[The mini-series “Mount Bliss” continues from “Sun Shower“]
It was Friday. Though I couldn’t wait to be reunited with my little nymphet, Jim and I wouldn’t be getting on the road until early the next morning. Soon Lola, Lily, and Collin were in the Jeep on their way back to the cottage. They got back just in time for dinner with Suzanne. After dinner and some drinks, Lily said to Lo, “I’m feeling tired. I’m going to bed, but why don’t you join Collin on the deck?”
Suzanne, apparently, had already gone to bed. Always the accommodating guest, Lola took her friend’s suggestion and found Collin sipping his whiskey as he sat in a double-wide swing outside, overlooking the lake.
Lo joined him on the swing and they made some small talk before he invited her to join him in the bedroom.
“What about Suzanne?” asked Lo.
“We sleep in separate bedrooms,” said Collin. “She sleeps with Shadow and Bandit,” he said, referring to the dogs. “It’s been this way for a while.”
Lo followed him through the quiet house to the master bedroom. It was enormous. The square footage of that room alone was probably bigger than our living room and kitchen together. It had a master bath attached in an open plan layout. Lo said she’d like to wash up before bed. She dropped her denim shorts, removed her cutoff top and turned on the shower. She stepped in as Collin watched her. There was no door on the slate tiled shower. The water just poured down from a waterfall fountain near the high ceiling. Lo washed up and then dried off with one of the plush terrycloth towels.
She walked over to the bed where Collin was lying in just his flannel pajama bottoms. She must have missed the brief moment when he changed. Sitting on the bed near him, she removed the towel and passed him a bottle of lotion she had found by the sink.
“Moisturize me,” she said.
She was lying on her tum and he began with her shoulders. His large, strong hands gently rubbed the scented cream into her skin. She let out a moan. “That feels soooo good.”
Collin continued down her back and pushed up from her hips toward her shoulders in long, slow strokes.
Finally he worked his way around her bum, grabbing with his fingers and thumbs and spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could get a good look at her special spot in a slight variation from his performance the day before.
“Clean as a whistle,” he remarked, taking note of one of Lo’s most remarkable features.
“I used the pink grapefruit bodywash in the shower.”

Gettin’ a Dirty Girl Clean
“Looks it,” he said.
“Does it taste like grapefruit?” she asked.
He continued his exploration of her anatomy with his palms sliding down her thighs to her calves. He simply ignored her question.
His hands massaged around her ankles and then her feet. His thumbs pressed into the arch of her feet and he rubbed in sensual circles, bringing her close to climax.

Pink Grapefruit
Before she had another accident, she turned over and looked at Collin.
“Why don’t you get out of those pjs?” she asked, straining to see if he was hard.
To her great surprise, he agreed and soon he was as naked as she. But to her greater surprise, he was as flaccid as a well-cooked strand of spaghetti, though almost as long.
“Lo,” he said in a quiet tone, “there’s something I have to tell you.”
Lo’s eyes widened.
“About twenty years ago I was badly injured in a horse riding accident.”
“Oh no,” said Lo, even before hearing the details. She gave him space to explain.
“I was riding one of my prized stallions and I thought I had trained him a lot better than I did. He saw a shadow or a branch or something. Maybe he thought it was a snake. Maybe it was a snake. I don’t know. It was a long time ago and it happened fast. He reared up and threw me off.”
Lo covered her mouth as she gasped.
“The fall wasn’t that bad, but then he bucked and his rear hoof went right into my back. I had a serious injury to my thoracic spinal nerve 11, or T-11. For a long time I was in a wheelchair, which is why this room is on the first floor and is designed to be completely wheelchair accessible. I had a number of surgeries and eventually, after a lot of physical therapy, I was able to walk again. But, unfortunately,” he looked down, “I never recovered to full functioning.”
Lo looked at Collin’s lengthy, beautiful cock, longingly.
“Nothing?” she asked a little tactlessly.
“Nothing. Suzanne and I tried everything. For years. Surgeries, pills, pump. Nothing could get me hard or keep me hard.”
“No orgasm, I guess,” she asked, unable to conceal a tone of disappointment from her voice.
“Not in over twenty years.”
“So much desire,” he said.
“What can I do for you?” asked Lo, always eager to please.
“Lo, your visit has been a godsend.”
“So you don’t want to finger me or have me suck you off or anything?”
“I actually just enjoy talking to you.”
“Well, that makes it more interesting.”
“Can I?”
“Can you what?” he asked and then understood. “Oh, give it the ole college try?”
Lo nodded.
“See for yourself.”
Lo wasted no time. She got between his legs with her face and finally gave free reign to her pent-up desire. She licked, lapped, sucked, slurped, teased, touched, kissed, caressed, pressed, pulled, stroked, sloughed, and finally ceased, all to no avail. Not that it wasn’t fun for her, but it did not bring about her hoped for result.
Spent, she lay back and stroked herself, but, without instilling a similar arousal in her host, she quickly became bored of it.
“You’re a remarkable woman,” said Collin.
His words fell on deaf ears. Lo couldn’t help but feel let down by her mere humanity. She had hoped to perform a miracle. To raise Lazarus, to bring forth a baguette from a lump of dough, to at least fulfill some longed for fantasy.
In the end the two of them just sat together on the bed and they traded fabulous story for more outrageous tale.