Category Archives: hand job
Problem Solving

Lola on the phone, tits out
“Lola, it’s worse than it was before,” said MILF Meri.
“What do you mean, worse?”
“Just that.”
Meri had called late at night. Lo was in bed next to me. I could hear everything Meri said since it was so quiet at home and she was so demonstrably loud.
“Worse in what way?”
“Well, it used to be just a hand-job before bed. A soothing caress to help him fall asleep.”
“And now, it’s like every night, he’s sneaking around, waiting for Scott to fall asleep and begging me to go into the first-floor bedroom and let him fuck me.” That bedroom is Meri’s ‘masturbation room’ where Lo fucked Meri’s husband and three sons the week prior.
“Do you?”
“He’s very persuasive, very persistent. And, well, you know, he only lasts five minutes at the most. So, it’s just faster and easier to give in than to resist.”
“Meri, there’s your husband and your other two sons to think about. None of them know, do they?”
“No. Not at all. It’s the first time I’ve ever had to keep something about sex a secret.”
“What about your solo sessions in that room?”
“I usually would shut the door, but it was no secret what I was up to.”
“I mean, I’d shut the door, but you know what it’s like in my house. One of the kids always needs something and they would open it without knocking or whatever.”
She was more upset about being interrupted than the invasion of privacy.
“But this is different,” she continued. “And he wants to do it in there because that’s where he had you. He opens up your books and looks at your photos while fucking me.”
“I have to go,” said Lo abruptly. She hung up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I don’t want to be any part of that,” she said.
“Why do you think she called you?”
“It certainly wasn’t to figure out a solution to her problem. And even if it was, that’s her problem, not mine. Let her figure out how to solve it.”
She shut off the lights and silenced her phone.
“Night,” I said.
“Night,” she replied in the dark.
I didn’t fall asleep. I could tell she wasn’t falling asleep either. I looked at the clock. It was ten past ten.
I looked again. It was ten thirty.
I wasn’t sleeping. I could tell she wasn’t either. I didn’t move. I hardly breathed. I waited.
Fifteen more minutes passed.
I felt her move. She spread her legs. She reached under the blankets. Rhythmic motions. Sloshing sounds. Muted moan. Faster strokes. Sudden stop. “Fuck,” whispered in the dark. Convulsion. Release.
She reached for her breasts and caressed and squeezed them.
I was hard under the sheets.
“Jack me off,” I whispered.
She was startled. She thought I was asleep.
“Jack me off.”
“It’s time to sleep,” she said, playing coy.
“Grab my cock and stroke it. Make me cum. Just like Meri and her son.”
She obeyed.
“Like this?” she asked as she held me firmly.
“Use some lube,” I instructed.
She reached into her nightstand drawer and pulled out the tube. She keeps it there, reserved only for me since she has her own, natural lubricant.
She squeezed a dollop into her palm and reached under the blankets again, sliding her hand around my cock. That first, cold, wet, firm squeeze is the best part of her handjobs.
“You can’t get them out of your head, can you?” I asked.
“No, Daddy.”
“You’re a bad, dirty, depraved, morally degenerate girl.”
“Yes, Daddy. Can I suck your cock?”
“Please, Daddy.”
“Do you want to fuck me?”
“Do you want to use me?”
“Only your hand.”
“Because, that’s what I want right now.”
“Do you want to fuck Stoya?”

Stoya and her anal Fleshlight
She got up and pulled out the Fleshlight. She lubricated it and my cock properly. I was in a mood to deny her. I don’t know why. She slid the pornstar’s pussy on my rod. She lifted it and lowered it like a single-cylinder engine.

Stoya and her pussies
She could tell by my breathing I was getting close. She took Stoya off of me and replaced her with her mouth in order to coax all my cum out of me and swallow it. I can only imagine that the initial taste was unpleasant due to the lube. Didn’t matter to her. She wanted my ejaculate. She wanted to bring me to a climax with her mouth, not Stoya’s pussy. I gave her what she wanted and she swallowed every warm drop.
“Better Daddy?” she asked.
“Yes. You’re a good girl. Now it’s time for sleep.”

Stoya and Lola side-by-side
Happy Families
The next morning, over coffee, while I was cooking up some eggs, Lo asked me completely out of nowhere, “You know what Meri told me when I asked her why the hell she is still with Scott, who has no penis to speak of?”
“No, Darling,” I said, “what?”
“Meri told me that she’s with him because, ‘He calls me: Daddy’s fat little babygirl.’ Can you believe that?”
“What’s not to believe?”
“What’s not to believe?!”
I flipped the eggs, looked at her, and raised my eyebrows in curiosity.
“I mean, well, she’s not fat.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“He’s fat if anyone’s fat.”
“Again, maybe he just likes to think of her that way.”
“She may have put on a few pounds after pumping out three boys, but she’s not fat. She’s a sexy MILF. Sexy… MILF… Meri,” she said, gazing off, looking over the brim of her coffee mug.
“You still here or have you gone back down your rabbit hole?”
“And you know what else?”
“No, Darling, what?”
“When I told her about how none of the boys shut the bedroom door while they each had at me –”
She nodded her head ‘yes,’ as if yesterday’s full day of fucking had famished her.
“She told me that Scott never shuts the bedroom door.”
I carefully put the two eggs and toast in front of her. I did the same for myself before getting up to grab two glasses and the O.J.
She licked her lips and dug right in, tasting it briefly before continuing.
“Did you hear me?”
“Yes,” I said, sitting across from her, taking a bite of my breakfast. “He never shuts the bedroom door.”
“Never, since the kids were small. They just fuck there. Doesn’t matter who sees, who’s there, who knows. She says that he believes it shows their love for each other, so why hide it.”
“I take it you disagree.”
“Yes, I disagree.”
“So fucking doesn’t demonstrate love?”
“You know what I mean. Certain things are not meant for children to see. Aren’t you shocked at all?”
She was nearly done with her food already.
“Lo, honestly, nothing about Meri really shocks me.”
“What does that mean?”
I finished up my toast, took the last sip of my juice, and got up to collect the plates and glasses.
“You can’t just say something like that and leave it there,” she insisted. “What do you mean by that?”
“Different families have different internal cultures and norms,” I said, philosophically.
“This is not a study in cross-cultural family units,” she objected. “This is your typical suburban middle-class all-American family.”
“Typical families are all alike – each has its own hidden little secret,” I said, poorly paraphrasing Tolstoy.
“Don’t you mean, ‘Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way’?” she asked. I love Lo because she’s one of the only humans on the planet with whom I can allude to literary lines and not only be understood, but be corrected.
“Show me a happy family and I will show you a family with a secret.”
“But that’s just it,” she retorted emotionally, “it’s like this family doesn’t have any secrets. They leave it all out there.”
“Is that so?” I asked snidely. “Then why have you and Meri been afraid that the cops or social services might rap on the door at any moment since you got back from your camping trip? If Meri leaves it all out there, then why is she living in fear?”
“That’s different. I mean, within the family, they all just live and let live.”
“More like fuck and let fuck.”
“Either way.”
“I just find it interesting. Well, strange.”
“You said you don’t think it should be like that.”
“Maybe I don’t.”
“And clearly Meri doesn’t either.”
“What makes you say that?” she asked.
“Because she asked to use the brothers (or let the brothers use her) so that she could get her kicks outside of the family.”
“Or maybe she just needed bigger kicks,” remarked Lo, alluding to the genetic trait that Meri’s husband shared with his three sons – the trait that left Lo so unfulfilled.
Lo looked into her empty coffee mug and back up at me sadly.
“Something wrong?” I asked.
“What’s warm, wet, and makes you horny?”

Warm, Wet, and Stimulating
“Is this a riddle?”
She showed me her empty cup.
“Oh,” I said, comprehending. “You need me to fill you up.”
I poured more coffee in and she looked up at me seductively and said, “Just add cream.”
“Well,” I said to her, “I need something warm, wet, and stimulating to get up.”
“Here I am, Daddy,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.
“I was speaking about coffee, but really?” I asked because I thought she had been too well-worn to fuck.
“Well, I’m functional enough to give you a handjob.”
We finished our coffee and then walked to the bedroom where she reached down between my legs to assess the situation. She felt me and then reached down between her legs. I heard her smack her pussy a few times and then rub it. A little factoid about Lola – she never uses lube and certainly never spits in order to lubricate me or herself. She is almost always so naturally irrigated that she can always use her own secretions to get things slipping and sliding. She began stroking me. Despite the fact that she had showered and changed the bedding, I could still detect a whiff of the cum from eight people on her and in the room.
As she was distractedly stimulating me, she got a text. I heard her chuckle.
“What?” I asked.
She showed me a photo of her, naked, looking disheveled on the bed.

I want my family to see how I fucked you, slut
“After Meri had licked me clean, and was getting dressed, she said to me, ‘Did you like how I fucked you, Lola? Let me get a photo of you for my husband and my sons. They’ll want to see just how wrecked I left you, slut.’ She can be cruel sometimes.”
I looked at the photo and pictured all that happening as Lo coaxed me, “Cum. Please cum. That’s it, in my hand. Feel better, Daddy?”

Sweet Service
I had deposited a warm load in her palm. She licked it like a kitten cleaning her paws. I began to nod off as the waves of well-being washed over my weak body.
“Oh no,” said Lo, “No sleep for you! You promised you’d clean up all your books today!”
“I need a mancave to hibernate in,” I said groggily. “I’m just going rest for a little bit.”
“And I need a womancave!”
“Luckily, you have one.”
“And you’re not welcome in it until you clean up the books.”
I fell asleep.
When I woke up, Lo was going at both her womancaves with the plungers – blue in bum, pink in pussy.

Blue for Bum, Pink for Pussy
She was looking at her phone.
“DP? Really?” I asked.
“Oh, Daddy. You know I love double-penetration. And if you’re not going to give it to me, well, I have to get it somehow.”
“What brought this on? I thought you were too sore even for me.”
“It’s call desire.”
I was confused.
Once she noticed that I was watching her, she came and came hard, yelling out to me (and all the neighbors within earshot) that she was cumming in her ass and her cunt.

“I call it, ‘Desire'”
When she was done, I asked, “Desire?”
“Yeah,” she said matter-of-factly, “Scott and Meri each texted me separately that they want me.”
“And that’s what made you horny enough to ride dueling dildos?”
“Being desired is my aphrodisiac.”
“This Might Get Messy”
“Hi, I’m here to use your bedroom,” said Meri as she stood in the doorway to my house.

I was well aware of the plan. Despite that, she seemed hangdog about showing up on my stoop and having to ring the bell to be let in by me in order to engage in a tryst. It was all the more awkward because the tryst was not with me, but with the two young brothers from across the street. Her curt sentence – to the point, devoid of pleasantries – told me all I needed to know. She was not proud of her choice. She was driven to do this by some internal compulsion. She wanted as little interaction with me as possible. She was hoping that I wouldn’t even acknowledge that I know her.
I know who she is. I know what she was there for. I know her secret.
I decided to play to her weakness. It wasn’t kind of me and I’m not proud of it either.
“Oh, hi Meri!” I said, loudly and genially. She almost shuttered at the sound of her name and I detected a darting sideways glance to see if anyone was around to hear me say it.
She stepped in hastily, almost landing on my toes.
“Hi,” she said, reluctantly.
Her red hair brought out the blush of her cheek. She was embarrassed. She was wearing tight jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt. Her oversized, dark sunglasses – the kind movie stars wear in order to remain inconspicuous – looked downright comical on her and, if anything, would draw more attention to her, not less. She was dressed very casually, even understated, except for her fancy, black leather, strappy high heels.
“Why don’t you come in?” I said, getting out of her way as she was already inside. “Can I offer you anything? A seltzer? Coffee? Glass of wine?”
“No, no thank you,” she said. She was also nervous.
“Something to eat?”
She wasn’t there for tea and crumpets. She was there to get fucked and fucked good by two boys less than half her age. She was eager. She was guilty. She was sneaking around behind her husband’s back. I knew this because, at the very same time that I was letting her into my house for her mid-day delights, Lo was arriving at her house, seducing her husband.
Her timorous greeting was surprising, given how bold and confident she appeared the last time I saw her at the backyard luncheon that Lo and I hosted for her to meet the brothers. That day she came in with all the confidence and certitude of a seasoned hunter in search of prey. Her self-assured airs were, perhaps, her most attractive feature. But now, in the glare of the noonday sun, deprived of young men for whom she turned on the charm, she appeared to me completely transformed. She was a middle-aged suburban mother of three. A woman of my own generation. She and I could have been in high school together. Back then she would have been the belle of the ball, the prom queen, Ms. Popularity. But now I could see she was desperate to preserve her youth, in spirit and in appearance. She feared the ravages of the next twenty-five years. She hated with a fierce passion the thief who would slowly, methodically, persistently steal from her her most treasured possession – her looks. That accursed Thief Time! – whom Botox cannot keep out, Silicone and Saline cannot evade, and lifts only delays but fails to destroy. In that moment, I felt great pity for her. I could understand her completely and compassionately. Weren’t we both in the same predicament?
Yes, it may be true, as I’ve often heard women remark with bitterness, that men grow more attractive with age. Whenever they observe that fact, they never fail to add that it is supremely unfair to women. Yet, Time steals from us all that which we most covet. For me, it is my mental acumen and creative powers. Each time I fail to recall just the right word in a sentence – whether while speaking or writing – I suffer as greatly as Meri when she discovers another age spot or laugh line.
She had aged, and pretty well too for a mother of three boys, but she felt as if Time had stolen more than her prized looks. It had stolen from her twenty-five years of opportunity. For twenty-five years she had remained faithful to her husband. For twenty-five years she had settled for mediocre sex (at best) and the life of suburban ennui. She felt as if she had been sleepwalking through life and now, her kids grown and nearly out of the house, COVID bearing down on us all, the threat of sickness and death imminent, she had finally awoken from her long slumber.
Though she began her affair with Lola prior to the outbreak of the global pandemic, it probably was the events of 2020 that steeled her resolve. The news reporters announced that COVID was a threat to “the elderly,” and then it was people over sixty-five. But then they reduced it to fifty-five. And finally, people over fifty shouldn’t fly. In Meri’s mind that was a threat to other people. Old people. Until it set in with a vengeance, “Oh, wait. I’m in that category. I’m over fifty! I’m one of the ones at ‘elevated risk.’”
That little thought, that snippet of data, that thread of realization circulated her psyche like a bit of programming virus through a computer, infecting all of the cognitive functions slowly, unnoticed, until eventually, one day, she had made up her mind that if she was mortal and the winter of her life was in sight, then she was going to live out her autumn to the fullest.
The immediate result of that was her here, in my house, staring at me, her contemporary and, perhaps also, in her mind, her rival. I didn’t view her that way. But she may have viewed me as such. She also may have been irritated by the fact that though I was her own age, my partner was the young and lovely Lola – her lover – while her husband was also in his fifties. If, as I often say, Lola keeps me young, maybe she felt that her husband keeps her old. At the very least, he was a constant reminder of her fading youth.
“I think you know where the bedroom is,” I said to her, seeing as how she was cool to my hospitality. “Feel free to use the master bath.”
She looked at me and struggled to form a small smile. But her eyes expressed a question that she couldn’t bring her mouth to articulate.
“Oh, I’ll make myself scarce so you can let the boys in.” I emphasized the word “boys” just slightly.
She seemed both appreciative and perturbed.
I opened the closet to take out my jacket since there was an autumnal chill in the air that morning.
Before I left, she plucked up the courage to say, “HH, I know what you’re thinking.”
“That makes one of us,” I replied. “What am I thinking?”
“You think I’m a terrible person. You think that I’m an adulterer and a whore for wanting those two brothers. And who knows what else,” she said with a tortured expression on her face.
“I’m not thinking any of those things,” I replied. I really wasn’t. All of that was her projection of her own thoughts on me.
“I’m sure you are. You’re just too polite to say so. Who wouldn’t?”
“I don’t. I’m not here to judge you or anyone.”
“Well, I want you to know that. . .” She didn’t know what she wanted me to know. Her sentence trailed off like a road covered by the sands of a desert.
“Meri, all I know is you’re doing Lo a favor and she’s doing you one in return.”
Lo pulled up in the cul-de-sac and parked in front of Meri’s house. Meri had told her husband Scott that she needed a day to herself. Without the option of going to the hairdresser, the spa, or the nail salon due to COVID, she needed to have some way of engaging in “self-care” and “me-time.” She told her husband she craved some time away, but didn’t say how she was going to spend that time.
Little did he know or even suspect that it was really “fuck-me-time” with two brothers the same age as her sons that she craved so much and how she chose to care for herself.
Knowing that Scott wouldn’t object to her being out of the house, she also informed him that Lola wished to come over to use the kitchen. She would be making a meal to deliver to a friend who wasn’t doing too well and Lo’s kitchen wasn’t big enough. The friend had a large family and Lo wanted to help out during these trying times. All of that was actually true, except it conveniently left out the ulterior motive which was to seduce Scott in order to provide Meri with a clear conscience. If you ask me, that was not the way to clear her conscience. My guess is that her unconscious had ulterior motives, one of which was to have her man fuck Lo. Another of which may have been to prove to Lo how terribly awful Scott is in bed in order that Lo wouldn’t judge Meri harshly for wanting to fuck the brothers. Her motivations remain murky, but this was the plan.
Lo was assured that the three boys would be out of the house when she arrived that Sunday morning and only Scott would be home to receive her. Wearing her turquoise pumps and a cute matching dress, Lo practically skipped into the house when Scott opened the door for her. The contrast between Meri’s skulking and Lo’s bright, cheerful, perky personality couldn’t have been more stark.
Lo carried some ingredients in a paper shopping bag and passed them to Scott at the door, saying, “I just can’t wait to make use of this kitchen! It’s enormous! I’m so envious.”
Scott wasn’t used to this sort of feminine energy in his house. He was enchanted by Lo’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl persona. Who wouldn’t be? Lo began talking a mile a minute.
“I have so many plans for this meal. Will you help me make it? Are you busy? Am I interrupting something? I hope not. I’m making it for a friend who’s not feeling well and she has four kids. You can relate, right? By the way, where are your boys today? I don’t see them around. I hope I didn’t scare them off.”
Scott was about to answer each question, but Lo just steamrolled to the next sentence. He was left speechless.
“This might get messy,” said Lo, “I don’t want to ruin this dress. Do you mind if I change out of it? Do you have a kitchen apron I can wear? Oh, I see one right there,” she said in rapid fire, going towards the door with a hook on the back where the apron hung. She grabbed it, draped it over a chair, and then slipped out of her dress. She had on no bra. All she wore was her blue satin panties with lace frills. “You don’t mind if I change in front of you, do you? I hear you’ve already seen me naked. And you saw me sunbathing in your backyard, so it’s not like it’s anything new. There,” she said, putting the apron on over her bare breasts, “done. Now, are you interested in helping me? You can beat the eggs. Here, let me show you. Do you have a lot of experience in the kitchen? Probably not, with Meri here. She’s fabulous. You know, she told me you’d be willing to do anything I ask. Is that right?”
Lo readily enlisted him to assist her.
“Here, move the whisk in this motion,” she said, grabbing his wrist and guiding it, using the same motion that she would use to jack him off.
For the most part, he made a halfway decent sous-chef. They made a quiche, a soup, and they were in the middle of preparing the ingredients for a cake when Lo, slightly frustrated that Scott had not made any moves on her yet, “accidentally” spilled the flour on him.
“Oh my! I’m so clumsy! I’m sorry! Let’s get you right out of those clothes. You look like a ghost.” She reached for his shirt and helped him to unbutton it. He didn’t resist. She went for his pants and unbuckled his belt. He didn’t resist. She unzipped the fly. He didn’t resist. She dropped them to his ankles. While she was down on her knees, she looked up at him, her mouth slightly agape. There was finally a pause to all her chatter. They looked at each other – she from below up, him from above, down.
“Should we get you out of these too?” Lo asked while gently pulling down his boxers. He didn’t resist.
Lo was supremely curious to see just how small his member was and, though she had been fully warned ahead of time by Meri, she still was shocked by the diminutive size of it. It was truly a micropenis. Lo thought to herself that her own clit is probably larger than his prick.
Nevertheless, there it was. Erect? She wondered. Only one way to find out. She lifted her mouth to it and took it between her lips the way she would if she were teasing Meri’s clit. She used the tip of her tongue to flip and lick it. It grew, but only slightly. He was nervous. She could tell by his shallow breathing.
“Do you like?” she asked when she took her mouth off his clit for a moment, looking up at him.
He could hardly speak.
She took his small balls in her mouth from below. She teased and tickled them with her tongue as well.
She removed her mouth and looked up at him once again. “Do you want to fuck me?”
She stood up and dropped the apron, revealing her breasts. She kissed him on the mouth. He had to hunch over to reach her since their height difference was so great. She grabbed his left hand with her right and placed it on her right breast for him to fondle it.
“Do you want to fuck me?” she repeated again as she slid out of her satin panties.
“Y-Y-Y-Yes,” he stammered. “But. . . Meri. But, I’m m-m-m-married. I can’t. . .”
Before he could finish his sentence, Lo put her index finger to his lips to shush him.
“Don’t worry,” she whispered seductively. “Meri knows. I told Meri how much I have wanted to fuck you since the first time I laid eyes on you.” She lied. “She gave me permission.” This revelation wasn’t in the plan. It was a last resort in case just this sort of conflicted Scott presented an impediment to their scheme.
He looked startled. Confused. He had lived a faithful, monogamous life with Meri. Their marriage had been the picture of domestic decorum, so he thought. Where did this come from? He surmised that it was his fault. He attributed it to the night he and Meri read the blog together and he fucked Meri from behind while looking at Lola’s pics on the computer.
“Do you want to fuck me?” Lo repeated.
“Yes,” he finally admitted, “but not here. The boys might come home at any minute.”
He led her to the master bedroom.
“The boys might come home at any minute.” The phrase was echoing in her head as he walked in front of her. This made no sense to her. She was promised they wouldn’t be home.
“Where are they?” she asked before they got upstairs to the bedroom.
“Meri asked them to do some errands.”
“Errands? Like what?” Lo needed to know. She needed to calculate how much time they had together.
“Taking the trash to the dump, shopping, bringing her clothes to the cleaners. That sort of stuff.”
“When did they leave?”
“About a half hour before you got here. Why?”
“Just curious,” said Lo.
They entered the bedroom. To be very honest, Lo did not find Scott attractive at all. But Lo does find the power to seduce a married man, especially a man married to a woman as sexy as Meri, very attractive.

Brothers, Lo, Meri
Meri was doing Lo a favor by redirecting the brother’s sexual attention from Lo to her. Though Lo has used the boys for their perpetual pumping prowess during the strict restrictions of COVID, when her usual prowling about for pleasure was severely curtailed, and though they have used her like a 24/7 drive-thru window, Lo had grown bored and tired of being the living sex-doll for the siblings. Spread legs, pump hard, fill ’er up, repeat. But she didn’t want to leave them high-and-dry when social interaction had been so reduced due to COVID protocols and the strict, watchful eye of their doting mother, who didn’t allow them out of the house or to have visitors over, with the exception of going to see Lo. Meri seemed to be the perfect wet stream into which to channel their virile energies.
For Meri, these two handsome youths provided a more acceptable outlet for her overflowing and irrepressible gravitation toward young boys. And not only was there one willing wanker, but two! Each, roughly the same ages as her sons.
The two brothers arrived at our doorstep at the appointed time. Meri, now dressed in a black satin robe, barely long enough to cover her ass, greeted them at the door. Thanks to Lo’s preparations, they knew that they would be met by her and not me or Lola.
They were eager to have this MILF, especially after hearing Lo’s rave reviews of Meri’s sexual abilities. Meri, for her part, was overwhelmed by their youthful good looks, their innocent smiles, their sibling resemblance, their trim and V-shaped torsos that had not yet fully grown into the frames of full-fledged men. To say she was wet with the anticipation of seeing them both nude, together, standing intensely at attention and desirous of her would be understating it.
She led them to the bedroom, allowing them to enjoy the teasing revelations that her robe afforded them from behind. Once she had let them in the bedroom and closed the door behind her, her demeanor suddenly changed from friendly and salivating over her prospects to stern and commanding. “Strip,” she said with authority.
The boys were not used to this tone, but they hastily obeyed, unbuttoning their shirts and removing their pants until they stood before Meri without a shred of clothing on either of them.
Meri liked what she saw. Not only were they fit, with abs as rippled and firm as a washboard, but they were hung like she hadn’t seen in a long time, except in porn. Each of them possessed a cock that, even when flaccid, as they were then standing naked before her, displayed a girth and length that was very impressive. She was eager to see just how much those cocks would impress when aroused.
Now that they were naked, she slowly removed her satin robe, revealing a black lace bra and matching black lace panties underneath.
“Lie down and lie back,” she ordered. The two boys got on the bed – the bed I share with Lola, just to be clear – and she got between them. She grabbed a cock in each hand and began stroking up and down. “Let Mommy make you feel better,” she said to them, revealing her kink to them. They responded with enthusiasm.
Lo calculated that this had to be quick and dirty. Naked, she climbed up on the bed and remained on all fours, looking back over her shoulder at Scott as she said, “Fuck me.”
He approached the side of the bed. He was very tall. His cock was aligned with Lo’s pussy, but it was too small. He made a few thrusting movements and Lo looked over her shoulder again and said, “Good. Now fuck me.”
“I am fucking you,” Scott said.
Lo couldn’t feel it.
“Get in there. Give it to me,” she said.
He thrust harder. She felt nothing but the slap of his fat pelvis on her round ass.
“Fuck my ass,” she said, hoping she might get more stimulation that way.
“Really?” he asked in disbelief.
“Yes. Fuck me. I need it.”
She could feel him doing something back there, but whatever it was, it didn’t feel like he was penetrating her any more in her ass than he had in her puss.
She didn’t want to make him feel as inadequate as he was, so she gave in and began to moan. “Yeah,” she said, long and drawn out, “that’s it. Fuck my ass. Oh yeah. I love to feel cock in my ass. Do you like my ass? Am I tight?”
Scott only managed to make a few grunting noises.
“Slap it.”
Scott slapped her right ass cheek.
He complied.
“Yes. I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum. You’re making me cum in my ass,” she said, lying all the way.
Suddenly she felt his warm jizz all over her. She pulled forward, turned around rapidly, opened her mouth and took his small, wet pud between her lips, rolling her tongue over it, licking it clean.
He immediately fell into the bed like a giant sequoia toppling to the earth.
“Holy shit!” he said. “Lola.”
And without any other comment, he promptly began to snore lightly.
The whole affair, from the moment they entered the bedroom to his collapsing, was less than five minutes. Lo knew because she was keenly aware of the time, afraid that they would get caught in the act when the boys came home.
Relieved that her performance was complete, Lo got up and went downstairs to put her clothes back on, but just as she entered the kitchen, she heard the three sons enter from the front door. She threw on her panties and, without enough time to put on her dress, grabbed the cooking apron. She was still adjusting it when they entered the kitchen with groceries.
“Lola!” said the youngest one – the one who knew her the best.
The other two gave her a suspicious look.
“Oh, hi,” she said, awkwardly. “I’m Lola.” She hadn’t ever formally met the two older brothers.
“We know,” said one of them.
She smiled, realizing that they know her from getting off to her images and stories on the blog. The three brothers were all very tall, like their dad, but of three different heights. And they were thin and lanky, indicating that all their caloric intake was still going toward there expanding vertically, not yet horizontally, like their dad.
“Didn’t your mother tell you I was coming over?” she asked.
“Oh, Meri invited me to use the kitchen to prepare a meal for one of my friends who is not doing so well. Your kitchen is so much larger than mine.”
“Do you always cook barefoot and topless?” asked one of the boys rudely.
“Where’s dad?” asked another one.
“He’s upstairs, sleeping,” said Lo, hoping they wouldn’t ask too many questions, like how did you know he was sleeping upstairs and why would you know that? Also, Lo couldn’t remember if she shut the bedroom door behind her as Scott lay naked on the bed.
She wanted to distract them from that line of questioning and so she “accidentally” dropped the whisk. She bent over to pick it up, showing the three boys her ass in the cute turquoise panties she was wearing. But her little ruse backfired, so to speak. The boys, noticing her ass, also noticed that her lower back was covered in cum.
“You and dad?” asked the youngest.
“What?” replied Lola, dropping the ‘innocent little ole me’ routine.
“You fucked dad. There’s cum all over your back.”
“Ew!” said one of the other boys.
“It’s more like he fucked me,” responded Lo, quickly realizing that in order for this situation to be contained, she’d have to act fast. “And so can you,” she said to the three of them. She removed the cooking apron, revealing her breasts. “Who wants to be first?”
“It’s more like sloppy second, isn’t it?” said the oldest.
Lo walked to the bedroom on the first floor. She had noticed it earlier. She turned to the boys, “I’ll be in here. One at a time.”

One at a Time
She got up on the bed on all fours, as she had done earlier, and slowly removed her panties. The door to the bedroom was across the open-concept kitchen and she left it open for them to see her wet snatch, inviting them in. The eldest brother went first. He took down his pants just far enough to let out his cock. He didn’t shut the door behind him and the other two brothers watched. They could only see his back. His pecker was only slightly larger than the father’s. He fucked Lo from behind for about ten minutes before cumming in her pussy. Though more significant than Scott’s ineffectual fuck, this hardly proved substantial enough to get Lo off, but she put on a first-rate performance again.
As soon as that son left the room, the middle one came in. He too left the door wide open, as if there was an unwritten rule in the house about not closing doors. He got completely naked and told Lo to suck his cock. She did so happily and easily since he too was diminutive in size. He got very hard, though not thick or long, and then turned Lo around and had her doggie-style as well. He too came in her cunt. Lo’s faux climax was louder and more intense than the previous two.
Finally, the youngest boy came in. He had desired Lo for a long time, and especially since he was Lo’s eager student for the intimate biology lesson she gave him when they were camping. Lo resolved that she couldn’t say no to him after granting permission to every other household member.
He looked like the wolf about to devour Little Red.
“On your back,” he said with a surprisingly authoritative tone. He spoke like he owned her.
Lo rolled over.
“Spread your legs, wide.”
She did.
“Spread your pussy lips.”
She used her index finger and thumb of each hand to pinch her pussy lips and pull them apart.
He got on his knees and dove in with his tongue, like a honey badger, the way Lo had taught him. He licked and sucked and sloppily slurped her up, as well as her cream filling, bringing her to her first authentic orgasm of the day.
Then he dropped his pants and entered her pussy. “Mom always said I could learn a lot from you, Lola,” he said. He then added, “I can’t believe this is finally really happening!”

Learn from Lola
As Lo lay there, spreading her legs wide, feeling nothing of his repeated and vigorous thrusts, she grabbed her tits and stretched out her nipples, putting on a show as she internally was waiting for him to finish. She looked over at the bookshelf in the room and read the titles: Tampa, the Fifty Shades series, all five volumes of Match, Cinder & Spark. That’s when she realized, this isn’t any of the boys’ bedrooms. This is a spare bedroom that Meri uses for her masturbation session.
She then heard the sound of heavy footsteps upstairs. She tried to speak, to utter a warning, but the youngest was going at her and he had bent over, sucking on Lo’s udder like it was feeding time.
“Your Dad. He’s coming,” she managed to articulate just before. . .

Two for One
Meanwhile, back at our house, Meri and the two brothers engaged in just about every conceivable permutation of penetration possible with two penises and a hungry MILF who likes to perform kinky roleplay. Besides the positions you might readily expect (including many that they had practiced on Lo in the preceding months of using her as their COVID cum-dump), the highlights included Meri taking both their cocks in her mouth at once for a double-brother-blow-job. Why hadn’t Lo thought of that? Meri wasn’t ready or able to accommodate the two in her ass and puss because, after years of sex with Scott, the girth of just one cock was almost too much for her, in either orifice. But she tried to outperform any of the brothers’ previous partners, including Lo, by being as raunchy, dirty, and devilish as she could. She let her wild imaginings roam free. The brothers had never experienced anything like that and after the raunchy rendezvous they never could look at their mother the same way again. As if two brothers sharing a mother (not their own) wasn’t incestuous enough, Meri had to push the boundaries by saying things such as, “You want to suck Mommy’s tits?” and “Kiss Mommy hello,” as she spread her legs, “Tell Mommy how much you love her.” Meri lost count of how many times she climaxed and also, to her great astonishment, was unable to count how many times the brothers came since, unlike her husband, they were capable of reloading their weapons with astounding alacrity.
As they fucked her, as she sucked them, as they penetrated her ass, as she ran her hands up and down their smooth torsos, as they squeezed her tits, as she held their hefty balls and weighed them in her hands, she thought of all sorts of other perverted possibilities that she’d like to perform with them, for them, on them. She, being a natural-born schemer, was scheming already.
Scott was on the stairs when he saw two of his sons standing by the kitchen countertop, looking intently at something. He glanced over to the mirror, positioned on the wall just-so, allowing a view of the bedroom door. There he saw his youngest going at Lola with more vigor and verve than he ever could muster. He waited on the stairs silently until the show was over and the youngest emerged from the bedroom triumphant. Then he continued his descent down the stairs and onto the first floor.
“What’s going on here?” he asked, pretending to be oblivious to it all.
“Guess who just lost his virginity,” said the oldest brother, proudly slapping his youngest sibling on the back and presenting him to his father.
Apparently this family really was quite open and matter-of-fact about all things sexual. However, Lo knew that the congratulations for this accomplishment was actually late and misplaced. But there was no simple way of explaining to his father or his brothers how he actually lost his virginity, so the youngest just accepted the accolades and smiled broadly.
Lo emerged, naked from the bedroom. Her clothes were haphazardly strewn about in the kitchen. There was no other, more graceful way of getting them. The three boys and their father looked at her as she walked silently. Her hair was a mess. Her breasts still glowed red where she was groped and sucked. And the cum of four men was dripping down her ass and inner thighs. She could feel it slowly oozing past her knees and down to her ankles. (Parenthetically, it is rumored that the smaller the penis, the larger the load. Lo would attest to the veracity of that adage.)
“I probably should be going,” she said as she picked up her panties and slid them on over the tacky mess. She felt like she was literally the glue that kept this unusual family together. She slid on her dress and slipped her feet into her shoes. She could feel cum on her instep as she did so.
“Bye,” she said, trying to smile, trying to walk with class and dignity as her bare feet in her shoes were slurping and her pussy was making gurgling noises as even more cum slid out of her.

“Too bad you missed Meri,” called Scott to her.
When he said that, the youngest son, who had met Roy and Gary at our backyard picnic a couple of weeks prior, put two-and-two together. He suddenly realized where his mother was and what (or whom) she was doing. That’s right. It was all just a convenient ploy to allow her to have the brothers. These four men thought they were taking Lo for their pleasure, but they had been taken in by Meri, their mother/wife/lover. This created a poignant pang of jealousy in the mind of the youngest boy as the full implications of the deception dawned on him.
Lo sped home, fearing that she had gone too far, said too much, fucked too many. She doesn’t usually feel that way after coaxing the cum from four men, but these weren’t just any random four men. They were three brothers and their father, the husband and three sons of Lo’s lesbian lover who, at that very moment was coaxing cum from two other brothers roughly the same age as her own sons.
Lo pulled in the drive. She saw my car was there and Meri’s car was parked across the street. She had called me on her way and so she knew that I had left on foot for a walk through the neighborhood and to the park. She asked me to come home.
I arrived just as she did and she asked me, “Where’s Meri?” Neither of us had to wait long for our answer because, bellowing out from our bedroom window, just as Lo had done so many many times before, was the primal scream of a woman climaxing like crazy.
We both looked up to the window in astonishment at the sound – for it conveyed almost supernatural overtones of pleasure – and in fear. For how long had she been carrying on like that?

Window Crack
“Doesn’t she know that the brother’s live just across the street and their mother can hear her?” asked Lo, articulating the concern we shared.
Lo parked and tooted the horn to give a signal to Meri that we were returning to our home.
In we went, and from the entrance we could hear the boom-boom-boom of someone being fucked as if bent over a bureau down the hall and in the bedroom.
“Wait here,” said Lo, taking command of the situation. She strutted down the long hallway and knocked rapidly and loudly on the wooden door.
One of the brothers opened the door. He stood naked beneath the lintel. Lo looked in and saw Meri bent over, her hands supporting her by resting on the windowsill, her legs spread wide, and the other brother banging her from behind. In her behind? Possibly. Probably. The brother at the door, Gary, was limp, sweaty, and panting, as if recently tagged to be replaced by his teammate.
“Look,” said Lo, “this is fun and all, but her bellowing like a banshee is going to alarm the whole neighborhood, including your mom, if it hasn’t already!”
Just at that moment the doorbell rang. It was the bothers’ mother! I answered it, slowly, coolly, calmly.
Lo was busy getting the brothers dressed. Roy, who had been banging Meri, framed by the window, pulled out, hard, wet, and fully loaded.
“Are my boys here?” asked the mom.
“Just a minute,” I said, stalling, “I have to grab a mask.” COVID precautions.
I ran down the hall. “She’s here,” I whispered. I saw Meri, stark naked, cum covered, her hair matted down with sweat and who knows what other bodily fluids, her chest heaving on the bed, her hands cupped between her legs either giving her pleasure or keep the cum inside her.
Lo was in full-on damage-control mode. “Tell her that they’re helping me move some furniture.”
I returned, no mask.
“They’ll be right here,” I said, nervously, “they’re just banging. . . some furniture.”
“What? And where’s your mask?”
“Oh, sorry, I couldn’t find it. Let me go look again.”
I disappeared down the hall again.
“She’s not happy. She’s suspicious,” I said to Lo.
“No shit! Make her unsuspicious.”
This time I grabbed a mask from the nightstand. I went back to the front door and as I approached our nosy neighbor, I went to put the mask on. Only, it wasn’t a mask. It was Meri’s black underpants! And they were quite creamed in too!
“Oh, this isn’t mine!” I said, fumbling. “I’ll be right back.”
I tossed the panties somewhere, anywhere, and reached in my bag to find a proper mask. Returning, I said, “Lo’s tied up at the moment.”
This wasn’t exactly true because there had been times when the brothers actually tied her up to the bed and had taken turns with her. But, as a turn of phrase, it was true enough.
“But my boys, are they ok? I heard screams.”
“Fine. Strenuous work, you know? But they’re big, strapping young men. Great energy and enthusiasm those two. You should be proud.”
“They don’t ever lift a finger for me at home.”
“Well, ain’t that just like boys,” I said, not knowing what the hell I meant. “I assure you, they are always up for the occasion here. They’ve helped Lo when they’ve come many times.” I was babbling now. “And Lo has come and come.”
“What?” she asked, suspiciously.
“I mean, here comes Lo now!” I said, relieved to see Lo appear next to me in the doorway.
“Thank you so much for the use of your boys. . . again,” she said, sweet as pie. “How can I show my appreciation for everything they do?”
“I just was checking to make sure everything’s alright. I heard some screams.”
“Fine, fine. Just the old power saw.”
“Power saw?!”
“Yes,” she said searching for a story.
“Do they even know how to use a power saw?” asked the concerned mother.
“Oh, they’re handy, those two! They can slice and drill, bang, and erect things like master carpenters. I’m always amazed at their talents. Do they take a shop class in school?”
“No! I don’t think they’ve ever even held a hammer.”
“They sure can wield a tool,” said Lo. “This old apartment would probably just go to pieces without them. Thanks ever so much!”
Just then the brothers appeared in the doorway.
“Hi Mom,” said one of them genially.
“Everything alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, sure,” said the other brother.
“They were just moving furniture,” I said, trying to clue them into the alibi.
“And using the power saw,” added Lo.
“Right,” said Gary. “Make sure you don’t touch that. It’s dangerous. But thanks for letting us help you out,” he added.
“Such sweet kids, thanking me for their time and talent,” interjected Lo. “I hope I didn’t keep them too long. I told them you’d be worried. Especially with all that ruckus.”
The confused but genial neighbor mom finally left with her two angels.
Lo removed her mask and walked back to the bedroom, got naked and climbed into bed with Meri. The two of them shared stories of their busy afternoons. Contrary to Lo’s fears, Meri ate up all the nefarious fornicating Lo relayed to her about Scott and the three boys. Literally. When Meri heard that Scott came on Lo’s back and the boys in her cunt, she licked Lo’s lower back and labia, lapping up the sticky sap from her sons and husband.

Lo and Meri
Lo returned the favor after Meri recounted with arousal the ways that she was used by the two brothers. When the two of them finally finished fucking and filling in the gaps, Meri got dressed, sans panties (since later that evening I found those where I had tossed them when searching for a mask) and said a curt goodbye to me.
She felt rejuvenated, light, high, like a teenager again. She needn’t see my old countenance to remind her of her true age. She went home to her husband and sons. She was reeking of sex, sperm, and self-satisfaction. How was she greeted by her family when she arrived? I don’t know.
Meanwhile, Lo was reeking too and ready to relive the day’s events by recounting it to me. We got into bed and she said, “You want me?”
I said, “I do.”
She said, “Well, you’re going to have to settle for Stoya because I’m all fucked out.”
“Really?” I asked in disbelief.
“Well, you can start with her and we’ll see where things go.”
She took out my Stoya Destroya, lubed up my hard cock, and slid the Fleshlight cylinder down my shaft.
“Her pussy feel good?” she asked.
“So good.”
“Kiss me,” she said.
I kissed her wet lips that had done so many dirty deeds throughout the day.
“Tell me all,” I said.
She turned on her back and put the prosthetic pussy between her legs and moved her finger down to the clit on Stoya’s pussy, just as she would do to herself during sex. She slid it into the slippery slit, pressing up against my shaft as I fucked her – I mean, fucked Stoya. She knows I love that feeling. She slid into Stoya’s tight twat a second finger.
Then she began speaking, starting with pulling up in front of the suburban house. We had to take many breaks because she kept taking me to the brink with her words and wiggling fingers. Eventually, she removed the sex toy from my cock and replaced it with her own puss, sitting up on top of me, riding me up-and-down.
“Oh, Daddy, you have no idea how much I craved a good, thick, long cock today,” she said.
“I’m glad I can satisfy your craving.”
She chuckled a bit and said, “I wasn’t talking about your cock. Your cock is serviceable.”
She came nonetheless, but then she asked me to pull out her Remus horse cock dildo to actually fulfill her deepest desire. I took it out of its box and affixed the suction cup bottom to the full-length mirror about a foot and a half from the floor.
Lo got on her hands and knees and slid back onto the protruding equine penis. From that position she looked up at me, sitting on the side of the bed, and continued her story, cumming multiple times.
Sometimes I think that she engages in these sexploits only to turn herself on by the recollection of it later. Anaïs Nin has said, “We write to taste life twice.” In the same vain, Lo tells her tales to me to be in control of her own climaxes. By her own account, she came many more times in retelling than in the actual encounter. As I stroked my cock to her tale, she told me to cum all over her when she got to the part about frolicking with Meri in our bedroom. She told me how Meri greedily licked all the remaining cum from her body that was deposited there by the three boys and Meri’s husband. That was the depraved detail that delivered me from my state of delirious desire. Lo tilted her head up, opened her mouth, and received my offering to her divine chalice like a champ.
Victory Lap
As she made the ‘OK’ sign with her index finger and thumb, my hard cock filled the hole of that universal hand-gesture that indicates everything is alright. And everything was better than alright. She was lying under my arched, naked body, her left hand doing the bare minimum necessary to still qualify as a hand-job. I was doing most of the work, thrusting in and out of her digital aperture. She was lying naked on her back, her right hand doing more work on her clit than her left on my dick. But, hey, it’s not a competition. I was pleased. She was pleasing – herself and me.
“That’s it, you big, bad dog,” she said in a sultry tone, referencing the taboo topic of her acquired technique.
She knew exactly what that would do to me. She plays me like a fiddle with her nimble fingers, though I’m sure she’d rather play a long, black clarinet that requires both hands to get the proper fingering and also the use of a wet mouth and tongue to blow all those Ds loud and with proper dynamics.
Within seconds my baton was conducting the final climactic notes of this symphony.
As I write these tortured metaphors, I can hear Lo laughing and saying, “Symphony! P’shaw, more like a minuet.”
Be that as it may, she was covered in pearlesque droplets from chin to chest.

Holiday Glaze
I fell back onto the bed, relishing the sweet release she uncorked for me.
But she, rather than lounge in the lethargic bliss I was enjoying, hopped out of bed, put on her jeans and a tank-top, and said, “Do you want to come walk with me?”
Or, at least that’s what I understood her to say. What she actually said was, “Do you want to cum-walk with me?”
“What?” I asked groggily.
“I don’t want to walk.”
“No, Daddio, a cum-walk.”
“What’s a cum-walk?” I asked, finally understanding what she was articulating.
“It’s like a walk of shame. A stride of pride, a victory lap, the trek of triumph, the Something About Mary hommage,” she said with a French accent.
“Since when is that a thing?”
“Oh, old man, hurry up, get dressed, and I’ll tell you as you accompany my for a strumpet stride through the neighborhood.”
“Ok, ok,” I said, laughing, “You’re killing me with these colorful combinations of colloquialisms for cum.”
“Say that four times fast!”
“Where’d you learn all those?
“Eskimos have forty different words for snow and I. . .”
“Forget it. I don’t want to hear what precipitated your poetic euphemisms.”
When I was dressed, we walked outside, arm-in-arm. She was proud to have the origin of her adornments accompany her as she displayed her latest accomplishment.
She said hello in a flirtatious voice to the others who passed us by on the delightful spring morning. Out of the corner of her eye, she tried to spy if they looked carefully enough to discern what was glinting in the sunlight on her cheek, chin, neck, and shoulder.
“So, when did this become a thing?” I asked again.
“It’s always been a thing. I mean, remember the time at the nude beach when you came all over my face and tits?”
“Which time?”
“Oh, Daddio. The beach with the geriatric gentlemen who genuflected at my altar.”
“Right. Yeah, so?”
“Remember, after you rained your love down on me, we walked together, saying hi to the beachcombers.”
“Yeah, I remember, fondly.”
“And the time I met that very nice athlete in the park.”
“You mean the big black guy who came on you?”
“You have a good memory for an old man.”
“That’s why I write these things down – to keep your paramours straight.”
“Oh, straight is ok, but I prefer kinky paramours.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“Anyhow, after he came on me and I walked up to you dripping with his jizz. That also was a cum-walk.”
“I see.”
“Are you going to write about this one?”
“Of course I am, even if no one believes me.”
“They don’t believe you, Daddy?”
“Lo, you can understand that a lot of people find you unbelievable.”
“I’ve been told that before.”
“Morning,” said a passerby.
“Hi,” Lo chirped back in a perky voice. Her tits were perky too in her see-through white tank-top.

Lo’s braless top
“Getting a lot of looks,” I remarked to her.
“Yeah, but I made the wrong choice.”
“How’s that?”
“They’re all looking at my chest, not my face.”
“Ah yes, the age-old dilemma. What’s the reaction you’re looking for?”
“I’d just like a tall, dark, and handsome man to give me a long stare that says, ‘I know what you just did, you slut.”
“I think you take too much pleasure in this.”
“Oh, Daddio! The only thing more pleasurable is when it’s leaking out of my puss through my panties and shorts at the same time as it’s on my face.”
“Do you have a special name for that walk?”
“The Double-Stuff Strut, The Cream-Pie Promenade, The Spit-Roast Saunter.”
“I should have known.”

[This story, in case you don’t pick up on it, is dedicated to the incomparable, Jupiter Grant. You can find her work here, here, here, here, and here.]
“In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain.”

Lola’s Tum
It had been a wet month. The typical English spring attempted to outdo itself with unrelenting grey skies, showers, and sopping English gardens. Jupiter Grant, or Jupi, as she likes to be called by her friends, had not gone out for weeks. Her groceries had been delivered and her supply of wine was dwindling. It had been months since she had seen her ersatz lover, H. She referred to him only as H and thought of him as “ersatz” because he was a Husband to another woman and had a family in London. Jupi was the proverbial “other woman,” the “mistress,” the “seductress.” At least that’s the way the judging world would see her. The judging world being the monogamous, heteronormative world. Between Jupi, H, and H’s wife, there was an open understanding. Still, that cozy relationship was of no use during the long COVID lockdown.
From Jupi’s point of view, she was the guest always late to the party. She and H had chemistry that they both acknowledged. Not just sexual, but spiritual. They knew they were meant to be together, but their paths had crossed many years too late in life. As a compromise to life’s cruel humor, they connected when and how they could; neither one demanding more of the other or disappointed by the other since they both knew that this was the best arrangement for all parties involved. Yet Jupi was not late to the poly-party. Thank goodness, she thought, that she lived in and was a part of the polyamory zeitgeist.

A Happy Fan
Yet the knowledge that they were two lost souls doing what they could to find joy in a largely painful and sad world provided little relief for Jupi when her deepest needs swelled up to fill her entire being with desire – desire to be held, touched, caressed, kissed, fondled, spanked, sucked, filled, and fucked. At those moments, a quick fap merely whet her ferocious appetite. She needed more. She craved the comfort of H’s strong, firm flesh pressing down on her own soft, welcoming, warm body.
Unrelieved in her needs, she turned to compensatory pleasures and perversions. Much of her sexual energy, she found over the years, could be diverted into creative power. Writing erotica was her main outlet. But lately she discovered a new medium into which she channeled her plentiful reserves of poetic and prurient lust and her craving to perform: her voice. Through a series of happy coincidences, she discovered that not only could she narrate literotica, she could nail it with every ounce of sexy she felt swirling through her sensual spirit and her beautiful body.

Volume I
A manuscript had arrived: Match, Cinder & Spark: Nymphomania and the Single Girl. “Hmmmm,” she thought, “this could be interesting. Or, it could be a colossal waste of time. Thousands of words, hundreds of pages of driveling, second-rate, even third-rate pablum ‘poetry’ for pubescent boys.” She poured a glass of red wine and opened up the document on her computer. She began reading:
“Tell me,” she said, “tell me what I am.”
“You’re a slut.”
“Yes,” she said, encouragingly.
“A whore. A fucking sexmaniac.”
“Go on,” she moaned, biting her lower lip. But I was too occupied with banging her from behind. I needed to catch my breath.
“Tell me,” she demanded, “tell me what I am.”
“A cum-bucket. A little cum-hungry tramp.”
“Yes,” she screamed.
“A sex addict. A nymphomaniac!”
I slapped her ass hard as she screamed with delight. Her wet little snatch secreted her luscious, warm juices all over my hard cock.
After she collapsed into the bed of blankets, I reached around her from behind and whispered in her ear, “Good girl. That’s my good girl.” She purred like a little kitten.

Artistic Tribute Photo
She felt a tingling between her legs. She kept reading, taking small sips of wine as she felt her mouth watering. As she continued, she felt something else getting wet. She tried reading the words aloud, just to hear how they would sound in her voice. Could she do the male lines? It was narrated by Lola Down’s lover, H.H. Was she the right voice for that? Wouldn’t a man’s voice be more appropriate? She tried it out, experimenting with various octaves and tones. Clearly these two characters were American. Should I pronounce “ass” the American way, or as I would pronounce it – “arse”? Technical questions like these kept appearing, but she liked what she read. She liked it a lot. To her surprise, she especially enjoyed embodying the male narrator’s role. Yes, she thought, yes, I’ll take this on.
A week later she was in her tiny makeshift “recording studio” – actually a closet with a light, a microphone, and her computer. It was the most soundproof room of her flat. She was in the middle of recording a story, “NYC,” about Lo and her raconteur’s trip to a strip club in Manhattan:
She slowly eased her way down Lo’s body, pressing her perky breasts and nipples directly in Lo’s face. She took Lo’s hands and encouraged Lo to apply them to her body, caressing the dancer’s ass and legs. As she slithered over Lo, she inconspicuously pulled Lo’s strapless dress down over Lo’s breasts, exposing them so that they could rub up against her own. She then got down between Lo’s legs and gracefully pulled the hem of Lo’s dress up and up, rubbing her soft hands over Lo’s thighs and then sitting on Lo’s lap and rubbing her ass deep into Lo’s crotch. All the while, Lo licked her lips and ran her tongue over her teeth in that sumptuous way that indicates that Lo is hungry.
Jupi found herself breathless. She couldn’t continue with the narration. There in the narrow confines of the darkened closet, she reached down under her skirt and panties and her fingers fondled the fount of her effulgent creativity. She read the lines again and again in her mind and switched roles in her mind from being Lo to being the stripper to being H.H. observing it all. The dance of subjectivity stimulated her mind as much as her digits released her pent-up puissance by penetrating her pulsating pink pussy.

Browsing the Literotica section
Wave after wave of relief and gratitude poured over her as her legs gave out and she slowly crumpled onto the now wet wooden floor of the closet, panting and heaving. She opened the door to let in more air. She desperately needed more air.
Eventually, she was able to finish recording the story. She liked it so much that she wanted to share it, prematurely, with someone. No, not with someone. Not with anyone. With H. She needed to know his opinion of it. Was it any good? Was she any good as a narrator? But there were so many doubts that accompanied her wish. What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought she was weird for even producing it? What if he was turned on by Lola?
Ultimately her desire for validation and attention outweighed her insecurities and she hit “SEND” and immediately wished she could unsend it.
An excruciating day, then two days, then three days went by without a word from H. She couldn’t record another page before hearing back from him. She was in a frenzied state. Why hadn’t he called, texted, emailed, something???
But, just when she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, there was an unexpected knock at her door.
A visitor? No. Couldn’t be. Probably just a grocery delivery. She hastily put on her robe and furtively opened the door. There he was. H. Unannounced. Unexpected. Un-fuckig-believable! She was ecstatic. Jupi threw the door open wide and let him in. But then she remembered the recording. Was he here to break things off?
“Hi,” she said shyly, her nerves shot.
“I wish I knew you were coming. I would have. . .”
“I didn’t even know I was coming. But I’ve been. . . I’ve wanted to. . . I just started driving and I found myself here. I’ve been listening to your recording on repeat.”
“Your voice is so fucking sexy.”
“Yes, really. I’ve been hard-up for days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to. But I wanted to see you and tell you.”
“Way to drive a woman crazy!”
“Who wrote this? Who is this Lola?”
Suddenly Jupi felt nervous again. She felt butterflies in her stomach. “What if?” questions started forming in her mind like they did before. Incessant, annoying, pervasive questions filled with self-doubt and fear. Her anxiety ramping up again. She needed to get grounded.
“Come on in,” she said, taking his coat. “Want a drink?”
She took out the wine and two glasses. She let her robe drop, revealing her bare body just beneath the sheer negligée she was wearing under the robe. It was sexy, but it was also comfy. He looked at her, soaking in her visage. She was a shy hermit full of inner life – sensual, spontaneous, artistic, creative, smart, witty, emotional, and most of all, madly in love with him. Seeing her filled him with passion, just as the sound of her voice speaking those salacious sentences had made him crazed for three days. Her flesh. He wanted it.
She sat down next to him at the small kitchen table and opened her laptop. She clicked on and scrolled through the plethora of Lola’s porno pictures.
“Oh. . . oh. . . my,” he said slowly with long pauses in between exclamations. “Um, wow!” Images of Lola naked were replete on the screen. But not just naked – naked with her 12 inch dildo, with her princess plug, with pearls on a string streaming from her ass, with her man, H.H., sucking his cock, filled with his cum, overflowing with the cum of other men, and stretching herself wide with one of the largest replicas of a horse cock H had ever seen!
“Yeah, she’s a handful,” said Jupi, resigned to sharing H’s attention with Lola.
“She reminds me of you,” he said, looking up at her downcast eyes.
“What? Really?”
“Yes, if I had met you ten years ago. I think she’s the spitting image of you.”
“Ten years ago?” Jupi echoed.
“Oh, no. Come on. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You sure you don’t want some young sexy thing like Lo?”
“No, Jupi, I want you.” He leaned in to kiss her. Her stomach’s butterflies flew in a flutter, suddenly startled by the unexpected availability of his lips and everything else he brought to the table.
“I was just about to record another chapter.”
“Really? Can I listen?”
“I don’t think you’ll hear much. I record it in the closet,” she said.
“Which closet?”
“In the bedroom.”
“Oh. Well, go right ahead. I’ll just be lying on the bed. Maybe I’ll hear something.”
They got up to go to the bedroom. She took the computer and disappeared into the walk-in studio. “Wait here quietly,” she said before shutting the door behind her.
She was just finishing up the story, “Horsing Around.” She read loud enough for H to hear:
I was in jeans and I could feel my cunt getting totally saturated, soaking my panties through and through. I spread my legs and rubbed his cock back and forth until finally he exploded. It was a ginormous shot of cum over my head, but, as his cock slackened, he dripped some remaining cum down into my hair and on my face. I had to unbutton my jeans and pull them and my panties down as I got on my knees. As I sat under his dangling cock, I stroked my pussy till I too came in a giant puddle on the cement floor.
When Jupi was done with the story, she emerged from the closet. She found H lying on his back, his trousers down around his ankles, his massive hard-on clenched in his right fist which stroked up and down from tip-to-base and back again.
“Could you hear?” she asked, astonished.
“MmmmmmGrrrrrrrrrAaaaaahhhhhhh,” was all he could say as his member erupted like a spewing volcano sending its warm lava all over the surrounding countryside and dribbling down its sheer cliffs, covering his hand in goo. “Fuuuuck!”
“Did I do that?” asked Jupi innocently.
“You have the most sexy voice,” he answered.
Though flattered by his visceral standing ovation, Jupi was at least slightly disappointed that she wasn’t going to get any of her man’s patronage that day. Never one to miss an opportunity, she got between his legs and licked up the mess he had made.
“Can I get an advance copy of that audiobook?” he asked.
Jupi smiled, looking up at H from between his legs. “Of course,” she said.
After he left, she sent the audio files to him via email.
A few days later he texted her and said, “Jupi, you have no idea how happy you have made me. I know that we can’t see each other, but I’ve been listening to your recording in the car every chance I get. It’s incredible.”
“Glad you like it.”
“I’ve even started listening to it in bed. I told my wife that it’s just a guided meditation to help me sleep, but, in fact, it has the opposite effect. After she falls asleep, I pull out my cock and stroke to your voice.”
A week later he was at Jupi’s flat again. This time they had an actual date planned. After a small meal, they went into the bedroom and, lying down on the bed, he asked, “Can we, uh, listen to the audiobook?”
“But I’m right here,” Jupi replied.
“I know, but it turns me on.”
She agreed.
He had another request. “Can I have you doggy style?”
“And. . .”
“And what?”
“Never mind,” he said as she got on all fours on the bed and he stood next to it, ready to enter her from behind.
“What?” she asked over her shoulder.
“Can I put your laptop here?”
“I mean, I won’t if you. . .”
“No, go ahead.”
He placed the computer on her back, opened it up to Lola’s photos, and, listening to Jupi’s narration, entered her wet and waiting pussy.

Not Jupi, but a fan photo
Lo picked up her head and said, “Stroke it again as I rub my pussy.” Lo leaned back across from Bill in the back seat and spread her legs wide. Her right leg was lying on top of Bill’s knee. She still had her cute little heels on. Bill stroked his cock as he looked on, salivating, at Lo’s spread pussy. With her left hand, Lo spread her pussy lips wide and with her right hand she was fingering her clit and her cunt.
Bill was treated to a feast for the eyes. Lo came and came again to her own digital manipulation. She so love’s to see men jerk off, but the only thing she loves more than that is to see them jerking off to her. This Bill did with enthusiasm and then he started asking Lo, “I bet you want me to cum on your pussy, don’t you, you whore?”
“Oh yeah,” responded Lo in her low, deep, sexy, guttural voice.
“You want me to shoot my load all over that hot pussy, don’t you?” he asked.
“Oh yeah, do it,” she said in response as she continued to spread her legs and finger-fuck her pussy.
He got up from the seat and almost stood over her, frantically yanking at his cock.
“Come on, come on,” Lo encouraged, “cum on my pussy. Come on.” And then finally, in an explosion of cum that fell like rain all over Lo and her dress and her stomach and her pussy, he came and came and came and came some more. Lo was shocked by how much he came on her. She had never been drenched that much by a guy in her life. . . and she loved it.
As they listened to the story, they too came together. . . and loved it.
Lying next to each other, sprawled out on the mess of a bed, the computer screen still displaying Lo’s cum-covered body, H said, “You know, my wife has been listening to the stories as well.”

Lo Bathes in Beauty
“No,” Jupi said incredulously.
“Yes. She found me out. She discovered it wasn’t a ‘guided meditation.’ And so now, whenever she’s in the mood, she puts in her earbuds and listens with her computer open in front of her, while I go at her.”
“I can’t believe it,” said Jupi.
“I’m sorry. Does that upset you? I shouldn’t have told you that.”
“No, I can’t believe that little trollop.”
“You know who: Lola Down. She’ll be getting off all of London before long.”
“No, dear, you’ll be getting them off with your voice.”
Thank you Lola. Thank you Jupiter Grant. Thank you H. Thank you everyone who reads, listens, and gets off to these words dripping with love and lust, jizz and juices. Thank you.

The End
10 Yoga Poses
[We offer here a sneak peek at the article just released in Ethical Non-Monogamy Magazine, September 2020 Issue. Here is ENM’s editor’s introduction to the story:
Hermann Humbert, writer for and husband to beautiful hotwife Lola Down has been contributing stories about Lola’s exploits with us for months… this one may be the hottest one yet!!! You can read this story in its entirety right now in our September issue of ENM Magazine on Kindle, or we will publish it as a Patreon exclusive later this month.
Illustrations by H.H.]
Ten Yoga Poses
Dear Reader, you may recall that Roy and Gary are the young, twenty-something brothers from across the street with whom Lo has become acquainted back before COVID-19 shuttered us all in. She seems to enjoy toying with them the way one might with two adorable puppies. One day, not long ago, as things began reopening, she amused herself by going on a date with them to do some clothes shopping.
They went to a nearby mall and they followed her as she bounced from store to store trying on skirts, blouses, dresses, and shoes. She would make them wait close to the dressing room to render an opinion for her. Unless it was two thumbs up, or rather, four thumbs up and two cocks up, she didn’t make a purchase. This scratched two itches for Lo: 1) flirting in the flesh and; 2) shopping.
This little tease titillated her and the boys for hours.
She told me all about it, eager to arouse my jealousy, when I got home from work, but she was let down when she realized that I was quite pleased with her excursion because it saved me countless hours of waiting by the dressing room for her to toggle back and forth between her natural impulse to purchase and her attempt to avoid buyer’s remorse.
“I bet you’d like to see me toggling back and forth between Roy’s dick and Gary’s,” she said, latching onto that word which placed the naughty image in her dirty mind.
“If it makes you happy,” I said, appearing aloof and disinterested in her foolish frolics.
She stomped her foot out of frustration and beat her fists on my chest, playfully.
“You will change your tune!” she said.
“My tune? What will be my tune?”
“I Want You.”
“You do? I thought you wanted your two boy-toys.”
“No, silly. I Want You, by the Beatles. That will be your tune.”
“You know, the subtitle to that song is, ‘She’s so Heavy’”
She flipped me the bird and said, “Of course you would know that.”
“But I think you’re just right.”
“So do the boys,” she added. “Finally, a package deal: FOBO.”
“What is ‘FOBO’?”
“Fuck one, blow one.”
“I see. And here I thought you just liked the company while you shopped.”
“I do!” she said enthusiastically. “And I got this,” she said as she pranced around the room like an exotic dancer on stage.
“What?” I asked, befuddled.
“These,” she said, prancing around some more, her hands on her hips.
“Your hips?”
“No, silly. These jeans. They’re $250 jeans, but you’d never guess what I got them for.”

Lola’s New Jeans
“You blew a kiss to the shop clerk.”
“No. Don’t be daft.”
“You blew the shop clerk.”
“If only. But he was clearly not into my type.”
“I’m offended.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I meant, horny with a young man on each arm.”
“No. He wasn’t into women at all.”
“I see.”
“Don’t you want to know what I got them for?”
“Who, the two young men?”
“No! The jeans.”
“Oh, right. What did you get them for?”
“It doesn’t matter now. What matters is what I’ll get out of them for.”
“What will you get out of them for?”
“The two brothers. They’re coming over.”
As she said that, there was a knock at the door. I answered it and let in Roy and Gary, not knowing who was who. Once they were in, Lo blurted out, “They say I need some caulk.”
“Yeah, a lot of caulk.”
“Yes, to fill all the holes.”
“How’s that?”
“They just stick it in there and out it comes. Voila! There might be some overflow, but we can just wipe that up.”
“Sounds like you know what you’re doing.”
“Oh, I’ve handled caulk before.”
“You have?”
“Oh yeah. Lot’s of times. I’m practically a pro with caulk.”
“Is that so?”
“Yep. One hand. Even two!”
During this whole performance, the boys just stood around and looked on dumbly.
“Where’s the bathroom?” one of them asked.
“Right down the hall there,” I said, pointing to it.
“And the caulk?” asked the other.
“I thought you two brought your own,” I said.
“No, silly,” said Lo. She then went into our little tool drawer and pulled it out, along with a caulk gun, a box cutter, a sponge and a bucket.”
“Here you go,” she said to the other brother.
“Oh, caulk!” I said, with enthusiasm. “I thought you were talking about. . . ah, never mind.”
“Yeah, what did you think we were talking about?” asked Lo, as if she hadn’t meant to confuse me all along.
She led the second boy down the hall and showed him the seam where the tub meets the tile and how discolored it had become.
The two boys set to work while Lo went into the adjacent master bedroom and slipped out of her jeans. She wore only her thong and her blouse. They were unaware until she called into the bathroom and offered a cool drink. The boys looked up, dumbfounded.

Lola’s Thong and Blouse
“Uh, sure,” said one of them.
“Two lemonades ok?”
“Fine,” said the other, drawing out the vowel as if talking about Lo and not the lemonade.
Lo turned and went to the kitchen to grab the drinks for the boys.
“Don’t turn up the heat too much,” I said to her.
“Whatever do you mean?” she asked like Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind.
She turned tail and walked away from me. I followed just to see what would happen next.
She went into the bathroom and bent over to the kneeling brothers and handed them the drinks. “Oh, that looks much better!” she said of their job. Truth be told, it was a hack job by two amateurs. That didn’t matter to Lola. That was strictly beside the point. All the more reason to invite a professional contractor in and give him an encore performance of her Emmy Award winning act.
The boys, clearly distraught at the difficulty of the task and the distraction of Lo, wiped the little sweat from their brows and drank the lemonade.
“Maybe now that you fixed that so quickly, you two could help me with something else,” she said. I was very curious what she had in mind, as were our two fix-it men.
Lo crawled across the bed, her ass cheeks seductively contorting like a proud lynx prancing before her prey. She got to the edge, her top half disappeared off the side of the bed, and then reemerged with her Hitachi. She looked over at the captivated cherubs and said, “I don’t know if the motor blew out or what, but I can’t seem to get it to turn on.”
The boys practically fumbled over each other trying to get to her. As they did, she cast me a knowing look. She had just used the masturbatory machine that morning.
One of the boys held it, flipping the switch on and off to no avail as the other inspected the wire. Both of them stood over Lo’s prostrate body on the bed. She smiled up at them.
“Did I overdo it?” she asked. If there was a portmanteau that combined ‘innocently’ with ‘guiltily,’ like the word frenemy, then that would be how she asked that question. And what a frenemy she was to me just then!
One of the boys flipped a switch on the power cord under the bed and the giant white ball began vibrating ferociously in the other’s hand.
“You did it!” squealed Lo.
“Yeah,” said the one who flipped the switch. “You must have tripped the circuit breaker on this,” he said, holding up the power cord and showing Lo the emergency shut off button (that I’m sure Lo purposely shut off for just this reason).
“Oh, I see,” she said. “Thanks!” She spread her legs wide, indicating where the vibrating ball of the Hitachi should go.
The one holding it eventually got the hint. He placed it between her legs, over her thong.
“Yeah,” said Lo lustily.
He let it rest there for a while. Lo rotated her hips to get the vibrations where she wanted them.
“Turn it on hi-power,” she instructed. He obeyed. Lo raised her hips and pulled down her bra. The other brother reached down and began pinching her nipples as Lo cupped her tits with her hands.
“Yeah,” she moaned again, “do that.” Lo slowly unbuttoned her blouse and then removed it to let him see and touch her breasts.
She looked up at the boys and asked, “You two have been under strict quarantine?”
“Yes,” replied one of them.
“No going out? No seeing anyone?” asked Lo.
“Yeah,” said the other, “not for the past two or three months.”
“No girlfriends?”
They both laughed a little. “Even if we had girlfriends, which we don’t, our mom would never let us see them. Not during this pandemic.”
Lo ran her tongue over her teeth as she looked up, her head very close to their bulging cocks. “So, you two haven’t been able to. . .” Before she finished her sentence, she grabbed the Hitachi and manipulated it to flip her switch and, without warning she was convulsing, cursing, and cumming with a wave of wetness flowing over her thong, soaking the bed covers. All the time, I watched in silence from the doorway.
The two guys gawked at Lo’s percolations.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” she said to the two of them when she caught her breath.
Each of them looked over at me standing in the doorway, smirking just a little at Lo’s mode of flirtation.
She slid out of her soaked panties and asked, “Who’s first?” as she spread her legs wide and smacked her pussy.
One of the boys pulled down his pants and pulled out his cock. He was large and very hard.
Lo licked her lips at the sight of it. She turned on her tum.

Anahatasana – Melting Heart Pose
- Anahatasana – Melting Heart Pose
She rotated horizontal on the bed and got into the anahatasana, or melting heart pose, protruding her ass over the side of the bed prominently, while her arms were stretched out far in front of her head.
The boy whose pants were down – Roy or Gary? – slid in and Lo showed her appreciation with a long low moan. As he was sliding in and out of her, his brother dropped his pants around his ankles. He tapped out his brother and tapped into Lo with enthusiasm. Lo seemed to enjoy the change of length, girth, and rhythm. His brother stood next to him spreading Lo’s ass wide apart for his brother’s easy access.
Without warning, Lo’s body involuntarily squeezed him out – the first physiological sign that she’s about to have a violent squirting orgasm.
“You’re going to have to ride that pony better than that if you want to stay in the saddle,” I jibed, knowing full well how difficult it is to avoid slip-sliding out when her trap squeezes shut.
“Let me try,” said the other brother, thinking he’d have the superior technique. He slid right in after Lo’s sprinkle (which soaked all the clothes on the floor) had subsided.

Bitilasana – Cow Pose
- Bitilasana – Cow Pose
Lo propped her torso up on both arms and her back made a concave curve causing her ass to protrude upward. She used her arms to push backward to meet the boy’s thrusts. Bang, bang, bang he bounced off of her butt. Smack, smack, smack she slid down on his rod, her tits flailing forward and back with the rapid back-and-forth of her torso. I should mention that, unlike in the first position, when she had her head down, facing the bed, now she was looking directly at me as she took the shocks from behind. Our eyes were locked and she was feeding off of how much delight I took in her sexual prowess.
“Fuck me!” she commanded over her shoulder, as if he wasn’t giving it his all already. “Come on, can’t you do better than that?” She was just taunting him now. I knew very well that she wasn’t used to this sort of rough ride. The poor young fellow put so much force into it that I was worried he might pull a muscle in his back.
I saw Lo’s fingers curl up and clutch the bed sheets as if she were hanging on vertically to the bed, trying not to fall. I saw her toes curl and I knew what was about to happen.
Sure enough, she shot contestant #2 right out of her convulsing cunt just as forcefully as she ejected the first one, followed by a torrent of orgasmic flow.
The two brothers watched, amazed at the quantity and velocity of her ejaculation.

Balasana – Child Pose
- Balasana – Child Pose
Lo curled up her knees under her and stretched her arms out far in front of her, tucking her head down between her arms as she caught her breath. The boys were polite enough to give her the time she needed to recuperate. They stood there, flanking her naked body, like silent sentinels at attention, their spears raised.
“Slide your hand over her soaking snatch,” I instructed them, breaking my silence.
“Slide your hand over her soaking snatch,” I repeated.
The kid did what I said.
“Now, use that to rub around her asshole.”
“Daddy,” Lo objected. She doesn’t like vulgarity to be used about her body.
“Around her special spot,” I corrected myself.
The kid did as he was told. Lo moaned.
“Slide it in, gently. Not too quickly.”
This kid needed step-by-step diagrams.
Lo moaned again.
“When she feels loose, insert two fingers. She likes that.”
“Loose?” Lo asked, looking up at me from the bed.
“Relatively loose,” I corrected.

Uttana Shishosana – Extended Puppy Pose
- Uttana Shishosana – Extended Puppy Pose
Lo extended her arms out in front of her and lifted her ass up in the air for the boys to have it closer to their level. Her knees were still tucked under her torso. One of the brothers was wiggling his finger in her rear. He eventually added a second finger. The other brother held his cock in his hand, gawking awkwardly.
Lo was making small circles with her ass. She moved one hand and slapped her ass cheek hard. She did it again. She looked back over her shoulder, enjoying the view of the brother with his cock in his hand.
Eventually she began to inch backwards, sliding off of the bed.

Uttanasana – Forward Fold Pose
- Uttanasana – Forward Fold Pose
Standing, Lo bent over at the hip, deeply plunging her torso down toward the floor as the young fella plunged his two fingers deeply in her ass.
“That’s enough,” said Lo. “Fuck my ass.”
Both boys looked bewildered at the bounty of benefits they were getting. The one who had been holding his cock took the lead and slid it right into her accommodating back door.
As he was going at her, Lo put her hands around her ankles and held the pose perfectly. Though I couldn’t see from my vantage point, I imagine that she was looking up at the action from down below.
Eventually the other brother maneuvered onto the bed and sat in front of Lo. Lo pulled up her torso out of the folded pose and placed her mouth on the boy’s rigid cock, sucking and slurping. I was very impressed with the endurance both these youths had.

Malasana – Garland Pose
- Malasana – Garland Pose
Lo was very capable of bringing the brother before her to climax, but she was very careful not to. Instead, she pulled forward, leaving Mr. Backdoor standing firm. She lifted her lips up off of the cock they had covered with wet caresses, and she climbed up on the bed.
“You,” she said. I think she was as confused as to who was Gary and who was Roy as I was. “You, come here,” she commanded like a director on set before a shot. She placed him flat on the bed, his staff protruding upward.
She straddled him, facing him. Her hands grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them wide apart as she slowly lowered herself down on his eager erection, penetrating deep into her pussy. She remained on her feet over him.
“You,” she instructed to the other brother, Mr. Backdoor. “Get behind me and back in my ass,” she said, still spreading her ass cheeks apart.
He responded rapidly, hopping on the bed and, on his knees, sliding up and in her awaiting hole.
Now she had both brothers inside her. She extended her hands in front of her to keep her balance and their pistons alternated in-and-out of her like a two-cylinder engine. She moved her right hand down to her clit and began circling her bean. Knowing Lola as I do, I knew that this move always preceded —————-
There it is! Like a whale spout going off, her high pressure pussy precipitated all over the boy beneath her accompanied by her tirade of Tourette’s-like string of profanities. I think she actually scared both boys.

Ustrasana – Camel Pose
- Ustrasana – Camel Pose
The boy behind her slipped out of her ass as Lo was drenching his brother caught between her legs. Lo, thinking he was on the cusp of cumming himself, turned around rapidly and enveloped his cock with her mouth, taking it deep into her throat. She could feel how powerfully the pressure was building. At precisely the right moment, she pulled off his cock, drooped her head back, and grabbed onto her ankles with her hands, displaying her chest prominently for the young man to douse with his abundant display of gratification.
Covered in one brother’s cum, the second brother still lying between her spread legs, Lo leaned forward to lick clean any remnants of the first brother’s ejaculate. But then she devoted her full attention to the second brother.
Lo turned over, and lay on the boy’s sculpted torso, slathering him in the cum that was on her breasts. She kissed the brother on the lips, open mouth, and slid, kissing her way down his neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, and right down to his rock-solid passion pillar.
When her mouth had alighted on the object of her desire, she turned to the other brother and said, “Hold it for me.”
“What?” he asked in disbelief.
“Hold his cock for me.”
Having been the beneficiary of Lo’s abundant generosity, he obliged. He reached out with his right hand and held his brother’s phallus firmly for Lo to lavish attention on it with her labia.

Marjaryasana – Cat Pose
- Marjaryasana – Cat Pose
Lo was on her knees, supporting herself with her arms, drooping her head down and lightly licking the tip of the youth’s cock as his brother controlled the large limb with his right hand, circling it around Lo’s lips and slapping it on her cheek, just the way she likes.

Merudandasana – Spinal Column Pose
- Merudandasana – Spinal Column Pose
Lo said, “Get up.” The boy who’s tip she was teasing, looked momentarily stunned. A questioning look appeared in his eyes. But, by now he should have known better than to question Lo. He sat up. “All the way,” said Lo.
He got up. Lo took his place, lying flat on her back. She spread her legs wide, lifting them in the air, and grabbing her toes with her hands. Her pussy, drenched and glistening, clean shaven, and pink, was spread wide.
“Stand there,” she said, indicating right in front of her, between her legs.
The youth was on his knees, his cock raring to plunge into Lo’s gorgeous glazed open pussy.
“You like what you see?” she asked.
“Are you ready to cum?”
“Good. Fuck me, then,” she said.
He got up and into her. Her arms and legs enveloped his body. Her face turned toward me. “Daddy,” she said as she received rapid thrusts from the youth.
“Yes,” I responded.
“I’m thirsty.”
I disappeared to the kitchen where I got Lo a large glass of ice water. I returned with it. The boy was pounding her, oblivious of my movements. Lo reached out with her left hand and took the water from me. Her forehead was sweating. Her hair matted down in front. She gulped the water as the boy continued his enthusiastic jousts at her cunt. I could tell that by this point, she wasn’t even feeling him, she was so wet and wide.
After she returned the water to me, she pushed the boy back, interrupting his irreverent attempts to cum inside her.
“Are you about to cum now?” Lo asked as he sat on his haunches in front of her, between her legs.
“I’m close,” he said.
“Grab it,” she instructed, but not to him, to his brother.
He took his brother’s hard cock in his hand.
“Jack him off. I want him to cum right here,” said Lo, slapping her pussy.
The two went at it, cock-in-hand, as Lo spread her lower lips with her fingers and slid a few deep inside.
“You like seeing me fuck myself?” she asked.
The boys couldn’t answer. They were mesmerized.
“You like how much of a slut I am? You like that I fucked you both right here in front of my man? You like my pussy? You like my ass?” she asked as she began fingering her special spot for them.
Suddenly, without any warning, the youth ejaculated with more force, volume, and velocity than I had ever seen. He covered Lo from head to pussy in his cum as his brother encouraged the multiple eruptions of his quaking cock.
“That’s it,” said Lo. “That’s it. Cum. Good boy. Cum all over me. Yeah.”

Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose
- Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose
When the brother finally completed his composition on Lo’s canvas, he smiled, obviously very pleased with himself. Lo smiled too and she bent her knees and curled her back a bit, pulling at her toes with her hands.
“Daddy,” she said.
“Yes Lo?”
“May I have my glass dildo please?”
I opened the night table drawer and pulled out “Glindo,” her glass dildo, and handed it to her.
She inserted it slowly in her wet pussy.
“Um,” said one of the boys, “we had better get going.”
“OK,” said Lo as she masturbated.
“This was fun,” said the other boy.
Lo was moaning at this point.
The boys were putting on their soaking wet clothes.
“Just tell your mom that you washed our car,” I said.
“Right,” said one of the boys.
“Bye Lo,” said the other one.
“Bye,” said his brother. “And thanks!”
Lo was too self-absorbed to respond.
Separately Together

Lola Beating Batter
“Whatcha doin’?” I asked as I saw her whisking some batter in a bowl wearing just one of my t-shirts.
“Making whole wheat banana muffins. Will you try one?”
“Darling, I’ll eat your muff any day.”
“Well, this is the only muff you’re going to get today because my donut hole is oozing jelly, if you know what I mean.”
“You’re confusing food metaphors.”
“Well, there should be no confusion. If you don’t want our bed to look like something out of C.S.I., then I suggest you be content with just my banana muffin.”
“But you look so very edible in my shirt.”
“You can look, but no touch.”
“What about my banana?”
“Oh, is that what you have in your pants? You looked a little large to me.”
“This is all natural,” I said, pulling the elastic waistband forward for her to see.
“Keep it in your pants,” she said, still looking at it longingly.
“But Darling.”
“No buts,”
“Just your butt, how’s that? The perfect compromise.”
“Compromise? Seems more like first prize for you.”
“That it is.”
“We’ll see,” she said.
“And then I’ll give you some of my batter.”
Later that night, we both got in bed and I asked, “So?”
“So what?”
“Do I get my prize?”
“No, dear, not tonight.”
I was a little disappointed, but I knew better than to press the issue. She usually reserves her ass for other men, especially to make me jealous.
“Can I ask a favor?”
“What’s that?”
“Will you hold Stoya for me?”
I got up and took my Stoya Destroya Fleshlight out of the closet. “Do you wish to lube her up, or shall I?”
“I will,” she said. “Just stand there.”
“I like to see how my fingering her makes you hard.”

Stoya Destroya Fleshlight
She circled Stoya’s pussy lips like she was pleasuring her before dipping deep in her silicon cunt.
“You like that, Daddy?”
“I like that it looks like you like it.”
“I only wish she was here for me.”
“I bet you do.”
“You ready to fuck her?”

“I am.”
She held Stoya’s pussy between her legs and said, “Go for it.”
I was positioned over Lo and Stoya. Lo was in the Missionary position holding Stoya steady for me. I slid right in. I was fucking her for maybe ten seconds before Lo said, “Daddy.”
“Try it this way.” Lo turned onto her tum and placed Stoya between her inner thighs so I could go at her from behind. I was sliding in and out as Lo read a magazine, dismissive of my masturbatory movements.
“Lo,” I said, interrupting her focus.
“Whatcha reading about?”
“Nothing. It’s boring,” she said. Then she pulled out her phone. I could see she was looking at a naked couple.
“Who’s that?” I asked. I didn’t have my glasses on as I looked over her shoulder.
“Just a couple. They sent me a photo of them getting off together while reading Match, Cinder & Spark.”

Mike & Alia
She scrolled through a bunch of photos.
“Are all of those them?”

Mike Getting Off to Lo
“Yeah. They really like it.”
“What about you?”
“I love it.”
“The book or that they’re getting off to it?”
“Both silly.”
“Good,” I said, as I continued fucking Stoya.
“Daddy,” asked Lo, “can you move to my side?”
“Why’s that?”
“I want to use my Hitachi.”
I got on her left side. With her left hand she absentmindedly held the contraption steady. With her right hand she pressed the giant vibrator on her clit, clearly focused on that action.
I went at it. She went at it. Each of us separately together.
I looked at her naked body as I made my moves on Stoya. I observed Lo’s closed eyes, her heaving breasts, her tum tightening and relaxing as her right hand pressed and released the vibrating bulb on her clit. I wondered what scenes were playing out on the inside of her eyelids. Was she thinking of a man she saw today? A woman? A lover from her past? Someone she is yet to conquer? Was there a chance she was thinking of me? Unlikely. I was right next to her, physically, but she was somewhere else mentally. She was enjoying the scene. Maybe she was picturing the couple who sent the photos. I could see her body tensing up. Her shoulders grew concave as her right hand pressed harder. Her breasts heaved and became flush. Her brow furrowed with the intensity. Her knees buckled and her hips rose. Everything was teetering on tipping and spilling over. The moment was taut with anticipation and anxiety. There was always the slightest chance she wouldn’t pull it off; that the big O would slip from her grasp. It seemed so palpably near, but far from certain. It felt like there were many spirits in the room cheering her on to succeed as if she were running the last few yards of a marathon, the tightly stretched ribbon just aching to be snapped by the victor.
And then, there it was, her great reward for her efforts. Her entire body heaved and went into spasms as wave after wave of pleasure rippled over her flesh. She cursed and groaned, grunted and sighed while remarkably still holding the Fleshlight with her left hand.
Her pleasure was enough to put me over the edge. I came, filling Stoya with my cum.
We put the sex toys away and fell asleep satisfied with the job our prosthetic lovers did for us.

Mike & Alia
A Brush with the Little Death
[The mini-series Mount Bliss continues from Casual Encounters]
“Oh, I’m so tired. I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight. I bet a construction crew banging away with a jackhammer wouldn’t wake me tonight! Good night.” Those words of Lily’s, spoken just before she went to sleep, were reverberating in Lo’s ears. Lo lay on her back, wide awake, thinking about those words. Was Lily trying to tell her and Collin something? “A jackhammer.” Hmmmm. Was she intimating that Collin could go at it with Lo in his bed? Was that permission? Or was she just casually saying that she was tired, unaware of her word choice? Lo couldn’t get the thoughts out of her mind. She considered and reconsidered. Do I sneak out of Lily’s arms and slide my way into Collin’s bed? Do I jill it here, in the darkness, next to Lily, across from Collin? Whatever she thought, falling asleep wasn’t one of the options. She was too excited at the moment. She looked over at Collin. Could he see anything in the darkness? She certainly couldn’t. Not yet. No motion. No silhouette. Was Lily asleep? Her breathing sounded as if she was.

Art by Suzie Freeman, Model, Lola Down
Lo could feel her pussy secreting little lust-drops beneath the sheets. She was in a strange state of arousal. The arousal stemmed from her inability to even move. A lithe Lily, nearly nude, lying next to her. A lumberjack of a man indistinctly there in the near distance of the darkness. And her own body, ready, waiting to be touched. Longing to be fucked. She thought about her nipples and how hard they were, unplucked in the draped stillness of the unlit room. Her neck, unkissed, her blood rushing through the veins to her head with a steady, fast pumping. Her earlobes, desirous of a tongue that would titillate them, of teeth that would nibble at them, and of close breath that would gently blow upon them. Her groin ached with pain in its uncaressed longing for a tongue, a finger, a cock. Anything, even her own soft sensation upon it, would do. But as she was, she could not even venture down there for a quick rub. This was a state of denial to which she was unaccustomed. Unaccustomed? No. Unacquainted. She never had to do this. Abstain, that is. At least not in recent memory. It had been so long since her last good pounding. Masturbation was fine, she thought, but fucking was finer.
The images swirled in her mind of cock, of Lily, of pussy, of her own hungry cunt. Porn, so close on her phone, but unthinkable to turn it on. She was turned on. Turned on to herself. She clenched her pussy tightly and released, trying, unsuccessfully, to induce a hands-free orgasm. She’d heard of it done, but had never tried it. Wait, that’s not true. There was that time on the Buddhist retreat, in seated meditation, when she figured out how to make herself cum without moving. But then she was seated in the lotus position. Now she was reclining, with a body cuddling her. Everything in the room seemed to scream of sex in the still, deafening silence.
She ever so carefully, so slowly, so gently removed the draped arm of Lily from over her torso and placed it with all due dexterity beside the body to which it belonged. She surreptitiously slid her bare legs over to the edge of the bed. She furtively felt for the carpeted floor beneath her. She found it. She sat up, silently. She assessed the situation. Lily sleeping. Collin alone in his bed. She snuck, slow as a sloth, from her bed to his. She got under the covers next to him. She gently kissed his shoulder, his bicep, he chest, his neck, his lips. His eyes opened without the slightest surprise. He kissed her back. She moved her hand down between his legs and felt his enormous, hard rod eager for her caress. She slid her palm up and down the shaft. Long, luxurious strokes. He kissed her more passionately. She positioned her body over his and slid down, her wet pussy dripping down the inside of her thighs. She felt the girth of his member stretch her lips wide as she shifted and rocked gently to accommodate all that he had to offer. In he entered, like a large rocket docking in the mothership. She took it tip to base, a satisfied grin on her face. He met her descending movements with ascending thrusts. Soon they became more forceful. He wanted to dominate her, to own her cunt with his cock. Using his strong arms, he rolled her over onto her tum in the bed and he got behind her. She positioned herself like a bitch in heat, waiting to take his firm meat between her fleshy pussy lips. He didn’t hold back. He entered with urgency. He entered with command. He entered her like a boss. She loved it. She lapped it up. He put his big hands on her hips and pulled her back so that now he was standing at the end of the bed, pounding her from behind. Bam, Bam, he rammed it home with complete disregard for the smacking sound his hips made against her round ass. Complete disregard for the fact that his young niece was sleeping in the bed next to them. He punished her with his cock and soon he was rhythmically ramming her like the jackhammer that Lily had mentioned. A quick whack, whack, whack, ever louder, ever faster. Lo couldn’t keep her pleasure to herself. She let out a moan, then a groan, then a scream. She met his every shove of his cock with a powerful reverse shove of her ass until she was dripping and squirting for the brief intervals that he was at the threshold of her labia. She was calling out to her god and asking for more, thanking her deities for the dick that punished her puss. She could see out of her peripheral vision in the darkness Lily propping up her head with her arm to watch in silence. She watched her uncle fuck her best friend. She watched as Lola squirmed and squirted, screamed and sighed. She watched as Collin beat the bum and swollen mons pubis of her sex-craved friend. She watched as both of them came with ecstatic delight and collapsed upon the soaked sheets of the hotel bed next to her. She watched with keen interest as they both panted for breath and then she said with a neutral tone of disinterested observation, “I think Lola likes you Uncle Collin.”
Actually, dear reader, none of that happened except in Lo’s racing mind as she struggled for release. Sorry to disappoint.
But then Lola got an idea. Yes. It was possible. That would do the trick. If she could only reach to the nightstand without disturbing anyone. She extended her right hand. She searched around for it, groping in the darkness. She found it! Yes. She pulled it back to her like Gollum grabbing the Ring that Rules Them All. Slowly, surreptitiously, secretly, she maneuvered it under the blankets, between her legs, into her wet, wide pussy. The shape and curvature of the handle of her hairbrush fit just so, snugly inside her where she could flex her Kegel muscles on it, giving her the sensation of a cock, deeply lodged inside her.

Good in a Pinch
Yes, yes, that was it. That was the spot she needed to hit. With her right hand she could gently move the brush, wiggling it side-to-side, up-and-down, deeper in, a little out.
She was perfectly primed and ready.
But wait! Of fuck! I hadn’t thought of this, I hadn’t planned on. . . fuuuuuuuuuuuck. The orgasm. The climax. The clenching of the walls of her cunt, pushing the brush handle out the way it pushes out cock when cumming hard. The inevitable squirting. Fuck fuck fuck! The gripping of the sheets with her fists. The biting of the lip. The convulsing of the stomach muscles. The necessity for silence. And then the great relief as the waves of pleasure and pain ebbed and flowed through her veins.
And then the embarrassment as Lily squeezed her tightly, kisses her cheek, and whispered in her ear, “It’s ok.”
Kinksters Connect Despite Cornonavirus
Hello Friends, Fans, Readers, and Rogues,
These are challenging times, especially for kinksters who like to fuck and fuck a lot.
In order to help us all feel more connected, we (HH & I) are going to do our best to make our community feel as connected as possible.
Recently we read about two of our favorite bloggers struggling. (Right now they are just struggling mentally, not economically or with health issues, but mental health is as important or more important than everything else.)
Please reach out to them and show them some love. No, show them LOTS of love!
The first is one of my besties, The Lustful Empress. She recently wrote a post in which she said she was having some body image issues.
We think she is absolutely fabulous! She’s turning 40 soon, so wish her a great new decade please.
Our other blogging buddy is Cara Thereon. We go WAY BACK with her and she’s one of the OG kinkster blogging folks from when we started and we have remained friends ever since. We just saw her recently and were so jealous of her going again to Eroticon while we stayed home. But, alas, Eroticon was cancelled due to Coronavirus. Cara has been suffering from daily panic attacks ever since traveling and she too could use some of your love.
Here are TLE and CT from some of their posts over the years. You can see that they are BEAUTIFUL people. Their writing and personalities are just as beautiful.
Stay safe & sexy everyone!
Lola & HH
p.s. – If you’re a kinkster blogger and you’re struggling, drop us a line.