Queen Bev enjoys Match, Cinder & Spark!
Our second Golden Girl and latest member of The Match Book Club, is Queen Bev – “The Super FUPA” (Fat Upper Pussy Area)! She LOVES to post sexy photos of herself and only came to this later in life. No matter! She’s sexy as hell! Here’s Lola’s interview with her. (If you missed our first “Golden Girl” – Candi Annie – you can check her out HERE.)

Queen Bev reads Match, Cinder & Spark

Queen Bev touching her FUPA

All hail the Queen!

Queen Bev Spreads
LOLA: When did you start posing nude and why?
QB: Two years ago now, so 2023, to help boost my confidence.

Bev in Fishnets

Queen Bev FUPA from behind

Queen Bev Supa FUPA
LOLA: I see you actually met up with a few people that look like you originally met them on-line. How did that happen and how’d you like it?

Queen Bev with fan Jamie Reed

Jamie Reed fills the FUPA of Queen Bev
QB: I met up with two different guys from social media. The first guy I met two different times last year. It was amazing. We had a great connection. Too bad he was married. We still talk a little bit. We would do it again, but he is a little ways away and it cost money for me to get there. The second guy is an hour away from me and he has come to see me twice and I went to see him twice. He has a girlfriend and supposedly they’re not good together, but who knows? You never know what guys are telling the truth or not, but he’s really good and he’s actually coming over this weekend.

Actual Bev ad
LOLA: Oooh, nice! So, did posting nudes of yourself increase your confidence?

Queen Bev all-over golden tan
QB: Truthfully, yes and no. Yes because you see the comments and the emojis from the guys. But for me, I had had a bad ex-husband he made me feel not good enough. So I constantly compare myself to the other women. It doesn’t matter if they’re thinner or bigger. If they’re thinner and they have bigger boobs, or have smaller boobs, but they’re bigger, then I feel they’re better or more beautiful. It’s worse when I post my pictures, but I love taking pictures of myself and I like showing, but then I have all these feelings that I’m not good enough.

Queen Bev made this on a bad self-confidence day

What do you think of Queen Bev?
LOLA: Do any of your friends or family know about your sexy posts?
QB: No. (Long pause.) Wait a minute! My cousin found pictures of me on a different app that somebody posted without my permission, so he knows. That was a little embarrassing but he said I look good. I’m like, OK whatever.

Queen Bev having some fun
LOLA: What are your kinks?
QB: I don’t know if you call it a kink or not, but I like watching the guys jack off. Sometimes they’re jacking off to me, sometimes just jacking off. I like seeing it.

Queen Bev in a thong. Jack anyone?

Queen Bev celebrates the luck of the Irish

Doesn’t Queen Bev look like fun?

Queen Bev can’t keep her clothes on long though
LOLA: Your pics and vids show you peeing and masturbating. Do you like doing that for others, for strangers?
QB: I do it for the guys. I’d rather do it in person, but this is the next best thing.

Queen Bev Water Sports

Queen Bev keeps the FUPA slick
LOLA: How did you like Match, Cinder & Spark?
QB: It was awesome! It inspired me to take some photos in short-shorts.

Queen Bev in her short-shorts
LOLA: Thanks Queen Bev! This has been fun!!!

Queen Bev getting off to Lo

Queen Bev Back

Queen Bev Front

Queen Bev Back Again

Queen Bev’s beauty runs in the family.
