sat.  He asked her to dance, but she passed.

After a few hours of flirtatious dancing, the trio retired to their hotel room.  Collin had reserved one room with two full beds.  Lo was not sure what the actual sleeping arrangements would be.

When Collin went into the bathroom, Lo turned to Lily and quietly whispered, “What does he want?”

Lily shrugged her shoulders, as if to say, “Whatever you want, it’s fine by me.”

Collin emerged from the bathroom in his pajama bottoms, no top.  His hairy, broad chest, wide shoulders, and large biceps all exposed.  Lo had slipped into her white t-shirt and Lily was wearing sweatpants shorts and a cut-off top.

When the bathroom was free, Lily slipped in to get ready for bed.  Lo looked at Collin, who was now lying down in his own bed.  Perhaps for the first time in her life, she was dumbstruck.  She didn’t know what he was hoping for or expecting, nor what she was interested in pursuing at that time.  She couldn’t read him.  What were his intentions?  Around Lo, men rarely conceal their intentions.  Men immediately picked up on Lo’s vibe, so to speak.  She knows how to project the message, “I am available for your pleasure.”  And when men receive that subliminal message, they are unable to resist.  Lo was telegraphing this message loud and clear, but not receiving the response she expected.

There was an awkward silence and then she finally said, “So you and Suzanne used to come here a lot?”

“Yes,” he said, “when we were first married, about twenty years ago.”

“Why didn’t she join us?” Lo asked, braving the obvious question.

“She likes her time alone at the lake house,” replied Collin, begging the question.

Lo was about to form a follow-up question, when Lily returned.

Now it was Lo’s turn to use the bathroom.  She got up, very conscious of the fact that the t-shirt didn’t cover her entire bottom.  She was in the bathroom for a long time.

When she rejoined Collin and Lily, she said by way of explanation, “Sorry I was so long.  I wanted to make sure I was nice and smooth for the pool tomorrow.  What do you think?” she asked as she lifted her t-shirt so they could see her freshly shaved pussy.

Lola Reverse View

“Delectable,” said Collin.

Lo bent over to look through her overnight bag and pulled out some moisturizing lotion.  “Here it is,” she said as she applied some to her right palm and caressed it over her soft mons pubis and between her legs as she sat on the side of the bed, facing Collin.  “Well,” she said with a smile, swinging her legs into the bed, “good night.”

Lily was behind her and looked over at Uncle Collin, saying, “Oh, I’m so tired.  I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight.  I bet a construction crew banging away with a jackhammer wouldn’t wake me tonight!  Good night.”

Uncle Collin chuckled, said good night, and turned out the light.  Lo felt Lily’s arm around her waist and Lo turned to her and ran her hand down from Lily’s shoulder to her rear, touching her under her shorts.  The two of them fell asleep like that.

Heart Stone


[Continued from Fast, Wet, & Slippery]


After the long day at the lake and the suggestive movie, when Lo and Lily went to bed that night, Lo got up the guts to ask Lily, “What did you mean when you told me that lying out in the sun naked here is no different than being naked in front of your dad?”

Lily laughed a little and said, “You know we’re French, right?”

“You mean, like French French?  I mean, born there?”


“I didn’t know that.”

“Oh, I thought I mentioned it.”

“Well, you might have said in passing that your family is French, but I thought that was a few generations ago.”

“No, my dad and his brother Collin came here just before I was born, like twenty-three years ago or so.”

“But they have no accent!”

“Their parents were diplomats and they were raised half in America and half in France.  But even in France, they went to the American School.”


“And your mom?”

“My mom is from D.C.  My dad met her when he was at the French Embassy here.”


“So, in France we always vacation in the south and it’s pretty much all nude beaches there.  That’s all I meant by that.  Nothing kinky.”

“Oh, I see.  And so Collin was just interested in Blue is the Warmest of Color because he’s French and it’s a French movie?”

“Probably,” she snickered.  “That, and he’s a horny fuck.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“He is!  Haven’t you noticed?”

“Well, he has been showing me a lot of attention.”

“A lot of attention?!  Come on, Lo!  You know that there’s something between you two.”

Lo blushed and admitted, “OK, I know he wants me, but what about your Aunt Suzanne?  I mean, she’s got to know something’s up.”

“I think that they have an understanding,” she said with a knowing, mysterious smile.

“What makes you think that?”

“I have my ways,” said Lily, delighting in the unspoken.

“Do you think that Collin is trying to encourage you and me to play?”

Lily said nothing.

“Or me and Suzanne?”

Lily again said nothing.

“Come on Lily!  You have to have some take on it.  I mean, if you know that they have an understanding, you must have some idea what Collin’s up to with that porno film he showed us.”

“Lo!  It wasn’t a porno film.  It won tons of awards!”

“It was porn and he meant for us to view it that way.”

“It turned you on, didn’t it?”

“I’m not denying that,” said Lo, who was simultaneously and unconsciously playing with her pussy beneath the covers, “but paint drying turns me on.  I want to know what Collin’s plan is?  What’s he scheming?”

Lo leaned toward Lily, who was sitting on the bed not far from Lo, and Lo said in a whisper, “Or did you suggest the movie?”

“Meeeee?” squealed Lily, playing innocent.  “I didn’t.  Why?  Do you want to seduce me?”

“Do you want me to seduce you?  To finger you the way those two girls did?”

“Oh no,” said Lily, to Lo’s great disappointment.

“No?” repeated Lo in disbelief.  She’s not used to being turned down.

“No fingering me.  No.  I’m A-O-L.”


“Anal Only Lifestyle.”

“What does that mean?”

“Just what it says.  I only do anal.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not.”

“I’ve never met anyone who only did anal.  I mean, I’ve met lots of people who swear never to do anal, but not the other way around.”

“Well, I’m not only French, I’m also Catholic.”

Lo laughed.  “What’s that have to do with anything?”

“A lot!  You see, the Church teaches that sex before marriage is wrong.”

“You didn’t buy that B.S., did you?”

“I did!  And before I was married, I tried to be a good girl.”

“But anal sex,” Lo began to say, putting the pieces together.

“Anal sex isn’t sex, and so, I was a good little anal slut in high school.  I never had sex – according to the Church – but I had lots of loads up my ass.  I grew to really like it.  No, to love it.  And so, even now, it’s only anal for me, even though I’m married.”

“Really?!” asked Lo in disbelief.

“I’m still, technically, a virgin.”

“How’s Jim feel about that?” asked Lo with deep curiosity.

“Oh, he’s such a romantic,” she said, almost dismissively.  “He wants so badly to take my virginity.  But I’ve held off.”


There was a long pause and the conversation turned serious as Lily pondered the simple question.

“I guess,” she began slowly, “I’m just afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

“Afraid he might not like it or. . . maybe I won’t like it.  You know how small he is.”

Lo knew very well.

“I guess I prefer that he just keep on banging my backdoor than take a chance on coming in the front.”

Anal Anime




















Fast, Wet, & Slippery

Since the story of what happened that week was leaked to me piece-by-piece through various curt emails and similarly brief phone calls, punctuated by alluring photos with suggestive texts, I’ll just tell you the story that I heard when Lo and I were finally reunited together at Collins lakeside cabin.

Fun Bum

Tuesday night Lily, Lo, and Collin returned to the farm-to-table restaurant to have the meal that they had helped harvest earlier that day.  Lo was dusty and disheveled due to all the work, but the restaurant’s dress code was quite lax.  They had what Lo described as one of the most scrumptious meals of her life.  It was just the three of them at a small, candle-lit table.  Collin regaled them with stories.

Back at the cottage, Lo and Lily went to bed early again, exhausted from all the day’s activities.  Lo repeated her solo performance of the night before, telling Lily as she rubbed one out how hot she finds Lily’s Uncle Collin.  She went through a little fantasy of spending time with him in a hotel room somewhere away from her Aunt Suzanne.

The next day was a crystal clear blue sky reflected in the still mirror-like water of the lake.  Collin, pleased and almost proud of the weather as if it was his handywork, said they’d spend the day on the boat.  Lo and Lily got into their bikinis and, after breakfast, they got into the speedboat and departed, without Suzanne again.  She and the dogs, Shadow and Bandit, were on the dock as the boat pulled away.  She wished them a fun time and returned to the house as the trio sped off, sending ripples across the lake’s surface.

When they got to the middle of the lake, Collin stopped the boat and turned to the girls, asking, “Want to have some fun?”

Lily’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the tubes and threw them behind the boat, careful to avoid the motor.  Lo was confused, but Lily literally showed her the ropes.  The two of them got on top of the inner tubes and held on to the rope, tethered to the boat.

“Don’t go too fast!” called Lily to Collin.  Then she showed Lola the hand-signals for: faster, slower, stop.

Collin gave the thumbs-up sign.  Lily turned to Lo and asked, “Ready?”

Not sure what was going to happen, Lo gave a frightened nod.

Lily gave the thumbs-up sign back to Collin and away they went.

The tubes bounced off the waves made by the boat as they scudded across the surface of the lake, slowly at first, but with gradually increasing speed.  Lo held on tightly and was having a fun, if terrifying, time.

They danced across the nearly vacant lake, making large figure eights and tight circles.  But then Lo felt something that made her apprehensive.  She could feel the bottoms of her bikini sliding off with the resistance of the waves splashing over her.  She put up her hand on her head to indicate stop, but Collin didn’t see until it was too late.  About fifty yards back were her yellow bikini bottoms floating on the water.  She was lucky they floated.  Actually, she would have been find either way I guess.

When they realized what had happened, Lily and Collin had a good laugh.  Lo let go of the rope and swam, her naked bum bouncing in the water, as she retrieved her bottoms.

She put them on in the water and tied the strings tightly.

They continued the tubing adventure until, when Collin stopped the boat again, Lo lifted up her head to listen to what he was saying.  She couldn’t hear him over the sputter of the engine, so he did pantomime.  Then she realized that he was telling her that her top had fallen down.  The waves had pushed her bikini top down below her tits.  They laughed again at her public exposure.

When the trio returned to the cottage and docked the boat, the girls decided to lie out and sunbathe.

Collin joked that since Lo’s bikini was so averse to staying on her body, she should just tan in the buff.  Lo took him at his word and asked, “Is that ok?”

“Sure,” he said with a wide grin.

Both Lo and Lily removed their bikinis and lay out in the noontime sun while Collin and Suzanne waited on them hand and foot.

At one point, when Collin and Suzanne were inside, Lo turned to Lily next to her and asked, “Don’t you feel a little awkward nude in front of your uncle?”

Lily looked at Lo, smiled mysteriously, and simply said, “Nah.  It’s no different than being naked in front of my dad.”

Lo went back to sipping her G&T wondering what that meant.

The rest of that day was spent lounging around the house, swimming, playing badminton, horseshoes, and cornhole, all in the nude outside while Suzanne and Collin, dressed, looked on like two proud parents.  A few boats slowed down as they passed about a hundred yards from the shore, enamored of the view, no doubt.  That night they all stayed in and watched a movie.  Of course Collin chose, Blue is the Warmest Color, which neither Lo nor I had seen, despite all the adulation and criticism it received.

By the time they watched it, Lo and Lily had showered and were dressed, but that didn’t stop Lo from stroking her pussy surreptitiously under a blanket during that eight minute long steamy sex scene.  She wondered, of course, what Collin or Collin and Suzanne were scheming by putting that particular movie on for “the girls” to watch.

I’m cumming for you