Meet Cailah


We want to introduce you all to our friend Cailah, an OF creator, MILF, and avid reader of literotica!

Cailah reading Match, Cinder & Spark, Vol. V

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Twitter’s OnlyFans site. First Twitter said they were going to ban sexually explicit material, but then when they realized that they would go the way of Tumblr.  If you recall, as many of us in the kink community do with great disdain, Tumblr sold for $1.1 billion to Yahoo in 2013. Yahoo wanted Tumblr to be allowed as an app on iPhones and so banned any sexually explicit content.  Result: Tumblr sold in 2017 for only $3 million to WordPress! Just goes to show, don’t take away the guys and gals who give you free content and make you rich.

After huge outcry, mainly because, in the wake of this global pandemic that has put so many people, not only sex-workers, out of business, OF was a great way to stay safe and earn a living. And a lot of moms, like Cailah, took advantage of that market.

Sexy Cailah telling you what she wants to do

Luckily, Twitter realized its stupidity and revoked its ban on sexual content. But not before a number of content creators had jumped ship to find other, less prudish, outlets for their sexual energy, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Cailah topless

How will this all shake out? My take is, the more outlets for people to earn a living, the better. But it does become challenging to find the main spot for creative spirits.

Cailah looks interested

You can now find Cailah at:

Professional Cailah Photo


Cailah Short Shorts

Cailah likes to ride

The Beautiful End

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