The Hole at the Center of the World
“Daddy, I want your attention,” demanded Lo in her spoiled-brat tone. I was busy reading a book. I looked up at her.
“Daddy, are you proud of me?”
“Am I proud of you?”
“Of course I’m proud of you,” I said. I’ve said it before, but of Gary Chapman’s “Five Love Languages” – 1) words of affirmation; 2) quality time; 3) receiving gifts; 4) acts of service and; 5) physical touch – Lola requires all five and a few more.
“Why?” she asked.
Where to begin? An open-ended question like that really is difficult to answer, especially after having written five published books about Lo and thousands of yet-to-be-published stories – all expressing my awe of her.
“You know,” I said instead, “it is Father’s Day, not Lola’s Day.”
“Every day is Lola’s Day.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
“Please, just give me three reasons why you’re proud of me.”
At this point it began to dawn on me why, on Father’s Day, she suddenly needed to hear my praise. Because she’s been estranged from her father for so long and, on this day in particular, his absence and lack of appreciation of her was being felt more strongly than on others. As a result, she needed to hear from me – her father-figure/lover – that I held her in high esteem. The highest in fact.
“OK, Lo. Well, first off, you are incredibly beautiful and sexy.”
“Though that’s true,” she said, “that doesn’t count. No physical qualities.”
“Alright. You’re an incredible lover.”
“Also true. But nothing to do with sex either.”
“You’re just looking to increase the minimum of three to an indefinite amount by disqualifying my answers.”
“Try again. You still need three.”
“You’re a great cook.”
“It can’t be something I do for you.”
“But you cook for lots of people.”
“Right. That’s another reason why sex doesn’t count either.”
“This is hard.”
“It shouldn’t be, Daddy. Can’t you think of three things about me that make you proud?”
“I just gave you my top three.”
“Try again.”
“Well, you’re very accomplished.”
“Go on.”
“You’ve got a graduate degree. You’re successful in your field. You’re a rising star.”
“You think so?”
“I do.”
“OK, that counts as one.”
“You’re funny.”
“Funny? Funny how?” she asked. “I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you?” She said all this doing a spot-on imitation of Joe Pesci from Goodfellas. We both cracked up.
“And you’re smart.”
Suddenly there were stars in her eyes. “Smart. You think so?”
“Of course I do, Lo.”
“Do you know how much that means coming from you?”
“Plethora. It means a lot.”
She laughed at my old joke.
“Let’s do it, Daddy,” she said.
“Why all of a sudden?”
“Because your wit turns me on.”
“And you like hearing that I think you’re smart.”
“That too and I want to learn more.”
“What could I possibly teach you in bed?”
“I don’t know, but I’m a big fan of hands-on learning.”
When we got to the bedroom and she removed her clothes, I said, “Now can I compliment your physical features?”
“No,” she said, “just pound me Daddy. I need to be filled up.”
As I gave her what she asked for and she called out to me “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” it dawned on me (again) that she has a gaping hole in her heart that she attempts to fill through a stuffing a different hole. Her long line of lovers, past and present, most of whom have been older men, are mere substitutes. But I, the eldest of them all, what am I to Lo? Lover? Paternal benefactor? Security? Challenge?
As I continued the quick dips deep into her, she began convulsing and clutching my member. Tears began flowing from her eyes and greater gushes spurted from below. A cathartic, quaking, crying orgasm that left her breathless and sopping wet everywhere.
Still hard and sheathed deep inside her, I held her firmly, yet gentle enough to allow her to breathe deeply, her breasts heaving up and down under my chest.
“Daddy,” she whispered as she regained her composure.
“Are you proud of me?”
“Yes, Lo, I’m very proud of you.”

Fill the Void with Art
I like your story. I recognize the potential of a little trying to fill a hole.
The performance art piece your using as an illustration I’ve seen before. Do you have the accreditation reference?
Hi David, this post should tell you all you need to know: https://mysexlifewithlola.com/2020/01/body-of-work/