Author Archives: Lola Down
Protected: Special Collections
Match, Cinder & Spark for your e-Reader!!!
Yes, it’s out now! If you can’t afford the $74.95 price tag of the soft-cover hard-copy edition of Match, Cinder & Spark: Volume I – Nymphomania and the Single Girl, then you can get your own copy of the 29 stories and Lola’s own preface to the work right here:
for only $1.99!!! Yes, you read that correctly. One dollar and 99 cents gets you all 92 pages (roughly) direct to your e-reader.
There are no pics in this edition, but you can see those and more here.
We hope you will treat yourself to this first e-publication of ours and know that you’re supporting this free blog with the pleasure you get from your purchase.
Thanks again!!!
Lo & HH
Protected: Spoiled Sports
Starting the New Year Off Right!
“Dear HH and Lola,
Just a quick fan e-mail to say I am so glad you are back. When I saw your site was gone from the internet I lost the will to masturbate and haven’t really done so since – then today in a last ditch sort of attempt, I typed in your web address and poof, there you were!Great writing. Great stories that never fail to turn me on and/or entertain. Great pictures – Lola, you are gorgeous.So just a little thanks for what you do. You were missed (for longer than you were gone for).”
That is an excerpt from a reader’s e-mail that arrived in our in-box TODAY! What better way to endorse our very first publication?!
All the trouble we experienced over the past six months did result in one good thing – we took time to review and edit the first 30 posts from this blog and turn them into 29 chapters along with an introduction from Lola to our first published book:
Volume 1: Nymphomania and the Single Girl
You can purchase this lovely, soft-cover edition with full-color photos of Lo right here:
We know, the price is insanely expensive, but that’s the lowest price we could make it. We don’t even earn any commission on this. So, if you’ve been enjoying our stories for free, now’s your chance to get your own copy.
And don’t worry about remaining anonymous – the transaction is secure and all your information is kept private (we don’t even see it). The book arrives in a nondescript brown cardboard box that only says “Lulu” on it. No one will ever know the contents so you can enjoy the stories at home again and again.
This is a major milestone for this blog and we plan on publishing Volume two in 2014.
Thanks to all of you who encouraged us along the way.
Lo & HH
Protected: The Sexual Olympics
New Look!
Dear Devoted Fans,
Please excuse our appearance while we update and rejigger this for the new year. We’re in the process of trying to settle in to our new virtual home (the L-O-N-G process of moving from WordPress to our new host is finally over – been working at it since July, very frustrating!) and we hope you like the changes we’re making. Please take some time to look around and give us your feedback.
Also, check out our “Cum On and Submit!” page. Ladies, would love to have some submissions from you akin to Hy’s “Boobday.”
Looking forward to hearing from y’all. In the mean time, here’s a new nighty Lo got for XXX-mas!
Stuff My Stocking!
It may be a little late to get as a XXX-mas present, but who are you kidding, you wouldn’t give this to anyone – you’d keep it for yourself right next to your bed. There’s still time to get this 2014 pin-up calendar! Buy purchasing, you not only give yourself something you want and need, but you help Lo and HH keep this blog up and running. It ain’t easy fighting all the censors you know. Do your part to keep our little corner of literotica on the net for free. Buy one today. Buy two today. Heck, buy five today!
You’ll thank yourself in the morning.
We have some big surprises in store for 2014. But for now, we will have some new stories cumming soon.
Under Construction – Temporarily Closed for Renovations
I Write the Wrongs!
“The reasoning man who scorns the prejudices of simpletons necessarily becomes the enemy of simpletons; he must expect as much, and laugh at the inevitable.” – The Marquis de Sade
Yes, they have done it again. You, dear reader and devotee, have no doubt noticed our absence from the blogosphere. This was not a voluntary departure. Rather, the evil WordPress censorship scourge to the freedom of speech struck again.
The short of it is, we had paid good money to WordPress to reserve our domain name: That domain was set to expire at the end of November. WordPress was kind enough to send numerous reminders to renew the domain. As we approached the middle of November, I tried to renew the domain through WordPress, only to find that I was not allowed to do so. After complaining to their technical support department, they told me that since our WordPress account had been “suspended” due to its “pornographic content,” we could not renew.
Thanks again to our knight of the internet – a fellow sex-blogging fan of ours who came to our aid the first time WordPress shut us down – we were able to navigate the intricacies of moving our domain host to a more hospitable company. Yet, unbeknownst to us, such changes can take up to 10 days to complete. Hence, our long absence.
First the bad: Here is a list of all the offenses WordPress has committed:
1. They shut down our blog on the 4th of July without warning or notice.
2. When we inquired as to why, they told us that it was due to the “pornographic nature of the content.” They never gave us a chance to rectify whatever it was they found objectionable because they never told us specifically what it was they found objectionable.
3. Prior to shutting us down – when it came to their attention about how much web-traffic we got – they asked us if they could post ads on our blog and they told us that they would pay us for them. They never paid us a dime for all the ads and ad revenue they got for free.
4. When we tried to warn others through comments on other people’s blogs about the dangers of WordPress, they shut down our commenting capabilities on WordPress so that many of you – our fellow bloggers – cannot know that we “like” your postings or what we think of your postings. They have gagged us (and not in a good way!).
5. Finally, and most upsetting perhaps, due to our blog being down, we totally missed out on being considered for Rori’s Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2013! She thought we had “departed.” We congratulate all of you who made the list, no matter how upsetting it is to know that so many of you voted for us in vain due to no fault of our own.
Now for the good:
This censorship snafu has caused a few unforeseen positive consequences:
1. Many of you – our dear readers – have written in and told us how much you miss us and how concerned you are about our absence. Some of the best quotes were:
“You and Lola make me cum like nobody’s business!”
“I start my morning everyday with your blog. I so enjoy your antics of teasing Lola as well as Lola’s nymphomanical tricks to get what she wants. What a shock when i found the link had been suspended! Please let me know if you guys will be back or redirect to your new link.
I’m going through withdrawal, help me out!!!!”
“Oh no! What happened? Your blog is gone again!!! Sadness!”
These encouraging words and more like them helped us to get over the frustration caused by WP.
2. Since blogging was no longer possible, it gave me some much needed time to edit the earlier stories in order to put them into a book form. So, you may notice that the first thirty stories or so are unavailable. That is because they will soon be published as Volume One. There shall be more about that soon.
3. This hiatus has made Lo even more randy than usual and there’s lots of new stories to tell about her sexploits. See you soon, right here, at
If you want to help us out and fight censorship at the same time, please repost this on your blog. Thanks ~ Lo & HH
We shall soon resume our regularly scheduled programming – October is Orgasm Month.