Keeping it Hot and Wet

Couples Reading Together Have More Fun


We are delighted to share with you the words and photos of a feisty married couple who have been enjoying Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts.

Actually, they go by the screen name of “Feisty Marriedcouple” and that is not false advertising!!!

They first got into the blog and sent us some photos of them getting off to pics on the internet. But then they got the book and sent us some new photos. Not only are they incredibly sexy (individually and together), but they manage to take great shots of themselves while in the act! Such talent!!!

Their first cumtribution

I hope you enjoy what they have shared.

Sometimes, when he’s away, she enjoys the blog alone.

“Hey Lola, we did get a chance to read a couple of stories this afternoon! We enjoyed them very much! We also took some pics while reading. Well, to be honest, we took a lot of pics before reading, then ended up fucking because we were so turned on. THEN we read some stories while she used her wand.”

Sometimes when she’s away he enjoys the blog alone.

“It was actually a lot of fun! And the stories are great! Great stories, beautifully written, and not dragged out for 200 pages. It’s like having Literotica distilled down to the good stuff and having it injected straight into your veins!”

But they enjoy the blog most together!

That’s it, jack off and cum!

What a nice cock. Will she be jealous?

Good boy!


I guess he really likes Lo


Recommended way for a man to read erotica.

Recommended way for a woman to read erotica (unless she’s being eaten out by another woman)

To be clear, orgasms can be had from the book alone, but why not add other forms of stimulation?


Do you want to read with me?

Is the book making you hard or my ass and cunt?

Reading between the lines

This should be required reading in college!

Bedtime reading

Art imitates life and then life imitates art.

Don’t forget to clean up.

A few more from our good friends:



Lola Loves Dick

Lola’s version



Lo’s version of the shower pic


Ready for Reentry Daddy

Lola’s Gifts


Mysterious Witt – Very Witty & Sexy

Mysterious Witt
Match, Cinder & Spark


This week, please allow us to introduce a wonderful writer, lover, mom, sex worker, and keyboard comedian – Mysterious Witt!

We’ve been following her on Medium for a while, but recently a few things have happened that changed her and her approach. Her partner was diagnosed with a tumor in his neck and she has shed the shame of those who would judge her and revealed her face for all to see.

She has worked as a dominatrix, worked as a sex author at Hustler and Playboy, had kids, and then recently tried to get back in the biz. But mostly her experiences, past and present, make for incredible reading in the articles she posts on Medium. She also has a Twitter handle and an OnlyFans page, Instagram and a few more outlets for her creative mind and body!

Mysterious Witt
Match, Cinder & Spark

But perhaps her greatest talent is, as her name suggests, her wit!  Her Twitter one-liners are so witty that she seems to be the female reincarnation of Nietzsche, bringing back the aphorism!

Here are a few examples for you to enjoy:

I have time for a little drama, but not much.

Good taste is the enemy of art.

A woman’s breasts point outward and are a source of power.

I’m leaning into a woman-led kind of sexual openness that isn’t either shame on one side, or porn on the other. There’s something in the middle but it’s hard to find. Often as women, we move between patriarchal definitions of our sexuality. We have to define our own.
It’s really hard as a recovering people pleaser to acknowledge that not everyone likes me. But whatever.
My DILF just made me pancakes for Father’s Day. Never too late to have a happy childhood, eh?
Here’s where you can find more of her:
Mysterious Witt is a writer and pro-sex educator.
To read her articles about sex, follow her on Medium
To learn more about her life, follow her on Instagram
To hear her speak, follow her on Clubhouse

Mysterious Witt

Labor Day – Two Women who Work

Mrs. Sins

Today is Labor Day and in honor of those who work, we want to introduce you to two friends (of ours and each other) who work hard for their money. We also want to ask you to support them through a very special gift.

Samantha (Sammi) Masog and Mrs. Sins.

I’ll let Sammi tell you about herself and her business:

My name is Sammi.  I am from a small town in central Minnesota.  I am currently expecting my first child.  My husband and I are very excited and nervous!  We have two beautiful little kittys named Heinrich and Leonardo.  I have always loved photography.  I am the person that notices the small things most would overlook.

While looking to make a living from the thing I love doing I stumbled across boudoir.  It was super intriguing to me.   It was a way for women to feel like the sexual creatures that they are, but also gave them a chance to see their beauty in a different light.  We sometimes get stuck in being a role for other people and forget to see who we really are.  So I started taking on clients.  It was incredible to see these people light up with the way they saw themselves through my eyes.  I ended up with a whole new appreciation for the human form.   In every body is something truly spectacular.  If you look for the beauty, it’s easy to see.  Society has made this a much more difficult task, especially towards ourselves.   Because of this and knowing exactly how it feels to be told you’re not pretty enough and that no one wants you, I want to make sure women everywhere know that is untrue.   That led me to become a life coach.  I wanted to help people in a more specific way.   So I honed in on empowering women.  Thus my Empowerment Coaching was born.

I coach women to unlearn the negative things about themselves and to learn how to embrace the beauty they already behold.  Through monthly or biweekly session I help break down those barriers that keep us thinking “I wish I looked like (blank).”   We work on affirmations to ensure that you are your most confident and true self.  There is so much more to this world than just looking beautiful all the time.  We need to cherish every part of ourselves.  And I want to help people do that.  When I combine coaching with my photography I can help women truly accept who they are and not who they think they should be.

Samantha Masog, Self Portrait

Samantha has used her talents and art to inspire so many women to be confident and proud of themselves. And, as she describes it, it is a labor of love. She also will be going into labor soon.

Speaking of going into labor, Mrs. Sins – already confident and proud of her beauty – took a set of photos when she was pregnant that we think you might enjoy!

Mrs. Sins expecting

Mrs. Sins Pregnant


Though she sometimes takes selfies, usually Mrs. Sins is photographed by her loving husband, Mr. Sins. Though he tends to be a little more camera shy than the Mrs.




Mr. & Mrs. Sins

Unlike a lot of the people we profile here, Mr. & Mrs. Sins don’t run an OF page or anything else to make money off of their artful photography. They do it for the sheer love of it.

Did I say “sheer”?

They recently requested a copy of Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts and said that they loved it!

Mrs. Addy Sins reads Match, Cinder & Spark

Cover as Cover Up


Sometimes Mommy Needs some Alone Time

In order to show our appreciation and to help out two amazing women, we ask you to contact Sammi and make a donation to help pay for Addy to do a boudoir session with her and get some professional sexy photographs made of her for Mr. Sins, you, and all of us!

You can contact her here:

Instagram: rose.lens.empower

Mr. & Mrs. Sins


Meet Cailah


We want to introduce you all to our friend Cailah, an OF creator, MILF, and avid reader of literotica!

Cailah reading Match, Cinder & Spark, Vol. V

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Twitter’s OnlyFans site. First Twitter said they were going to ban sexually explicit material, but then when they realized that they would go the way of Tumblr.  If you recall, as many of us in the kink community do with great disdain, Tumblr sold for $1.1 billion to Yahoo in 2013. Yahoo wanted Tumblr to be allowed as an app on iPhones and so banned any sexually explicit content.  Result: Tumblr sold in 2017 for only $3 million to WordPress! Just goes to show, don’t take away the guys and gals who give you free content and make you rich.

After huge outcry, mainly because, in the wake of this global pandemic that has put so many people, not only sex-workers, out of business, OF was a great way to stay safe and earn a living. And a lot of moms, like Cailah, took advantage of that market.

Sexy Cailah telling you what she wants to do

Luckily, Twitter realized its stupidity and revoked its ban on sexual content. But not before a number of content creators had jumped ship to find other, less prudish, outlets for their sexual energy, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Cailah topless

How will this all shake out? My take is, the more outlets for people to earn a living, the better. But it does become challenging to find the main spot for creative spirits.

Cailah looks interested

You can now find Cailah at:

Professional Cailah Photo


Cailah Short Shorts

Cailah likes to ride

The Beautiful End

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Thumper-n-Daisy Guest Post

Yes, it is June, but that doesn’t mean that Masturbation Month is over.  No! Masturbation is a year-round activity.  For our “May is Masturbation Month” promotion, we sent a book to one of our favorite couples: Thumper-n-Daisy and, just in time for May, they did a live reading of it!  Here are a couple of sexy photos from their event last weekend. Below you can find out more about them, as told by Daisy.  Enjoy!

Sexy Read

Thumper doing his homework

A couple that reads together. . .

BIO, by Daisy.

Once upon a time Thumper found Daisy.


We were both a little bit broken when we met by chance on a dating site.
Hours and hours of chatting about everything under the sun, moon and
stars, lead to this crazy journey of sexual clarity. We’ve helped each
other mend.

I got out of an 18 year marriage that ended badly. Sex was very vanilla
– every Sunday (like clockwork) and always after grocery shopping. I
spent a lot of time masturbating alone to keep up with my fiery libido
(which I never really shared with my husband). I have also been a plus
sized girl my whole life. I couldn’t even look at myself the mirror. I
had weight loss surgery, and have lost over 140 lbs. It started to
give me the confidence boost I needed.  Do you know I didn’t even know
what a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) was until I met Thumper? Little did I
know how much some men enjoy a big girl. It was eye opening, and


Thumper was very experienced and his experience really intimidated me at
first. He brought me out of my shell and made me get used to the girl in
the mirror. . . every inch of her. He told me I was beautiful and I
believed him. He had some kinks and baggage he wasn’t sure I would
accept or understand, but he was very wrong. His experience just made me
more hungry to experience more myself. For the first time in our lives,
we were able to share all those deep dark things you keep to yourself.
Sharing it all was a relief and very liberating. Our relationship prides
itself in total openness.

Our chemistry has been a relief as well. The first time we had sex, we
looked at each other and said, “What. The. Fuck. Was THAT?” Everything
fit, perfectly.

We started making short homemade videos and posting them on a favorite
porn site. The feedback was astounding. As of writing this, our videos
have been viewed over 500K times. Our galleries have had over 2 million
views. We now do a monthly live web cam show and have fun sharing our
love for sex and each other.

Be sure and check out our website at or check
out our next cam show by adding us as a favorite on at

We’re Thumper-n-Daisy. Just your average couple next door. 😉


Penny’s from Heaven


Penny & Lola

“Penny for your thoughts,” I said to Lo.

“Actually, Penny is all for your thoughts.”


Penny xox – an OnlyFans content creator.  She’s loving Match, Cinder & Spark, Volume V: Shorter Shorts.”

“How do you know?”

“Take a look for yourself.”

Lo showed me some of Penny’s sexy “May is Masturbation Month” promotional photos.

“Wow!” I said, “Photogenic.”

“You don’t mind if I have a little Masturbation Month time before May, do you Daddy?” asked Lo as she reached under her jeans and began sliding her fingers up and down her crotch.

Penny xox

“I’ll leave you and Penny to enjoy each other.”

“Good, because I already got my subscription to her page.”

“Of course you did,” I said.

“We sex goddesses have to support each other.”

“Indeed,” I said as I went to leave the bedroom and close the door behind me.

“You can leave it open,” she said, just to rub it in, so to speak.  She likes for me to hear the pleasure she gives herself when getting off to other people.

Ten minutes later, she sauntered into the living room, pantless, wearing just her t-shirt.

“Feeling better?”

“I’m ready for you now, Daddio.”

She bent over by the window, looking outside as the Sunday strollers sauntered by on the sunlit sidewalk.

Her hands were resting on the windowsill and she looked over her shoulder at me.  “Well?  Are you going to fuck me?”

“Do you want me or do you just want to be fucked?”

“Is there a difference?”

“That’s cruel.”

“I mean, I want to be fucked by you.”

“Me specifically, or would anyone do?”

“Are we playing Twenty Questions, or are you going to penetrate my wet pussy?”

“For you, fucking is a physical act.  For me, I take pleasure in the cerebral interplay of personalities.”

“Well, you’re not going to get any play – cerebral or corporeal – if you keep talking.”

“And you’re going to get nothing but corporal punishment,” I said, as I took out my belt.

“I don’t know why you’re punishing me, but I like it,” she said, preparing for her lashing.

SMACK! – I gave her one strike across her bum.  She didn’t cry out.

SMACK!! – I gave her another.  She made a little peep in the back of her throat with her mouth closed.  Her head bobbed up a bit as she vocalized the yipe.

SMACK!!! – I gave her a third, much harder than the first two.

“YEOW!” she cried out through the screen of the window.  People on the street certainly heard her.  Admirably, her hands remained on the sill.

I stood behind her.  I entered her red bum.  She let out a gasp of delight.

“Penny will be pleased,” she said.

Penny and Match, Cinder & Spark

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“She’s married, has two teenage sons, and her greatest thrill is turning people on.”

“Just to be clear,” I said, “you turn me on.”

“Oh, I know that.  But she turned me on.  You’re just reaping the rewards.”

“Looks like we both are reaping a pretty good return on just one penny,” I said as she began to squirt, her legs buckling as she bit down on her lower lip.

She had to jump off my cock and she squeezed her legs together as tightly as she could, futilely trying to stem the stream of satisfaction.  Within moments she screamed as her ejaculate puddled around her bare feet on the hardwood floor.

“Looks like it’s raining,” I said.

“Penny’s from heaven,” she concluded.

Check out Penny’s OnlyFans page

Looks like Penny could use a spanking too

May is Masturbation Month – Mrs. Tastykakes

Mrs. Tastykakes

She’s married.  She’s a mom.  She’s bi.  She’s sexy.  She’s a MILF and a hotwife.  And she has an OnlyFans page that allows her to share all her kinky allure with the world.

Her name is Tastykakes and she recently reached out to us to be part of the “May is Masturbation Month” promotion.

She got her copy of Match, Cinder & Spark – Volume V: Shorter Shorts.

Mrs. Tastykakes

As she tells the story:

My hubby and I were at home the night it arrived.  I had torn into the packaging eagerly and pulled out the book.  I began reading on the bed and he was behind me, fucking me, trying to read over my shoulder, but really he could only see the sexy photos.  I was reading the story, ‘Spring Showers,’ about how Lo went for a walk in April and suddenly had to stop in her tracks due to ‘accidental squirting.’  It gave me an idea.  It was April.  It was warm out.  I was feeling slutty and sexy like Lo.  ‘Let’s go for a walk,’ I suggested to him, mid-coitus.

‘Can I cum first?’ he asked, or rather, pleaded.

‘Only if you cum in me,’ I said.

He thrust two or three more times before cumming deep in my cunt.

I threw on a sheer, oversized top and nothing else.  We walked out into the sultry evening air and I could feel his cum oozing down my inner thigh.

Instead of sexy photos with the book taken inside, we found a few places for a little exhibitionist show.  The entire time, my leg was wet and sticky as his load kept coming, mixed with my juices as I was so excited to be taking a dangerous photo shoot in the courtyard of our building.  I wonder if our neighbors saw.  I sure hope so.

Mrs. Tastykakes



Mrs. Tastykakes


Mrs. Tastykakes


Mrs. Tastykakes

See more of Mrs. Tastykakes here:

Mrs. Tastykakes and Lover


[The following story, which took place a few years ago, was published in the March edition of ENM Magazine – Ethical Non-Monogamy.  Unfortunately, despite heroic efforts by its publisher, this month is the last month of its short existence.]

Lo’s Green Dress from ENM spread

Saint Patrick’s Day in Chicago, where the river runs green and the jazz of a bygone era still swings.  Lo and I had gone there for Lily and Jim’s wedding.  It was an extravagant affair.  All the quaint rituals and odd practices of the public betrothal symbolizing holy monotony.  I mean monogamy.  I mean matrimony.  Sorry, I struggle to find the right words sometimes.  All the focus on the bride as an unblemished princess performing for her solid, stoic king.  There’s just something about it that provokes the puckish prankster in me.  Especially when I know that the beautiful bride in her pure white gown has a devilish desire for exceptionally large cock and that her groom comes up short. 

But Jim is a good friend of mine and a sometime paramour of Lo’s, so we took added delight in the carnal knowledge that behind all the nuptial vows, the oaths of fidelity, and the pomp of the ring ceremony, both Lily and Jim hadn’t any plans of restricting their bodies and pleasures only to the one legally bound to them.

So, as all the other guests let out gentle expressions of awe and shed a tear in reflection of this display of love and affection, I grinned a wicked little grin as I sipped my expensive scotch.

Lo saw my mischievous look and rubbed her leg up against mine under the table, indicating that she had some ideas of her own.

We both knew Lily and Jim to be swingers and so, when the formalities were over and the dancefloor opened up for revelry, Lo missed no opportunity to scandalize the evening.

We sat at the table next to the newlywed couple.  Rather than the usual choice of two entrées, there was a choice of four and so people were passing bites from their plates around for each other to taste.

“You are so generous!” said one guest to me after I let her have a bite of my food.

“Whenever I experience something amazing, I just want others to share in it,” I replied, rubbing Lo’s arm.

“I’m the opposite,” said the young woman to me.  “Whenever I find something amazing, I keep it all to myself.”  She also rubbed the arm of her partner.

“You can have him,” I thought.

Meanwhile, Lo was seated next to Lily’s Uncle Collin.  He arrived to this event without his wife Suzanne and no one blinked an eye about it.  The family was used to their “independent” social schedules.  This wedding happened after the shenanigans that had taken place at Collin’s mountain cottage, so Lo was very familiar with ‘Uncle Collin’ and his love of young women and his E.D. issues.  The whole night, any stranger would have thought that Lo was Collin’s date for the evening.  Given the age difference, they might have thought Lo was his hired companion as his FGE – “Full Girlfriend Experience.”

They danced together – marvelously, I might add – and reminisced, quite loudly at the table, about the days at his cottage.  He repeatedly alluded to Lo suntanning nude along side Lily, going to a farm and milking goats, and they laughed about how Lo lost her bikini bottoms while tubing behind his boat on the lake.

As they told these stories, Collin gradually drew the other guests at our table into their intimate stroll down Memory Lane.  He is charismatic and a good storyteller, but the whole time I was silently fuming, ready to burst out with, “Yeah, you could read all about it on our blog!  With photos!!!  I wrote it better than he tells it!!!”  But I remained silent and let the senior statesmen have the spotlight that he so craved.

He subtly hinted at, without giving too much detail, the nudity, sex, and other debauchery that took place at the cottage.  He was in on the secret we shared with Jim and Lily – that they got married prior to this large ceremony to appease their Catholic families and that, though they lived “in sin” prior to the private wedding, Lily was and continues to be an A.O.L. girl (Anal Only Lifestyle).

After Collin regaled them with his tales of titties and sun, one of the young women at our table, noticing Collin’s wedding ring and Lo’s “hotwife” ring, asked, “So you two are. . . married?”  She asked it hesitantly, knowing it was an inappropriate question that was only sparked by the gaping age difference between them.  Yet the curious guest was inebriated enough to broach the subject and display her incredulity.

“Oh no,” said Lo, laughing and delighting in the twist of the knife that was about to take place, “I’m not married!”

“Oh, so you’re. . . ?” the woman’s half-formulated question hung in the air awkwardly.

“We’re just friends,” said Lo.  “This is my partner, HH,” she added, as she put her delicate hand on mine.

The fact that they weren’t married, but had shared so much together, compounded with the fact that Lo was dating another, yet different, older man who was seated right next to her as she laughed about these sexperiences, seemed to blow the mind of our dinner companion.

“Oh,” she said, feigning comprehension, but displaying complete befuddlement.

The band began to play again and Lo begged me to dance with her.

I demurred, saying, “Dancing is emblematic of our relationship.  When we dance, you do whatever you want.  For me, though, the goal is to have fun.  But all you do is criticize and then, when I stop, you criticize because you always have to have an object of your derision.  Without it, you feel a tremendous void.  And whatever I do – driving, cooking, dancing, cleaning – I’m your eternal object of derision.”

Lo replied, “Well, when dancing, it’s more fun for both partners if one is not stepping on the other’s toes.”

“That’s only possible if you’re dancing solo.”

“You’re right, dancing is emblematic of our whole relationship.”

As harsh as this banter sounds, it was all said lovingly, tongue-in-cheek.

One of our friends at the table overhead us and said, “You two should write a book chronicling your lovers’ quarrels.”

“That’s a great idea!” I replied “That way I could document my long suffering.  I could call it, ‘The History of my Calamities,’ after Abelard.”

“Your calamities,” chided Lo, “you should be so lucky to have an Eloise like me!”

Having fully lost our audience with our theological allusions, Collin remarked, “You two have great erotic tension.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but no erotic release.”

“There’s a difference,” said Lo, “between erotic tension and sexual tension.”

“And what is that?” I asked.

“Erotic tension is in your head.  And you have a great release for that – the blog.  Sexual tension is between your legs and you have a great release for that.”

“What might that be?”

“My puss.”

“How’s your sexual tension?”

“I never have sexual tension,” said Lo casually, “I only have sexual release.”

“I suppose that’s what it means to be ‘a liberated woman.’”

She got up to dance with Collin some more.

Louis Armstrong’s “Just a Gigolo” was being sung by the crooner and Lo, wearing her green velvet dress in honor of the Irish holiday, looked stunning as she twirled and dipped with Collin.

As they kicked up a storm on the dancefloor, one of the women at our table sat next to me.  “Aren’t you jealous,” she whispered in my ear.  I couldn’t help but think of her as Iago.  Though green was the color of the day, it was not the color I was seeing as I watched my Desdemona dance with her Cassio.

“No,” I replied with a smile.

“Not at all?”

“Not in the slightest.”

“Want to get some air?” she asked.


I followed my femme Iago out onto the balcony of the hotel and, though it was freezing in the windy city, she offered me a few puffs from her vape pen.  Not wishing to be rude, I accepted.

Suddenly my Shakespearean companion transformed into a jovial leprechaun and the next thing I knew was Lo, Collin, the sexy pixie elf and I were at The Green Mill, a dancehall throwback to the age of Swing.  A big band was playing with a tall, lean black trumpeter in the lead.  They were pounding out “Tain’t What You Do” as Lo was passed from partner to partner in the crowd that was jumpin’ and jivin’ to the beat.

In my mind, the spotlight was on Lo and her eyes were on the prize – the trumpeter who seemed to be singing the words especially for her, with a peculiar emphasis on them, changing the meaning from, “Tain’t what you do, it’s how you do it” to “Taint, what you do.  It’s how you do it.”

“How you feeling now?” asked the leprechaun.

I felt as if a green wave was carrying my Lo further and further out to sea as I was stranded on the shore watching her recede into the distance.

There, far on the horizon, I saw her up by the stage, talking with the trumpeter who was standing, his crotch eye level with Lo’s face.  She was looking up at him, saying something.

The band took a break and Lo disappeared, as did the band leader.

Collin returned to the table and I inquired about her whereabouts.

“It’s Saint Patty’s Day!” he said, “The luck of the Irish.  I believe that Lo is getting lucky!”  He slapped me on the back and bought me another drink that I didn’t need.  “When in the Emerald City, anything can happen with a little magic from the Wizard,” he said, removing a teal handkerchief from his jacket pocket that suddenly turned into Lo’s satin panties.  He handed them to me and said, “Improbable, yes.  Possible, perhaps.  With Lo, all is green go-go and Eternal Return of the Dame.”

When I heard these words, I knew that I was slowly losing my grasp on reality.

The last thing I recall from the evening was a Julie London song, “Hey Daddy,” being played by the band as an instrumental number.

When I woke up, I was in my hotel room in the bed and Lo was rising and descending on a large bottle of champagne.

Celebration Time

Groggily I rubbed my eyes and looked at her to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.  I then said, “Be careful darling, I wouldn’t want that bottle to break.”

“Not to worry.  I’m wide, wet, and willing.”

As she proceeded to hump to her heart’s content, she said, “Will you order some breakfast from room service?”

Always the dutiful daddy, I said, “Sure, what do you want.”

“A bowl of Lucky Charms.”

Lo’s Taint