Rank Erotica

Match, Cinder & Spark made the top 50 of erotic reading

What a lovely Valentine’s Day gift!

We found out yesterday that this blog is ranked 46 on the Ranker website for best erotica.

Thank you to all those who voted for us and please, visit the site to find more erotic authors and also, if you don’t mind, voting us up the list.


Lola & HH

The author and his muse


Writing Down Lo

            What does it mean to be an “underground” author in the age of the internet?

            Lately I’ve been reading a lot of and about Charles Bukowski.  Largely ignored for most of his life, he submitted his rough, distinctly “low-brow” poetry to independent and small press journals.  Through these he gained an “underground” following that slowly grew by word of mouth until other independent and small press publishing houses printed his works in book form for that “underground” fan base.  Bukowski’s work caught the eye of other writers and musicians, mostly in the L.A. and San Francisco areas, until eventually he caught on nationally and even internationally. 

            But in today’s media world, what does it mean to be an “indie” author or to have an “underground” following? 

fan pic

            This indie author, whom you are now reading, dear valued patron, has a substantial following, or, shall I say, a much larger following than I ever imagined would sprout from my initial blog posts about Lola.  As I have explained in various interviews elsewhere, this compulsion, which borders on graphomania, came into being because, after a few months with Lo, I discovered that there was almost no literature out there about being in a relationship with a nymphomaniac.  Since no one else was writing about it, I figured I’d toss my hat in the ring and give a first-person account of what it’s like – the proverbial trials and tribulations as well as the orgasms and titillations.

            Before I knew it, I was suddenly gaining a following and garnering the praise and accolades of other fellow sex-bloggers.  Women were sending me fan mail and nudes of themselves, much to the consternation of Lo.  Men and women were writing to Lo and sending her all sorts of salacious selfies, much to her lurid enthusiasm. 

The Beautiful Faye Daniels getting off to Lola Down

            Our subscriptions and unique visits to our blog went up and soon we were being featured on sites like Bustle and Top Sex Blogger lists. 

            I compiled various stories into books and those sold swiftly.  And now, today, we have over 20,000 followers on our various media outlets. 

            However much those numbers might dwarf the reach and following of a Bukowski back in the day, with the potential of today’s technology, that seems far less impressive than it would have been when the only way to get your writing in front of a reader was through the mimeograph machine. 

            Are you, dear confessional confidant, part of an underground audience?  Does it even make sense to speak of such in today’s complex and multilevel media ecosystem?  Or is “underground” just a term that is used retrospectively to describe a core following of people that read a certain author before he or she hit the mainstream?  Is it something that can only be applied with hindsight? 

            I don’t know the answers to these questions and I suppose, on some level, it doesn’t matter since I write about what I love and I love what I write about – Lo.  As long as the love is good, I feel the writing will be good as well.  And though the letters and gifts from the readers are flattering and the money (what little there is) earned from the writing is appreciated, what matters most is that I really enjoy doing what I’m doing. 

Total Surprise!

We saw that Mike & Molly over at Molly’s Daily Kiss had published their annual Top 100 Sex Bloggers awards for 2018 and we had no expectation of being on it. We didn’t ask anyone to vote for us and we are very aware that our publishing is less than regular or frequent! But, nonetheless, there we were, pulling in just under the wire at #97!!!

We are thrilled! Thanks to Mike & Molly and all of you!!!

See the complete list with many of our friends on it here:

Top 10 Sexiest Writers on Medium.com

I have been posting on Medium for only four months now.

I just hit 3,000 followers! Thanks so much to all of you!!!

I still consider myself new to this medium — Medium. But, since I’ve been here I’ve discovered some really excellent, sexy, steamy writers.

Of course, HH is still my favorite and I post here because I want to share his stories of me with all of you. But, here are ten other Medium writers, in no particular order and without any scientific system for choice, that I have enjoyed over the brief time I’ve been around this neighborhood of the internet. The following is not based on number of claps, number of followers, or anything other than what has turned me on.

Another reason HH isn’t on this list is because I deliberately chose only female bloggers. HH is one of the only male erotica writers I read, but I love the ladies you’ll find in the list below.

If you’re a writer and think you should be on this list, maybe I just don’t know about you. Send a shoutout to me either in the comments or via email.

If you’ve been included here, please do the following: 1) Make your own Top 10 (or 5 or 3 or whatever); Include the medallion on your post/page; 3) Include a link back to this post. Thanks so much! ~ Lola

And the top ten are:

  1. Rose of MyErotica — Rose has done perhaps more than anyone to promote new erotica writers and get the word out about erotica on Medium. She’s a great writer and a generous soul.
  2. Ally Snow — Ally Snow has a unique and honest voice. She doles out advice and also is candid about her own mistakes in relationships. After reading her, you feel like you’ve sat with a close girlfriend for a coffee, chatting for a couple of hours.
  3. Mimi Bordeaux — A direct writer who comes at you straight on, though she’s far from straight! Her writing is like Hemingway if Hemingway was queer, a woman, and a hell of a lot more sexy!
  4. Vienna De Vega — A smart, witty writer who also is an avid reader and an unabashed enthusiast of all things kink.
  5. Kris Gage — I don’t know how old Kris is, but she has an old soul in the best sort of way. She speaks about love and relationships from a well of experience, both good and bad. Her insights into Buddhism are definitely worth reading.
  6. Madelaine Hanson — A witty, take-no-prisoners writer who is prolific and poignant. A staunch feminist with a pen!
  7. Jessica Wildfire — The professor is in and everyone is hot for teacher! Jessica’s writing is steamy and occasionally she shares amusing anecdotes from the trenches of higher education.
  8. Stoya — You may know her from porn, but she has always been one of the most well-read, intelligent, and feminist voices in the industry. Lately, to the benefit of us all, she has been using her voice by writing a lot. Anyone who can cite Bataille in a blog post on sex deserves kudos!
  9. Lacey Divine — Writing on open relationships, sex work, and orgasms. Can’t beat that!
  10. Alexis McCall — A hotwife, like yours truly, who writes about all different aspects of these complex relationships. Prolific, insightful, and a great resource!

These are only the top ten of literally hundreds of great writers out there. I apologize if I’ve left you out. For more great suggestions, just look at my “following” list.



Top 100 Sex Bloggers 2015


Yay!  The indefatigable Molly, of mollysdailykiss.com has taken the time to take over where Rory of betweenmysheets.com left off and personally slogged through literally hundreds of sex blogs (a difficult job that someone has to do – and I’m sure you people reading this do it daily!) in order to produce the “Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2015” post.

Guess what?!  Not only are some of our best blogging friends up on the list, we are too!  This isn’t the Academy Awards, and we do have more than 45 seconds to thank people, but we’d like to thank you, the readers, the ones who voted for us, our fellow bloggers (you’re all awesome!), and Molly – a person who has helped so many in this slit of the bloggosphere in so many ways!   Thank you all!

Now, we return you to your regularly scheduled porn.

Images of people reading the blog:

read together1

read with a friend1



reading in shorts1





Who are you going to vote for? Lola Down, of course!

Which voting is more fun?  This:







or this: playboy cover










I know, with the presidential election inundating the media, the last thing you want to hear is a pitch of “Vote for me!”  But this is different.  This is casting a vote for the Best Sex Blogger of 2015 and I think that you should vote for mysexlifewithlola.com

There you have it, a completely shameless promotion. . .

I actually feel bad about this because last year we asked all of you good, lovely, and loyal readers to vote for us for Rory’s Top 100 sex bloggers – a list that we have made in the past.  And many of you (bless your souls!) did vote for us.

Well, unfortunately, Rory is retiring, but she is passing along the Top 100 to our good friend and esteemed sex blogger, Molly, of mollysdailykiss.com

Molly has been a tremendous support to us since early on and when we got shut down due to censorship, she was there to help us get back on our feet (or Lo on her back with her feet in the air).

So, be kind and vote for us again if you think we have great erotica writing, wonderful pics of Lola and friends, and, most of all, if you want to promote good dirty fun.  Thanks so much!!!!


Lola & HH


I get off to mysexlifewithlola campaign

We were so flattered that Emma McGowan of Bustle.com told the world that mysexlifewithlola.com is one of the best erotica sites on the net that we thought you too might want to tell us what makes you hard/wet.  Here’s your chance.


emma mcgowen This woman (Emma McGowan) gets off to mysexlifewithlola.com




What do you get off to?

Do you get off to mysexlifewithlola.com ?

Tell us – either here, or send us an e-mail: downloladown@gmail.com

Feel free to include a pic of you wish and let us know if you wish us to post it.


Thanks so much!


Lo & HH








(really us)







(not really us, but a lot like us)


Top Sex Blogs for 2015!

Dear Friends, as y’all know,Rori, over at Between My Sheets, is taking nominations for the top sex bloggers of 2015.  Of course, we would love it if you would nominate mysexlifewithlola.com!  However, we have just nominated the following list of 20 (ourselves included in the bottom spot).

These are mostly bloggers whom we have known and loved over the past five years that we have been running our own sex blog.  Some of them are newer, but most are near and dear to our heart and we recommend you check them out.

If you are a sex blogger and would like us to nominate you, write to us at: downloladown@gmail.com and include a link to your blog.

Oh, and please nominate us here: http://www.betweenmysheets.com/2015-nominations

Thanks so much!

Lo & HH

tell a friend



9 Best Sites For Free Erotica

We want to send a very BIG THANK YOU to Emma McGowan for including us on her short list of 9 Best Sites for Free Erotica, Because Porn Doesn’t Cut It For Some of Us!!!!

Lo and I were away for a long weekend (new steamy stories will be posted at a later date) and when we got back we found, to our great surprise, a spike in our daily hits.  When looking over the stats, we discovered why – because we were in this article from Bustle.com.

We had not heard of Bustle before, but we sure will be checking it out.

We also want to congratulate the other great blogs listed – some of whom we’ve followed for years.  Congrats to:

Girl On The Net

Bree Guilford


Greta of Filled and Fooled

In addition to these long-time friends, there are three new authors for us to discover as well as one of Lo’s favorite places for masturbatory indulgences:


Lastly, we would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to vote for us as one of 2015’s Best Sex Blogs over at Kinkly.com  Here’s the link to vote in one simple click!  They say you only have until October 8.

And if you could nominate us for Rori’s Between My Sheets Top Sex Bloggers for 2015 as well, we’d really appreciate it!

Thanks so much.

Below is a pic of Lo getting off to literotica.com.  No, it doesn’t make me jealous to see her jillin’ it to some other person’s words.  No, not at all.  What gives you that idea?

searching for sex

Top Sex Blogger

top sex blogger 14


Well, a great way to end 2014 is by celebrating our return to Rori’s Between My Sheets list of Top Sex Bloggers.  Yes, we made it this year after unfortunately being left off it last year due to technical difficulties (our blog got shut down by WordPress because of their censorship).  Unfortunately for us and all involved, it looks like Rori is having technical difficulties this year.  Her blog is now down 🙁

However, we wish to congratulate all the great bloggers who made it and when Rori is up and running again, there’s going to be a whole host of new bloggers to check out and follow!!!!

In a related note, as unexpectedly as WordPress shut down our capacity to comment on other WordPress blogs (censorship), they have now allowed us to comment and “like” again!

We wish you all the best for 2015 and, if you don’t mind, please leave us a comment and tell us which post you liked most from 2014.


Lo & HH
